Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: November 2012 (Page 3 of 3)

The Rider on the White Horse

One our my favorite images of Jesus is in the book of Revelation, chapter 18:11-16. Let me share with you, the vision from The Message.  Bear with me; I have my reason for giving the whole vision.  “Then I saw Heaven open wide – and oh!  a white horse and its Rider.  The Rider, named Faithful and True, judges and makes war in pure righteousness. His eyes are a blaze of fire, on his head many crowns.  He has a Name inscribed that’s known only to himself.  He is dressed in a robe soaked with blood, and he is addressed as ‘Word of God.’  The armies of Heaven, mounted on white horses and dressed in dazzling white linen, follow him.  A sharp sword comes out of his mouth so he can subdue the nations, then rule them with a rod of iron.  He treads the winepress of the raging wrath of God, the Sovereign-Strong.  On his robe and thigh is written, KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS.”

This vision is given just before Jesus and his army go into battle and defeat, “the beast and the kings of the world and their armies gathered together to fight against the one sitting on the horse and his army.”  Men, we know the end of the story – We Win.  I feel deeply energized to write about our victory in the blog.  There may be faithful, godly men who many be have questions about the future of our nation after our national elections.  But be assured that the kingdom  Jesus has established on this earth, that is, his presence and activity will last forever.  We are part of this kingdom.  He has final authority and power over all. “God lifted him (Jesus) high and honored him far beyond anyone or anything, ever, so that all created beings in heaven and on earth – even those long ago dead and buried – will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that he is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father” ( Phil 2:9-11 – The Message)

We now live in a culture in which the Christian view of God has been erased from the public square and is questioned in public discourse.  This past election, in my humble opinion, has been a wake up call for the godly men of America to rise up.  It is time for us to band together as men all over this nation, in small bands here and there, to prepare for battle.  Like Habakkuk we are to climb the lookout tower and scan the horizon for an answer to our cry to God. Listen to what God told Habakkuk.  “Write what you see.  Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run.  This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming.  It aches fo the coming – it can hardly wait!  And it doesn’t lie.  If it seems slow in coming, wait.  It’s on its way.  It will come right on time” (Hab. 2:2-3 – The Message).  Men, help is on the way

I will be writing more about the battle in the days to come.  But for now, my take away, from Habakkuk is that men are first of all to be waiting on the Lord.  Get your own heart and house in order.  In my mind, the most effective warefare in the days to come will be done by men who fight with the weapons of love and humility.  Now you may be surprised by my statement.  But I must warn you, we live in a culture that has rejected the Christian view of God.  Why! – because Christian have failed in their witness.  We need a new approach to gain any kind of foothold in our secular culture.  We need men with a strong heart, that has found healing in the presence of the Lord, so that they can aborb the arrows that will be coming.  Their strenght is in their character and conviction.  Men, are you ready?  Are you up to the challenge?  It will not be easy?  You will have to pay a price.  But if your heart is strong and your conviction is true and pure,  there will be joy and gratitude for being raised up for a time such as ours.

November 8th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

One day when Al and I were going to church we drove through a blind zone where the speed limit is only about 35 mph.  Al was going just a tad above that but there was a car behind that wanted us to go faster and was right on our tail. Al didn’t speed up as he respects the people that live on that curvy section of road but it was irritating to have someone right on our bumper. He didn’t give in to the pressure though and maintained  his lower speed.  Sometimes people in our lives want to push their agendas on us ( especially in this political time) and it doesn’t really change us but almost makes us firmer in what we believe. We must be careful in dealing with others also, that we don’t push our views on them but give them space to wrestle out the issues.  We won’t all agree on things but we need to respect others and be open and willing to change if we feel led after giving it time and space. Let us not pressure but remember when we differ on things that each one of us is responsible for ourselves before God.

Nov. 6th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

When we babysat recently for Kurt’s family, Grant was sick the whole time. He and I had a great deal of playing time together as he was too sick to go outside. My knees were rather sore from all the time spent down on the floor racing trucks and playing twister etc!  Our time together was like the sewing of seeds in his young life. On Friday night after I talked to Lily on the phone about her oral surgery, she said that Grant wanted to talk to me too. He had so much to share and talked for a long time of what was happening there, choosing his Halloween costume etc.  When he said good-bye his parents said, “You have no idea how unbelievable that was that he even talked to you on the phone. He doesn’t talk at all on the phone– ever!!!”   I felt very privileged! It reminded me that whenever we sow seeds, we must be patient and not expect instant results. Some may take a long time and we may never even see the fruit in our life time. But we don’t sow only to get back, but sow out of love for Him. It says in Ps. 128:2 “ You shall eat the fruit of the  labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.”  Let us not regard the wind but sow seeds each day!!

Nov. 5th


Devotions from Judy’s heart

“Jesus Christ is in you, the hope of glory.” Col 1:27 

Over the weekend I was reminded of how God’s presence within us is more powerful than our words. This was so evident when Al and I were at the monastery.  We attended Vespers and were able to sing the Psalms with the nuns.  The Prioress led the service and God’s love radiated from her countenance and she wouldn’t have had to say a word. She honored the 4 nuns who had died this past year, with appreciation for each one’s contribution to the Kingdom. She was aware of their individual giftings and gave praise to the Lord. I’m sure the monastery is not a utopia of perfect living but I felt I was on holy ground. The scripture came to mind from Gal 2:20, “Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not ‘mine,’ but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” ( Message translation)  What a blessing it was to see His presence so evident in the Prioress’s life and so many other nuns. It was a very rich time there and I went home more aware of His presence.

Nove. 3rd

Devotions from Judy’s  heart

Yesterday a crew of us lefse makers got to church before 9, full of energy and eager to get started. We looked fresh, energetic, and ready to meet the challenge. But 6 hours later this same crew was dragging as we tried to clean up the floury mess in the kitchen and fellowship hall after making 70 dozen lefse. You might say we looked rather haggard…like coming through a war. I think sometimes in the Body of Christ, there are those that are presently going through a spiritual war and are worn down. It’s so easy to give them a quick word to “Hang in there!” …”Things will get better!”….Rejoice in the Lord always!” . We are not understanding where they are coming from as we may be fresh on the scene just like the fresh lefse makers. But when we have come through a war ourselves, we can relate and be there for them.  We know what it is like to feel worn down and attacked so can give words that will bring them comfort, strength and courage. Like it says in Prov. 15:11, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

Nov. 2nd

 Devotions from Judy’s heart Today I got the picture of Kurt’s family going out for Trick and Treating each dressed in the jersey of their favorite player in Basketball, soccer, volleyball and football. We all have favorite teams and players and that may differ even in the same family. I remember Al’s mom was a big Lion fan and his dad was a Packer fan so some game days it could get intense. But I thought about the Lord and how He loves us all equally and each of us is #No.1 with Him. A relative once told me how she always thought her mom favored her and she was No.#1. When she got together with her sisters, each one felt the same, that they were their mom’s favorite child. I applauded their mom that she made each one of them feel so special and loved and favored. Let us remember that we are loved with the same love that the Father has for His Son. ( John 15:9), which can’t get any better than that. Sometimes it may appear that He favors another more than us when we feel things are not going well and we being exercised in our faith….but the truth is that He loves us All with an everlasting love. ( Jer. 31:3) Let us live in the awareness of being so loved!

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