Dear Ones,

Hope you have a day of trusting and resting in God’s promises and speaking truth! Al is going to men’s group this morning and I am going to bake, get my hair cut and later we have Bible study. I am hoping soon that I will be getting my computer back again as they texted me that the part had come for it!

Devotions from Judy’s heart

When I was reading David’s words found in Psalm 12, it sounded just like people today. “Help, O Lord. No godly person is left. Faithful people have vanished from among Adam’s descendants! They speak with flattering lips. They say one thing but mean another.” David is asking God where are the godly people, the ones who speak truth and are faithful? It seems like they’ve disappeared, and as so many people today, they just lie, lie, lie. They speak flattery with boastful and deceitful tongues and may even brag that they can talk people into anything if they make it sound enticing enough. Many say one thing, but it is not what they really mean.

David feels like he is alone as his friends are gone and he doesn’t know who he can trust to speak truthfully. He was sick of hearing empty words! So many people today are double hearted saying one thing today and the opposite another day.

But David goes on to say in verse 6 that he can trust God’s promises and they are true and pure like silver refined in a furnace, purified 7 times. This process of refining burns away all the imperfections and impurities. God’s Word is truth; it is pure. God will keep His Word always. David asks God to protect and keep him safe from the lies of the wicked.

May the Lord help us to be faithful and speak truth and not be double minded. As a pastor’s wife there were times people spoke untruths about someone else, but I didn’t take it at face value. One such time it was against a close friend of mine, and I immediately knew this person was lying. I checked with my friend and there was no truth in what the person had related of her. Of course, it is especially hard when we are lied against and cannot defend ourselves, but we need to leave that with the Lord too. He is our defender.
Let us all strive to be people of integrity who say what we mean and mean what we say.

Challenge for today:  Be a person that others can trust and know that we speak truth from our heart.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy