Canaan's Rest

Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

January 22, 2025

Dear Ones,
Hope you are keeping warm during these cold days. Yesterday got down to -22 and today the low is -12. Emoji I love to bake when it is cold and the apartment is full of good aromas. I plan to go to Exercise class and Creative Crafts and later Bible Study at church.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
As we have watched on TV the fires burning in California and seen the faces of those that have lost everything, it is very sobering. How must it feel to have everything you own gone in a few minutes leaving you with no home, nothing familiar and nowhere to go. I have been reading a book about the Benedictines who don’t possess anything and when they become a monk, they give everything to the monastery or to family etc. and then share with all. Some nuns inscribed their books with ad usus before their names, meaning “for the use of”. Maybe that is how we should think of our possessions. I am using this item now, but I hold it loosely that it can be shared with you as well.

We must guard against greed and not think we have to consume more to be happy. All we have belongs to the Lord anyway and we can have joy in sharing what we have with others. I’m sure we have all seen the child who piles his favorite toys together and then guards them so no one else will be able to play with them, only him.  How sad for he is not free to really enjoy his things until he opens his hands to share with others. We need to not get preoccupied with getting things but hold all that we have loosely and be ready to share as we are led by the Lord.

Having a lot doesn’t necessarily make it easier to share for some who are poor are more generous to others than the rich. When Al was in seminary, we were poor and lived on his small parttime job paycheck, but we always had enough to have company over and give in different ways. It all has to do with the heart, and we need to be content with what we have and also be free to share when prompted. It says in Heb. 13:5, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Joy comes not when we are preoccupied with getting more for ourselves but in sharing with others.  Let us trust God in all things and live simply that with heaven in view.

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you see the various needs around you and to open your heart and your hands.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

January 21, 2025

Dear Ones,
Hope you will have a peace-filled day. I plan to do food prep and go to Women’s Bible study and later we are going friends for fellowship and prayer. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Words are so important, and they impact the lives of others, so we need to take thought for what we say. Our words can encourage others and help them, or they can discourage them and bring them down. We have only to remember thoughtful words spoken to us that brought new life to us when we wondered if we mattered or were going to make it through a hard time. Words are like gold and as it says in Prov 16:24, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”

Al is good at giving me positive words that brings encouragement to me. We all need to do that for one another. Sometimes when we feel down and someone speaks those honeycomb words to us, we realize how important it is to also speak life-giving words to the those around us. It is made even easier today as we can text an instant message, and sometimes even a snail mail card is just what someone needs to hold onto.

We can all be bearers of encouraging words which can be life-giving to others. It is especially important in marriage to remember to speak words that will build one another up as we give supportive, comforting, and encouraging words. It can also be done through our actions that speak silent words. Maybe we are just present for another and sit with them in their grief while our presence is speaking comfort. A hug can also be a silent word of love, especially when someone is hurting as it can diffuse stress and transmit a feeling of encouragement. Even our eyes can send a wordless message that we are hurting with them, and that we understand. Let us never undervalue the power of words but speak words of encouragement as the Spirit prompts us.

Challenge for today: Surprise a family member with a word of what you are thankful for in them.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

The Prophet Joel and the Barbarians

In the early 1990’s I read a book by Charles Colson, entitled “Against the Night.”  He visualized  barbarians already having invaded our culture left a lasting impression on me.  He noted, “I believe that we do face a crisis in Western culture, and that it presents the greatest threat to civilization since the barbarians invaded Rome….. This time the invaders have come from within.  We have bred them in our families and trained them in our classrooms….. Most of them are attractive and pleasant; their ideas are persuasive and subtle.  Yet these men and women threaten our most cherished institutions and our very character as a people.”  Today, there is talk of our culture becoming “paganized.”  

God spoke through the prophet Joel concerning of a coming invasion  of locust plague as a destructive invasion, referring it to “a day of the Lord.” The date of Joel’s prophecy is uncertain, as well as the interpretation of the locusts. In this blog I would like to suggest the invasion of the locust as being compared to the “barbarians,” Colson talked about almost 30 years ago. 

 We are being warned to be aware of how we are relate to God in our day. Eugene Peterson said, “The powerful picture has kept God’s people alert to the eternal consequences of their decisions for many centuries.” “Such an event,” Peterson believes, “simply exposes the moral or spiritual reality that already exists but was hidden beneath an overlay of routine, self-preoccupation, and business as usual.” We can certainly see how the barbarians have been at work in our culture. 

The invasion of locusts calls the people not only to lament but also to repent.  The ultimate focus is not despair but on God who dwells among the people.  “Rather then simply being the reminder of a catastrophe, the prophecy also serves as a model.  Destruction, lamentation, and repentance leading to restoration are steps applicable to many periods of existence, both for a nation and for an individual.  The prophecy can well serve as a liturgy for life” (NIVZSB). 

It seems to me, thinking of Joel as a “liturgy for life,” would be helpful for men wanting to engage of culture that has been invaded by “barbarians.”  Joel cries out to the people , “Sound the trumpet in Jerusalem!  Raise the alarm on my holy mountain!  Let everyone tremble in fear because the day of the Lord is upon us.  It is a day of darkness and gloom, a day of thick clouds and deep blackness” (Joel 2:1-2).  This is an urgent wake up call for the people of God to seek God during a time of real spiritual darkness.  

Joel’s call is urgent.  “Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly” (Joel 2:15).   He urges them to pray, “Spare your people, O Lord.  Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations.  Why should the say among the people, ‘Where is their God'” (Joel 2:17).  

Joel urges repentance with these words, “Rend your heart and not your garments.  Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” (Joel 2:13). Then he adds, “he relents from sending calamity.  Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing” (Joel 2:14).  Awakening is left in God’s hands, while 0ur task is to sincerely and fervently cry out to the Lord.   

Joel then gives encouragement. “Then the Lord will be jealous for his land and take pity on his people” (Joel 2:18). Later God promises, “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten” (Joel 2:25) while pouring out his Spirit on all people (Joel 2:28).  




January 20, 2025

Dear Ones,
Today is an important day in our country as our new President is inaugurated; may we faithfully pray for him and our leaders that they submit to the Lord and extend His kingdom and that we can live peaceful lives. (I Tim. 2:1-4). I am going to bake, go to Aldi’s and my exercise class and hope to be home in time to watch.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
As I once promised, I have another story to share with you of God’s timing and provision told in the book, Food from Ravens. What a God of miracles, great and small, that we can depend on and know His timing is perfect. I will name this story the Holy Wheelchair, as that was what came to mind when I read how God used a wheelchair.

A couple that was very dear to my parents were missionaries in Bolivia for many years were Hendrick and Marge Erickson. They ran an orphanage for over 20 years and one of the girls (Julia) helped Marge there became a lifelong friend, as well as her husband who came to the Lord through Hendrick’s witness to him. Later in life when Marge retired and her husband had died, she saw a picture of Julia in a wheelchair because of being crippled by rheumatoid arthritis. Someone had rented the wheelchair so she could go to a wedding but the rest of the time she spent mostly confined to bed or a chair in their one-room mud hut. Marge prayed and wanted to help her in some way and realized she had a wheelchair in her basement that Julia could use if only she could get it there.
She called another WMPL missionary who she remembered was going back to Boliva to ask if there was a way to get the wheelchair to Julia. He laughed and said that he could use the wheelchair as he had a pacemaker put in and the Dr. said he needed a wheelchair after he got to La Paz while his heart was getting accustomed to the high altitude again. He was able to take it on the plane as his personal property, all the way to Bolivia free! Then when his heart adjusted, Julia received the chair was able to use the chair to sit outside in the sunshine and be more mobile until she passed away. But the wheelchair wasn’t retired but thereafter given to another missionary who already knew of someone else who needed the wheelchair. Rene had been paralyzed as a result of a truck accident and had to have his leg amputated. He received the welcomed wheelchair, and it has made a big difference in his life. One wheelchair that was given for the Lord’s use, was an answer to the prayers of many. Let us hold loosely what the Lord gives us for who knows how it can bless others!

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to take what you have and use it for His work and glory.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

January 18, 2025

Dear Ones,
Hope you keep warm and have a good weekend! Today is our daughter’s birthday and she and Leif will be coming to celebrate! We are having Finnish Pasty which is a treat and sorry Joe missed out as he came by yesterday.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
A scripture that I love is one that has spoken to me on various occasions when I have not felt like I was qualified to do something is from I Cor 1:27-28. It is so comforting to me that God doesn’t choose the strong and powerful people to work through, or many of us would be overlooked; but He chooses the opposite in the eyes of the world, the weak, the nobodies, the unknowns. Like the apostle Paul said, “God chose what the world considers nonsense to put wise people to shame. God chose what the world considers weak to put what is strong to shame. God chose what the world considers ordinary and what it despises—what it considers to be nothing—in order to destroy what it considers to be something.” The result is that no one can brag before the Lord, and we acknowledge that it can only be His power within us that we can accomplish anything.

I am so glad that God deliberately chooses the nobodies! That doesn’t mean we should go around with our head hung low and lacking confidence but rather it becomes clear to others that our confidence is in the Lord, not ourselves.  He deserves the praise and the glory and honor, for we know that without Him we could do nothing, Nada! We can only accomplish things because of His strength within us.

All of us have probably been amazed when we see God use an unknown very humble vessel to do something great. Maybe we are at our class reunion, and we discover that George who was so introverted and lacking in confidence is now head of a big Christian organization or well- known preacher.  Others may not be in the limelight but are like a bright star shining in the darkness around them. Let us not discount ourselves and think, who am I that God would use, for if we are His child, His power within us can do miraculous things. May our confidence be in the Lord and always, always give Him the glory.

Challenge for today: Thank the Lord that He can use you and go in His strength and confidence to do what may even surprise you.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

January 17, 2025

Dear Ones,
Hope you have an enjoyable weekend! I plan to clean the apartment and have an appointment. and our grandson may stop by on his way to the Cities.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Would we say we are present to our families and friends or are there times we are on overload from work, and they only get a small piece of us. Perhaps we are all guilty of bringing home the emotions and thinking of those around us in our work-a-day world to our families. We fail to pause on our rush to get home to take time to wash off the attitudes from the world and be ready to engage with our families. That is a mistake and if we drive to work, there is ample opportunity to pray on the way home and ask the Lord to cleanse us and settle our emotions so that we don’t infect our families with stresses of the world.

If you’re in a job that is highly competitive and your workday is full of stress, it is especially important to deprogram before you get home. Several of the churches we were in had the parsonage right near the church, so Al had only the walk across the parking lot to leave the stress behind and be ready for family life. Most of you have more time to deprogram and release the pressures of the day before you hit home. Those of you who work mostly from home are especially challenged as it takes more flexibility to switch gears often during the day. Our son has his office in his home, but he can take the dog for a walk after making a presentation on zoom before he gets ready for what is next.

Each of us need ways to deprogram and to release the stresses of the day, so we can be present to our families. Otherwise, the drama of work fills our minds and we need to air out our emotions so God’s peace can blanket us. When both parents work, they may be glad to see each other when they finally get home but their minds can still be filled with meetings at work, proposals to make etc. It’s good to give each other some space to just release the negative emotions of the workplace and quiet down; perhaps even a quick shower helps. Use whatever time you have before engaging with family to give all the emotions and stresses of the day to the Lord and make room for His peace to fill you afresh.

Challenge of the day: Put to memory today Colossians 3:15, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart since we are members of one body, you were called to peace and be thankful.”
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

January 16, 2025

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a wonderful day full of sunshine. Al will be going to Men’s Group, and I will have donuts waiting for him when he gets back. I plan to do food prep and later we have Bible study here.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Haven’t we all looked at someone who seems so perfect and wondered what is beneath their façade and if they are real. Of course, there are no sinless people, and we all have to deal with our own narcissism and ask God to be patient with us and gentle. But God doesn’t shame us or manipulate us but invites us to seek Him, to deal with all those self-serving and sinful ways we have that He might heal us. As it says in Isaiah 55:6, “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.”
I am sure we all have areas within us that need healing for we have not been treated perfectly as we were all raised by imperfect parents and grew up in an imperfect world. Some people disconnect and choose to isolate themselves as they try to overcome the pain of the past in their lives; but that is a lonely life, and we find the pain doesn’t go away either. It’s far better to confront the things that have become wounds within us and let the Lord go into those places and bring His healing power. He can be trusted, and He is merciful, and He waits for us to come to Him and tend our wounds that He may heal us.

Why is so hard to say the word, “Help! Lord, I need your help!” It is humbling for one thing, but it also puts us in a place where we can deal with our stuff, not pretending everything is great .and burying our pain. Instead, we can trust God, and often He sends a Soul Care giver or a Christian counselor to help us navigate through our pain and bring us to the place of freedom where we may flourish. Let us not run away but go home to our Heavenly Father who all the while waits for us to come. Let us leave our shallow lives and live deeply in Him.

 Challenge for today: Do not settle for a superficial life, but let the Lord take you into places you have never been before.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

January 15, 2025

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a prayerful day! I plan to go to my exercise class, to Creative Crafts, and later to church for Bible study on Hebrews.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
We are told not to judge others (Matt.7:7) for we have one judge and that is the Lord, not us! If we really are in touch with our own selves, we will discover we have no cause to judge others as there is plenty that needs correction in our own lives. But if we choose to judge we will not have inner peace or rest for we only need to be reminded of our own sins. In fact, psychologists tell us when we hard on others in judgment we are really projecting our own shadow side and not facing our inner truth. It’s like a mirror of ourselves and passing judgment on the very things that we are blind to in our own lives.

We need to stop judging others while not owning up to our own sins. Father Pior who heard others passing judgment on another carried a sack of sand on his shoulder and at the same time carried a little basket with a small amount of sand in front of him. When asked the meaning of his behavior he said that the big sack was his sins that he put them behind him so he wouldn’t think of them or weep over them and the little bag was the few errors of this man that he had used many words to condemn him by. But he followed with that it is not right to do that. We should all carry our own bag in front of us and ask God’s forgiveness and of course keep the bag of others behind us and not dwell on them.

But when others sin, it is far better to pray for the person and at the same time remember that we also can fall into temptation and do the very things we are judging others of. How much better to win them over to God’s love and grace. If we are honest before God and open to self-knowledge, we will end up being compassionate, for we know that “There for the grace of God, go I. “

Challenge for today: The next time you are tempted to judge someone, ask the Lord to show you your own heart and then repent.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

January, 14, 2025

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a peace-filled day. Sad loss for the Vikings last night. Emoji Today I am going to make spaghetti pies and wrap gifts etc.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How persistent are we in our prayers? Do we pray and then give up when we see obstacles, or do we have confidence and faith that God will meet the need for which we pray. Of course, we love when our prayers are “yes” prayers, but God also answers at times with “no” or “wait”. When I look back on my life, I am grateful for the times the Lord answered mine by saying NO, even though I didn’t understand at the time. Later I could see what God saw all along and I was thankful for His will.

How do we get yes prayers and avoid the detours? We have to start with praying for God’s will and not our will. How is God viewing our situation? There are some things that we know right off the bat that it is His will and other things we may not know. Just as I am writing this devotional, I got a prayer request for a young man who is trying to get set free from drugs. We already know God would have all men come to know Him and be free of entanglements so we can pray confidently. Now if I am praying to win the lottery, well, that is very “iffy! ” When we are unsure of God’s will in something, we can also ask for confirmation, as He may say the same thing to someone else and it brings us into agreement in the spirit.

As we pray, we can ask for God’s heart on the matter and that we will desire what God wants. One missionary who was in a primitive field of ministry in a foreign country said that if he didn’t know it was God’s will, he could never stand to live under such conditions. But He knew God’s heart and desired His plan and was able to endure with peace.  Sometimes we are also called to just to speak out a word we feel God gave us publicly but still be open correction by the Body if necessary. There are times we may be led to follow through with action when He is directing us. I remember being in a circle of prayer warriors and we were praying for a gal that was troubled. As we prayed one of them felt led to take the young gal into her home and disciple her and it turned out to be a blessing for both. Let us always pray in His name and for His will in all of it.

Challenge for today: Pray and ask the Lord to help you discern His will and if there is something He wants you to do, do it!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

Jesus, the Ultimate Influencer

Most observers of our nation seem to agree that the near future looks uncertain, with an approaching storm on the horizon.  Our perspective  can easily be shaped by the many “influencers” who spread misinformation in hopes of persuading us to ultimately believe “the lie” about the future. There is a frantic search for solutions, with a lot of promises, but little hope. Personally, I need to submit to the Lordship of King Jesus, the ultimate influencer, with his “Good News,” helping me to form a biblical worldview, while I continually cry out for discernment.   Jesus gives us fair warning, “Watch out that no one deceives you” (Mark 13:5); “You must be on your guard” (Mark 13:9); “Be on guard! Be alert!” (Mark 13:33). 

The words of Matthew 24:12 have always been a sober reminder for me. “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands to the end will be saved.”  The implication in our day seem to point to  influencers opposed to King Jesus  becoming ever present in the media. A wholehearted devotion to Jesus will grow cold in the hearts of some who follow Jesus.  But remember, Jesus is the ultimate influencer.  He declares, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Matt. 24:35).  “I assure you,” Jesus said, ‘Until heaven and earth disappear, even the smallest detail of God’s laws will remain until its purpose is achieved” (Matt. 5:18). 

The words of Ezekiel seem to fit our present impasse. “Because they lead my people astray, saying, ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace, and because when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash, therefore tell those who cover it with whitewash that it is going to fall” (Ezk. 13:10).  The prophet warns all who trusted in the whitewashing, “I will tear down the wall you have covered with whitewash and will level it to the ground so that its foundation will be laid bare.  When it falls, you will be destroyed in it; and you will know that I am the Lord.  So, I will pour out my wrath against the wall and against those who covered it with whitewash.  I will say to you, ‘The wall is gone and so are those who whitewashed it, those prophets of Israel who prophesied to Jerusalem and saw visions of peace for her when there was no peace, declares the Sovereign Lord'” (Ezk. 13:14). 

Two warnings from Ezekiel seem appropriate for our day.   The first is the message of “peace” when looking into the future.  We are told about a bright future with promises not to worry.  We are being asked to trust these promises. But Ezekiel warns against those who speaks about the future in such glowing terms.   We can easily be led astray.

The second warning is found in the image of “whitewashing” a wall.  Beware of those who simply “whitewash” present day problems.  We need to look at the foundations along with the tarnished building.  God warns us clearly – whatever has been whitewashed, will one day be destroyed.  The flimsy foundation will be exposed.   

Here are two implications as we deal with all the influencers of our day.  One, be careful in agreeing with the voices that speak confidently and persuasively about the future.  There is trouble ahead.  We need to heed the call to repentance and surrender.  Secondly, we must not put our confidence in those who “whitewash” our state of affairs.  When solutions are presented without regard to King Jesus, we need to be very careful in being influenced by “bad news” rather than the “Good News” of the kingdom .   






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