We must guard against greed and not think we have to consume more to be happy. All we have belongs to the Lord anyway and we can have joy in sharing what we have with others. I’m sure we have all seen the child who piles his favorite toys together and then guards them so no one else will be able to play with them, only him. How sad for he is not free to really enjoy his things until he opens his hands to share with others. We need to not get preoccupied with getting things but hold all that we have loosely and be ready to share as we are led by the Lord.
Having a lot doesn’t necessarily make it easier to share for some who are poor are more generous to others than the rich. When Al was in seminary, we were poor and lived on his small parttime job paycheck, but we always had enough to have company over and give in different ways. It all has to do with the heart, and we need to be content with what we have and also be free to share when prompted. It says in Heb. 13:5, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Joy comes not when we are preoccupied with getting more for ourselves but in sharing with others. Let us trust God in all things and live simply that with heaven in view.
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