Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

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July 24, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope your heart is filled with trust in the Lord for whatever the day holds. This morning, I plan to do food prep and go to my exercise class and this afternoon Al and I are going to Costco as I never got shopping yesterday.
Devotional from Judy’s heart
Do we trust the Lord? I know we say we do, but do we really trust Him with everything? I usually read each day from the O.T. and N.T, a few different translations, and a devotional book but in all the books recently it spoke of trusting God, and that’s a clue I need to pay special attention.
For example, when the Babylonians took over Jerusalem, they burned down the royal palace and took King Zedekiah and slaughtered his sons, and then put out his eyes before taking him into captivity. But the King of Babylon treated Jeremiah differently and very kindly and gave orders for him to be taken care of. The Lord spoke to Jeremiah and told him he would not die in the war but. ”You will escape with your life because you trusted me.” (Jer. 39:18)

When I read from Eph. 3, Paul was writing from prison and he tells the Ephesians that his life work is to help people to understand and respond to the message that all are welcome into God’s family, both Jew and Gentile. He tells them, “When we trust in Him, we’re free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go. So don’t let my present trouble on your behalf get you down. Be proud!” (Eph.3:10)

I also read from Genesis how Noah and his family were saved from the flood because they trusted God and did all that He commanded. And in Nehemiah, when threatened by the enemy to quit building the wall, they did not quit, but prayed and trusted God and set a watch against their enemy day and night.

We say we believe in the Lord, but do we really trust Him if we are filled with anxiety and worry? If we spend time dwelling on the “what-ifs” will happen, we are not resting in Him. Joyce Meyer shares from Heb. 4:3, “For we who have believe (adhered to and trusted in and relied on God) do enter that rest…” She gives ways of how to get our mind off of mauling over our problems and instead to choose to think of other things. Maybe we can simply do something like go for a walk, try a new recipe, or read a book. We get our focus on things other than our problem and trust God to work in our situation. Let us pray and give God our circumstance and wait in Trust.

Challenge for today: Don’t feed worry but trustingly give your situation to the Lord in prayer and rest in Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

June 3, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! We enjoyed our walks on the trail and have had such beautiful weather. Today is exercise class, shopping at Aldi’s, making spaghetti pies etc.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
As I shared with you before that my word for 2024 is Deeper, to go deeper with the Lord. Of course, that means there will be things that have to go that are taking up room in my heart so that more room will be occupied by the Lord. Some of you may be familiar with a pamphlet called, “My Heart, Christ’s Home.” The story is about giving each room of our spiritual home (heart) to the Lord. Years ago, I gave a talk on that using a dollhouse that lite up and spoke of the cleansing of each room.

The Lord wants all of us and that means dealing with the clutter of our hearts.  It’s a deep inner work that involves our attitudes, emotions, beliefs and actions. We have to confront those negative things in our lives and Mark Roberts from Fuller Seminary also shared on about it. His timing for my life is perfect as I desire that my thoughts, feelings and actions to be in tune with the Lord and acknowledge my own sinful responses. It takes courage on the part of us all to be truthful and look honestly at our own hearts. It’s more than going through the outward motions of changing our behavior and more of an inner cleansing to see how God sees us. Roberts uses Psalm 51 to help us, like David, to know how to pray and deal with all the clutter within. I want to share His prayer and may we make it our own prayer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Gracious God, thank you for the example of Psalm 51. Thank you for David’s courageous look into his own sinful soul. Thank you for how the Psalms teach us to pray with open minds and hearts. Help me, I pray, to have the same confidence and courage that David had. I admit, Lord, there are times I don’t want to confess my sin to you. Sometimes I don’t even want to look inside of myself to acknowledge what’s there. I need your help, Lord. May I discover how doing the inner work of confession is a way to experience the forgiveness and restoration that comes from your grace. Amen.”

Challenge for today: Read through David’s confession in Psalm 51 and make it your own.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy


The Church in a Negative World

Aaron Renn has written an important book, “Life in the Negative World.” It is meant for evangelicals learning to live in a culture where a biblical faith is seen as a negative influence on others. In a recent blog, Renn noted “About a quarter of the book is an updated and expanded version of my diagnosis of what’s happening in evangelicalism and its relationship with society at large.  But three quarters of it is about how evangelicals should start living in this new era I’ve called the ‘Negative World.'” 

I have been following Renn on line for sometime.  I regard his insights  worthy of serious reflection and discussion.  In his blog he wanted to “highlight four themes that you can use as a guide in thinking through the ideas I share in the book.”  I believe they are worthy of our attention as men who want to follow Jesus.

First, a posture of exploration.  In the world as well as in the church we are in a time of rapid change and uncertainty. We all are experiencing significant change.  Renn believe this should lead us into “adopting a posture of exploration.”  “Today’s world is much more like a ‘zero to one’ startup.  We are in the unknown territory and have to get more comfortable walking by faith rather than sight.”  Using the Israelites crossing the Jordan River into the promised land as an example, he suggests, “They had known only the wilderness, which was their comfort zone.   Now they had to venture into the unknown, following the ark because they had not been this way before.” 

Second, increased focus on being a counterculture.  Renn believes, “the evangelical church needs to spend much more time self-consciously and intentionally stewarding the strength and health of its own community.”  He sees evangelicalism as internally weak.  He suggests there should be more of an internal focus rather then that of an external focus.  The image of building an ark to survive the flood would be a good image for the church to adopt

Thirdly, a minority mindset.  We are no longer a “moral majority” representing the cultural mainstream of America. “This means,” according to Renn, “that evangelicals need to learn to act like other minorities have always acted. We have to create our own institutions and practices that demarcate and sustain community life and be less reliant on the mainstream institutions of society.  Evangelicals do not need to take responsibility for or invest in mainstream institutions.” 

Fourthly, raising the bar on church.  When Christianity was the de facto national religion, most people were members and attended.  The bar was rather low; discipleship and belief were seen as artificial barriers to membership.  But Renn maintains, “As evangelicalism becomes more of a minority faith that requires an unpopular choice to embrace, this gives evangelical churches the opportunity to raise the bar for what they expect out of their members.  Raising this bar will be crucial to having stronger churches as well.”

These four suggestions can work effectively for any gathering of men, wanting to combat the effects of the shrill voices regarding toxic masculinity.  Men, the culture is not going to give us the guidance, encouragement and support to be a godly man.  We must be more creative in building communities of men who are about to build an ark, so as to rescue especially younger men.  We will need to accept the status of minorities, while calling men to whole hearted allegiance to the Lord.  I am thankful for the godly men in my life.  Jesus said, “Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self” (Mark 8:36 – Message).



May 22, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a day of sunshine! We will soon be leaving Coralville, Iowa today and heading home. We were glad to get here yesterday as there were strong winds and tornado warnings. I had a wonderful swim in the indoor/outdoor pool and some time to retreat. Thank you for your prayers for our time away.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Why are we surprised when difficulties arises when we are serving the Lord?  The first question that usually comes to my mind is, what am I doing wrong to cause this trouble? But when we encounter opposition, it may well be, not that we goofed up, but rather the enemy sees the progress being made for God’s kingdom and wants to sabotage it. In fact, we can expect it. Jesus told us it would happen, and we would be attacked and hated for His sake but also reminds us of His power to overcome. In John 16:33 He said, “In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”

I am reading in the book of Ezra, how Zerubbabel led over 42,000 Israelites back to their land after being exiled in Babylon for 70 years. It was God’s doing that the Persian King Cyrus, gave volunteers permission to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. They no more got started with the foundation laid and the altar built and sacrifices offered, when they had to face opposition that hindered the building for over 16 years. Zerubbabel was discouraged and the people fearful; but finally, when their hearts received encouragement by words from the prophets and leaders and reading of the scriptures, they were able to finish the temple and worship there again.

We will have those that oppose us and try to sidetrack us from doing God’s will and we may get discouraged. We should not be surprised or feel hopeless, but rather seek God’s help and move ahead. God may use others to come along side of us, and encourage us and pray for us so that we can complete the work given to us. Let us not be slowed down or to give up but to place everything in God’s hands and go in His power, not ours.

Challenge for today: When doing God’s will, don’t weaken by words from the opposition, but feed on God’s word and get prayer to complete God’s task through you.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

May 15, 2024

Dear Ones,
Greetings from Lexington, KY and we arrived here after a full day of travel in the rain and lots of traffic. Our usual place to stay was filled up and so we kept traveling. I had a wonderful swim and today we will be going to Knoxville and Thursday to Statesville, N.C. So excited.
Devotions from Judy’s heart,
I just finished reading the new book out by my cousin’s daughter-in-law, Kristin Salvevold, “A Quiet Witness”. It was so good that I read the whole 346-page book in one day, as we traveled. It taught me much of how the Lord can navigate His children through the most difficult circumstances in life and shower them with His goodness, binding them together as a family in God’s love. I can’t even imagine the painful circumstances this family endured as Kristin and her husband Chris first lost one baby by a miscarriage, and then had 8 children; one was a special needs daughter, Britlyn, who had a rare condition of a deletion in her tenth chromosome which hindered her from growing as other children and required surgeries and lots of therapy.
 The latest 8th child that was rather a surprise, was Jensyn with an even rarer condition that only a few in the world have. It is called Trisomy 5p which resulted with many multiple problems that required constant care, much of it being in the hospital ICU. But she was loved so much by her parents and all her siblings that I think they would all say she was a gift to them and helped each of them to cling to the Lord in deeper ways than they ever would have, without caring for her. Often mom or dad had to miss birthdays or games of her sibling because she was in need of emergency care. Since Chris is a pastor, their church stepped up to help often and prayed much. Miracles were evidenced when they prayed, and Jensyn would suddenly get better. Jensyn was a silent witness as she never learned to talk or walk but communicated God’s love in other ways.
The family was all able to be with Jensyn when she was near her homecoming and through tears, they each sat at her bedside and cradled her and said their goodbyes. They sang and worshiped together and before her last moment they sang Chris Tomlin’s song, as the words became very real, “I will rise when He calls my name; No more sorrow, no more pain.”

Although she lived only 6 ½ years she touched many hearts, even of the doctors and nurses. There were 550 at her funeral, and Al and I were among them and very touched. It was a funeral we won’t forget as Jensyn’s siblings were the worship team and lifted their hands and hearts in praise to the Lord for His gift to them. Jensyn wasn’t a burden but God’s gift of love.


Each person has to deal with pain and death, and it isn’t the same for everyone. Jensyn’s siblings have written letters to her, and they are grateful for what they have learned through her. One said she taught her to how to love without expectation of return. Another felt she learned that she couldn’t rely on her own strength, but the Lord’s. Her brother writes that she brought the family close and now they await being reunited someday.

Challenge for today: Be present to others going through grief and allow them to grieve their way and hold them up in prayer.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

May 1, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a peace-filled day. We had a beautiful sunny day yesterday and then rain in the night.  Today I plan to bake, have Exercise class, Crafts, a visit from Ann, and later Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I’m sure we have all felt the negative words of fellow Christians against us at times and it can wound us. Likewise, we have all said things that were not kind about our brothers and sisters in Christ and judged them. Apostle Paul was the recipient of a lot of very negative words, but he learned how to handle the criticism without letting it get to him. I was reading in I Cor.4 and he tells the Corinthians that he is not concerned about what people say against him for it is the Lord who is the judge. In verses 3-5 he writes, “But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or any human court. I do not even judge myself. I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore, do not pronounce judgement before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart.”

We are all guilty of judging and when we do that, we are setting ourselves up as better than others, which is spiritual pride. We may be led to confront others when they are sinning but judging them is up to the Lord. He knows the hearts of all, our motive and purposes, and all tht is hidden deep inside of us and will one day bring all these things out in the open. He doesn’t need our help making judgements ahead of time!!

Let us not waste our time and energy trying to get the approval of others, which can change in the flick of an eye. It is the Lord who will judge, and we can lay our hearts open before Him and ask Him to reveal what is in our hearts that needs correcting One of our parishioners told me that I wasn’t sophisticated enough as a Pastor’s wife. You can probably quickly bring up critical things that were said to you. We don’t have to react and defend ourselves but just bring it to the Lord and then rest in His love.

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to show you when you are being judgmental and to repent. And when criticized by someone to quickly take it to Him to be the judge.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

April 19,2024

Dear Ones,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Happy weekend. Hope you wake to a sunny day. Each morning as I look out my window the trees are budding and everything is starting to green up. Today Ann’s family is taking us out for lunch!                                                                                                                                                                                    Devotions from Judy’s heart                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Lord is after our hearts and wants us to know Him in a deep way. We can pray and ask Him for decisions about who to marry, what field of work we should go into, or whether we should move etc. But those things, though they are important, they are not the most important for first it is to really know the Lord. The more intimate we know Him, the more we will be able to discern what He wants in our lives. Because I know Al so well, I can almost predict in situations what He will do. There are many times I could finish his sentences and he mine. It’s because we spend time together and share together and know each other well.                                                                                                                                                 As we spend time in the Word and prayer with an openness to the Lord, the Holy Spirit will reveal more of the Lord to us. Some of the questions we are asking may be answered specifically in the Word and we don’t have to wonder if it is His will, for it is only a matter of obedience. Through our times with Him, we may find our hearts are being enlarged and softened and we come away with a desire to express His love to others around us. It is not something we feel we have to do, but it becomes something on our hearts we want to do.

One thing we discover as we draw closer to the Lord, there is no room for unforgiveness towards anyone. Jesus forgave those that put Him to death, and we must also forgive everyone who has hurt us. We are going to need His power to do that, as it is one of the most difficult things He asks of us. But if we do not forgive and become revengeful, it is much like poison in our bodies. It may show itself in depression, anger, bitterness and anxiousness. But as Paul told the Colossian believers, “Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Col. 3:13) If we do not forgive our Heavenly Father will not forgive us. (Matt. 6:15)                                                                                                                                                                                                 Let us give our hearts fully to the Lord and let us be known by Him and become like Him.                                                                                                                     Challenge for today: Open your heart in new ways to the Lord and to others.                                                                                                                                                  May you have a wonderful weekend full of blessings and prayers and love, Judy


April 15, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather over the weekend. Love the walks on the trail. When I came home from church on Saturday afternoon the hinge on my computer had popped off (more like exploded) and we took a trip to the geeks. They could not fix it and if we don’t find someone local who can, I will have to send it in, which may be 2 weeks. Just so you know if you don’t get devotions from me for a time.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
No one who is an island unto himself. To be whole and complete we need our lives. Friendships are important and we not only need to open our hand of friendship to others but to receive it ourselves. Hopefully, as you read this, that you are rich with friendships and treasure them. None of us are totally self-sufficient, nor should we be.

When I read of Jeremiah’s life, he spent a lot of time alone and yet he had several close friends; one who even saved him from being murdered under King Jehoiakim. There is also much written of Baruch who a very faithful friend and a scribe who wrote down what Jeremiah dictated, delivering it when asked. He was loyal and didn’t abandon Jeremiah though they went through one hard time after another.  Another friend was Ebed-melek, the Ethiopian Eunuch, who risked his own life to rescue Jeremiah out of a cistern, where he was left to die.

 Not many of our friends have physically saved our lives but I am full of gratitude for those friends that have helped me in my spiritual journey and who I can count on. I am especially grateful that they were willing to listen to my heart and speak truth to me when going through hard circumstances and praying over me and giving encouragement. I have also wept and prayed with friends as their burdens were shared. King Solomon says in Eccl. 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and had not another to lift him up!” Friends are important and a gift from the Lord. We need to be open to new friends as well as old. I often meet with a longtime special friend on our way to KS, and we will just seem to pick up where we last left off.

We are rich when we have friends who listen well, keep confidences, share truth, forgive, desire to grow in the Lord alongside of us, and give encouragement. Let us be that very kind of friend that we want to have.

Challenge for today: Pray and make time for friendships that the Lord sends your way.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

March 23, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to joy and peace, no matter what your circumstances are. May you have a great weekend and time to be renewed.
I plan to bake and clean today, and we hear more snow is predicted tomorrow.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
We probably all have friends going through hard times and maybe dark times include us right now. But we can take heart, for the Lord is greater than anything we face and can bring us peace, even in the midst of whatever we are going through. I like what Debbie McDaniel wrote about how beauty and greatness can result from our darkness. She quotes Isaiah I:3, “He has sent me, to provide for all those who grieve in Zion, to give them crowns instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of tears of grief, and clothes of praise instead of spirit of weakness.” Doesn’t that sound wonderful?! We won’t always have ashes for they will fall away but His glory will shine through the very places we are struggling with now.

The Lord will not only give us peace in our struggles but also comfort and deep joy. Sounds unbelievable but many of you have maybe experienced it, and it is hard to explain to others. The Message translation says that he cares for the needs of all who mourn and gives them bouquets of roses instead of ashes and messages of joy instead of news of doom, and a praising heart instead of languid spirit. The Lord is right there with us through it all and we can experience His peace and even a deep joy. Debbie writes a prayer that you may want to pray for yourself or send to a loved one who is going through a dark time.

Dear God,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  In this season of Lent we’re reminded of our own difficulties and struggles. Sometimes the way has seemed too dark. Sometimes we feel like our lives have been marked by such grief and pain, we don’t see how our circumstances can ever change. But in the midst of our weakness, we ask that you would be strong on our behalf. Lord, rise up within us, let your Spirit shine out of every broken place we’ve walked through. Allow your power to be manifest through our own weakness, so that others will recognize it is You who is at work on our behalf. We ask that you would trade the ashes of our lives for the beauty of your Presence. Trade our mourning and grief for the oil of joy and gladness from your Spirit. Trade our despair for hope and praise. We choose to give you thanks today and believe that this season of darkness will fade away. Thank you that you are with us in whatever we face, and that you are greater than this trial. We know and recognize that you are Sovereign, we thank you for the victory that is ours because of Christ Jesus, and we are confident that you have good still in store for our future. We thank you that you are at work right now, trading our ashes for greater beauty. We praise you, for you make all things new.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Challenge for today: Trade the ashes of your life for the beauty of His presence.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

March 4, 2024

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Al and I already saw our first robin on the Paul Bunyan trail! Today Al is going to Pine City to get our taxes done and I hope to clean all the blinds and windows while he is gone. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I have been reading about intentionality in Just Between Us” magazine, and I am wondering what that means for me and maybe for you too. If we live intentionally, we live with purpose and with an aim or plan. Like Paul writes in Eph. 5:15-17, “So then, be very careful how you live. Don’t live like foolish people but like wise people. Make the most of your opportunities because these are evil days. So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord wants.”

How do we live like the Lord desires for us, with intention and as wise people? Too many times in our Christian walk we can go on auto pilot rather than having purpose in each day. Katy Boykin writes, that “Intentional livings is co-authoring your life with the Creator of the universe (God) to make your highest contribution to yourself and the world.”. We are to pay attention to how we live and make the most of the opportunities the Lord puts before each of us. How we do that may be quite different for each of us, as He has a unique purpose for each of our lives and gifted us accordingly. The closer we come to Him as we read the word, worship, spend time in prayer and listening to Him, the more we will be able to accomplish His purposes in our lives.

Living intentionally will help us live each and every day with purpose as we make progress in choosing His will over our will and learning to trust the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives. It means dying to self and our desires, but it is replaced with choosing God’s ways and for His pleasure. He will show us the areas in our lives that need His attention and free us to be our true selves and live with purpose. We all have spiritual gifts given us and as we recognize and know how we are gifted we will find that we can live more purposefully. One person with the gift of mercy will find opportunities to go along side another to bring help; the one with the gift serving will spend time pouring out for others in ways of meeting their needs etc.

Let us not be lethargic and selfish but rather live whole heartedly for the Lord and bring much glory to Him.

Challenge for today: Surrender your daily schedule to the Lord each day and live with intention.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy




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