I am in the rehab portion of my recovering from hip replacement surgery. I had a pastor tell me years ago, that when you are put in bed it is similar to going into God’s “school house”. I sure have been experiencing the reality of being taught by God. It is not what one would choose, but rather a circumstance in which God is wanting to get my attention. I am sure that some of you have experienced this kind of schooling, or at least someone who is near and dear to you. I want to share a verse that has become one that I have been clinging to in my situation. It is from Ps. 131:1-2. “My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.”
There have been some rough nights for me. I have had fear, uncertainty and many “what ifs” that have flooded my mind. I have not slept well because my focus is on my problems and the future with an artificial hip. I share this with the men who read this blog, as a kind of confession. I thought it would be good for you to know that I still have my struggles as a follower of Jesus.
One night as I was reading this passage, I simply pictured my heavenly Father carrying me in his arms. I did what I could to calm and quiet myself like a weaned child before my Father. I have kept that image now for several days. I would literally pray a prayer something like this. “Father, I come to you as your child. I give my whole circumstance to you. It is in your care. I surrender it all to you. Thank you, for watching over me.” This imagery has helped me to come to rest in my circumstances. As long as my focus is on my heavenly Father, I stay “above water” as it were. Just on the edges of consciousness, all the ‘what ifs” dwell. But in simple childlike faith I keep my focus on Jesus
Men, I hope my immediate story of having to cry out to God can be an encouragement to some one who is reading this blog. There will be times when you feel overwhelmed in your situations. Two vital things I have been learning these last couple days. First, Al get your focus off yourself. Worry will not help you. Secondly, by faith and the trust that comes with that faith, literally cry out to Jesus for help. Remember blind Bartimaeus, who was desperate for help. He prayed “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” I hope my vulnerability with my rehab from hip surgery can be of some help to a man ready this blog. I close with Paul’s word to the Philippians in 4:6-7 from the message. These have really helped my keep my focus. “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”
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