Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: June 2023 (Page 1 of 3)

June 30, 2023

Dear Ones, 

Happy Weekend! Hope you have time to enjoy this holiday weekend and have time to relax and be with family and friends. Today is party day here so we will be going to Costco to get the Birthday cake and then setting up for the party.                                                                           Devotions from Judy’s heart                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        When we come to know the Lord, that is just the beginning of our journey, for just like a baby we need to be nurtured and to grow. Too many Christians stay in the baby stage and don’t go on to become mature in the Lord. It is as we spend time with the Lord and in His word, that we will recognize His voice and be able to follow Him in obedience. But there is more!                                                                                   We are not to stop there but also to share our faith in the Lord with others and be witnesses and lights. There are so many broken and lonely people today that need someone to point them to the Lord. Jesus told His disciples, “Look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting.” (John 4:35) We have a whole mission field right around us every day!   We see so many hurting people, going about aimlessly and lonely, and in need of a the One who can give their life purpose.      Before the Lord left this earth, He gave us a final charge and He said in Matt. 28:19-20, “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” What if the disciples had kept the message to themselves, where would we be today?             The Lord means for all of us to not just know Him but to share Him with those in our lives and then nurture them so that they can in turn win others. We can be used to help them know how to listen to the Lord, let the Word speak to them and to become mature. Don’t you love to see new believers sharing their faith as there is an excitement, a freshness, a boldness that we all need. We are all called to be His witnesses, His lights and to share Him until our last day of our journey when we are ushered into glory with Him.

   Challenge for today: Pray that the Lord will give you love and boldness to share Him with someone today.  
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

June 29, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a sunny day. The rain is over, and the sun is trying to peek out. I just finished making Gluten free cookies, having donuts and coffee with Al, and cleaning the blinds in the living room. We have Bible Study this afternoon and a party tomorrow and then the Holiday weekend begins. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
    Are we known for having a Grumbling heart or a Grateful heart? Would others around us call us complainers or would they say we have a gracious grateful spirit? Big difference and I would rather be around someone who is the latter.
   We are told to be thankful and grateful for as I read today in Psalm 136:1-2,  Let everyone thank God, for He is good, and He is easy to please! His tender love for us continues on forever! Give thanks to God, our King over all gods! His tender love for us continues on forever!” God’s love for us never quits. If our hearts are full of gratitude to the Lord, it affects all aspects of our lives. We will come to have a contented spirit that is selfless and sets us free to express His love to others. Don’t you love to be around people that are focused on the Lord, and also other centered? It isn’t all about them, but they genuinely want to know about others.
    If I had been Moses, I would have gotten exasperated with all the complaining he had to listen to during those years in the wilderness. “This water doesn’t taste good! I am tired of manna! I don’t want to move on just yet. Can’t we stay in this place a few more days!” But the people were given a vivid awareness of the Lord with them in the cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night. But before we judge them, let us examine our own hearts and ask the Holy Spirit to show us our own ingratitude and times we complain. We may not be so overt about our complaining but may say we are thankful for a particular item and then add that we were hoping for more or a better updated model. If we are focused on a comfortable life without any problems or accumulating wealth, we will be disappointed as the Lord never promised that. God is good whether or not He answers our prayers in the way we want or whether a problem is something we have to go through because He has a higher purpose in mind.
  Let us trust that He is faithful, and He knows what is best for our lives instead of complaining. May we welcome all the opportunities He sends to draw us ever closer to Him.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord for a grateful heart and to change you rather than your circumstances.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

June 28, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of sunshine even though it is raining outside. I just finished doing some food prep as Ann is coming for lunch when I get home from my exercise class. We also have Bible Study tonight. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
It is so important to tend our souls each day and that means dealing with our sin. Every day it is a battle to die to self which is not reforming of our sinful patterns, but rather a death of those things that hinder our relationship to the Lord. The more we die to sin, the more we come alive to God through faith.                                                                                                                                                                                                             When we come to know the Lord, we are justified, which means we are made right with God and He looks on us as if we have never sinned. But then comes the sanctification process which is an ongoing process as we grow to be more like the Lord. That is a life long process and He gives us rules to live by that will help guide us, and show us when we go astray. The rules are not bad; they are really a guide and like a mirror to help us see where we go off on our own. In some ways it is like a protecting wall against doing evil and perverse things.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             As children we probably thought teachers that had few rules were the best ones, but when the room was full of chaos and was hard to hear and study, we may have wished for a stricter teacher. We are in a culture now that seems to think that rules don’t apply, or at least only to certain people and we see what results. It is no longer safe on the streets, and innocent people are suffering. We need laws because we have a sinful nature.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Each one of us is accountable to the Lord. It is against Him that we sin and do evil. He gives us rules to help us know how to live and show us when we go astray. But He also gives us Gospel to motivate and empower us to follow Him. We need both. When we throw off restraints and choose to live any way we choose, we can end up like the prodigal son… far from home and wondering if his father would hire him even as a servant. God is a loving Father but we are not to live according to our flesh nature that does not submit to God’s laws, but rather live according to the Spirit which is llfe and peace. (Romans 8:6-8)   May we choose not to neglect our souls but choose to deal with our sin and grow in grace.
Challenge for today: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas you have compromised and to walk instead by the Spirit.  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy                                                                  

June 27, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of sunshine! The house is full of aroma as I made a new chicken dish and also egg dishes. Al is such a willing and good taster for when I try new things! This afternoon we are going to friends for coffee and fellowship. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are there times we can’t make sense of God’s ways? We may question why the bad guys get by and seem to prosper and the good guys suffer? Or maybe we pray for a wayward child that seems to get only worse? There are many things that we don’t understand as we only see dimly but one day we shall fully see. But for now, we are to trust the Lord and one day our eyes may be opened to see more what He is doing behind the scenes.
  I am reading Larry Crabb’s book, When God’s Ways Make No Sense, and he gives the example of how Habakkuk responded when God did some shocking things. God told the prophet he was going to use an evil people to punish His people, who were not nearly as bad as the Babylonians were. I’m sure Habakkuk wondered what is God doing and it didn’t seem to go along with who he knew God to be. But he didn’t run away or try to change the message, he submitted to God’s way and recalled God’s character and that He would keep His covenant with Israel. Instead of complaining Habakkuk was open and waited to see and hear from God. He climbed up a tower to sit and listen to what the Lord would say.
  If we are wise like Habakkuk, we will be quiet and wait for God’s timing and see how He will unfold the things we question, Even when He uses evil people to accomplish His will, He is writing the story, and we are not. He knows how it will end and we do not! The Lord works for the ultimate good and even if it makes no sense to us, God is faithful and holy and mighty and love. We can make the application today that even if the Lord doesn’t heal our sick body or bring our loved one to repentance during our life time, may we say as Habakkuk in Hab. 3:18-19, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.”
  The Lord has promised us grace to go through whatever happens to us in this life, and we cannot even imagine all that He has waiting for us in glory. So let us trust, even when we don’t understand.
 Challenge for today: When you question what is happening, wait on the Lord in faith and trust in His ways.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy




Woman – The Glory of Man

This blog’s title is rather provocative amidst today’s debate regarding gender. It’s also the title of an article by Peter J. Leithart in First Things. After saying in Genesis 1 that creation was “very good,” God said in Gen. 2:18, “It is not good for the man to be alone.”  Pope John Paul II viewed “Adam’s solitude as an opportunity for self-discovery.” According to Leithart, in solitude Adam “learns his uniqueness… [and] distinguishes himself… with his first act of self-consciousness… He discovers himself as ‘person.'”  He is “a matchless being with a unique depth of subjectivity.”

Still, he is alone and incomplete. God created Adam for relationship. “The man alone is no more than a part, a limb without a body.” Adam is, as Paul later says, “head” of the woman. Leithart notes, however, “[a] bodiless head is as monstrous as a headless body. He’s an image of God only together with the woman.”

Leithart explains, “…Man needs help so humanity can achieve what humanity is called to achieve.  Unless the unique powers of woman catalyze the powers of man, and vice versa, mankind cannot reach its destiny… The gift of the woman transforms the man… [Adam] needs a helper to complete the human task… he needs a woman to be fully human.”  Leithart then ends with this: “The woman rescues the man from his solitude so humanity can reach its full glory, because, as Paul says, the woman is the glory of man.”

Men need to remember that Eve was not just to help functionally and vocationally: “The man needs a helper so that the part he is can fit into a whole, the union of two as one flesh.” Adam needs a partner for his task, but he also needs the woman to be fully human. Leithart makes this observation: “Without the helper, the man is as half-finished as a chaotic, darkened earth, as fruitless as land without plants and water. Conversely, woman completes man as light, form and fullness complete the formless earth.” 

Men, here are four takeaways to consider. First, use your own solitude to discover your heavenly Father saying, “You are my beloved.”  Don’t expect a woman to affirm who you are. Affirmation comes from your Father in heaven. In solitude you learn you are a person, “a matchless being with a unique depth of subjectivity.”  “When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God.” (Gen. 5:1 NIV). 

Second, realize you are not complete. “As God supplies what’s lacking in creation’s deficiency, so he rescues man from his solitude.” We are all “no more than a part, a limb without a body.” Some remain single but find completeness in their relationship with the Lord, in being part of an extended family, and in being part of a church. Married people find wholeness not only in these relationships, but also in marriage itself.

Third, if God has led you into the covenant of marriage, you need your wife to finish the task God has given you. “Adam is created to be earth’s king, but he can’t become king unless he has a queen at his side. The woman rescues the man from inevitable frustration and mission-failure.” Men need to be rescued from their frail egos by a loving and supporting spouse.  Let her into your heart.

Fourth, remember that you are not a whole man in your solitude – you were created for relationship. If God leads you into the marriage relationship, he knows you need your wife to help you flourish on life’s journey. For many, “the gift of the woman transforms the man from a waterless waste into the human equivalent of the garden of God.”  


June 26, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a good weekend and got the needed rain. The sun is shining here now and I am doing food prep and going to my exercise class this morning. This afternoon we have an appointment and hope to walk the trail. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I wonder if we realize the wonderful privilege that is ours that we have been chosen by the Lord to be channels of His love; that means we can share Him with others, bring encouragement and hope, and most of all pour out His love to them. It Matt. 10:8 we find Jesus words to his disciples as he sent them out two by two, to share the good news. He said, “Freely you have received, freely give.”                              We are only frail human vessels and yet He wants to pour His love, power, and strength into us to reach others with His love. Hopefully that is the desire of our hearts. We must guard against getting so involved in worldly affairs that we neglect what He has called us to do. We need to keep our priorities straight.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We have received so much from the Lord and with hearts full of gratitude we share with others. That means being generous with our time, our talents, our means, and to share freely with those He brings into our lives. Because we are grateful, we desire to give to others!! When Samuel was getting old, he reminded the people of all that God had done for them and his words were, “Only fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.”                                                                                      Maybe that is a word for us today, to take time to recall his blessings and focus on His goodness that was freely given to us. As the hymn goes: “God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name/ I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name/ And is Jesus’ name I come to you/ to share His love as He told me to/ He said, ‘Freely, freely you have received;/ freely, freely give./ Go in my name/ and because you believe others will know that I live”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We go, not in our own power but in His power, and with gratitude and love to share Him with others. Let us be conduits of His love!
Challenge for today: Write down a dozen blessings God has freely given you and share one of those blessings with someone He puts in your path.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

June 24, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! So glad for all the rain and we may get more today. I just cleaned the apartment and thankful to feel good today, although I may have to put up with a drippy nose for some time.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  It seems today that we have a culture that is obsessed with self and decisions are made by asking ourselves, “What is best for me?” Children in grade school are told they can be anything they want to be and when they get older the message is to follow their heart. But is that advice really true and does it agree with scripture? Probably not. It seems more is written in the Word about forgetting self and thinking of others and letting the Lord increase and we decrease!                           I read what Emily Rose Massey wrote about her experience of following her heart, rather than God. She made decisions based on her emotions and what the people around her thought and not necessarily what God had for her. It did not produce joy and she became depressed and never did become a famous actress like she had dreamed. One day she became aware of her selfishness and repented and discovered the importance of following what God had for her life. She was changed as she spent time with the Lord and in the Word and submitted to Him. Instead of becoming a movie star and going to Hollywood the Lord showed her His plan and led her to a godly man who became her husband.                                                                               When we live for ourselves and follow our own self-centered desires, we will miss out God’s perfect plan for our lives. Our heart can be deceitful and as wise King Solomon said in Proverbs 4: 23, “Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it.” God’s vision for our lives will supersede anything that we can imagine.  He has the power to fulfill our destiny and we can trust Him with all our heart, rather than leaning on what we think is best. If we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct us in His most perfect way. ( Proverbs 3:5-6). I read today that we should “Be so confident in God’s plan that you don’t even get upset anymore when things don’t go your way!” Let us follow God’s way rather than trying to control our own life or letting others control us.
Challenge for today: Open wide your heart to the Lord and seek what He has planned for your life!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

June 23, 2023

Dear Ones, 
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Our apartment is filled with aroma as I have a big pot of lentil soup on the stove. I have a sinus head cold and the taste of stew perked my taste buds. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart 
 Al and I received a poem from a friend who is choosing joy rather than focusing on his loss, as his wife is fading away from Alzheimer’s. He is choosing joy by turning everything over to the Lord instead of being a victim, that he may be a victor. He shared Psalm 16:11, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Joy is not the result of wonderful external circumstances but rather joy is found in the person of Jesus. When we give Him control of our lives, we experience deep joy and the Spirit sets us free, almost as if we were flying.                                                                                                                                           In the poem our friend asks the question to a caterpillar if he would like to fly. But he responds by saying he couldn’t imagine why he would want to do that since he was content to be just crawling on the ground. He then asks the butterfly if he wanted to be a caterpillar again and he responded that when the spirit touched him he was no longer bound but free to fly and filled with joy. No, he would not want to be earth bound again.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          As I read the poem, I thought of how the Lord has so much for us to experience of Him and that often we settle for far less. Just like the caterpillar, we are content to stay put and not be growing and entering into all the new things the Lord has for us. In fact, sometimes life gets boring and we lack enthusiasm. It’s much like a plane circling overhead and not going anywhere. But like the butterfly, we can experience growth and fly here and there and know no bounds. We are set free for we have turned everything over to the Lord and our joy is not dependent on our present circumstances. Our friend quotes Hab. 3:17-18, “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.“                                                                                                                                                           Let us choose joy by giving Him our whole life for then we can praise Him no matter what!
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you live joy in the moment that He has given you right now.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

June 22, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this day and keeping cool. Al went to Men’s group and I did food prep and just took G.F. banana bread out of the oven. We have Bible Study here this afternoon and errands to run. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   So many that go on vacations in the summer dream of leaving their worries behind. That means no more ruminating about stressful things at the office, refusing to focus on fearful or hurtful exchanges with others, and not being anxious about what may happen in the future. When we go on vacation, we want to attempt to leave all those negative thoughts at home and simply enjoy some free time and live without worries.                                                                                                 But we can be worry-free, not just at those special times, but all year long if we are plugged into the Lord and know that we can give all our concerns to Him. I was reading from Psalm 119 today and the Psalmist refers throughout this long Psalm of how to find joy in the Lord and to live in peace. Some of the ways mentioned are to walk steadily on the road He sets before us and to stay the course, carefully reading the map of His Word and following His directions. He says to let the love of the Lord shape our lives, and to live in truth. We are not to drag our feet but be quick to follow His leading. He is also to be our place of quiet retreat with our hearts open to let the Word renew us daily. Even though there may be detours along the way, we are to listen and let the Lord tell us the right way to go so we can live life to the fullest. It’s important to take stops during the day to worship Him and sing praises.  When difficult times come along the way the Psalmist asks the Lord to, “Put your hand out and steady me since I’ve chosen to live by your counsel.” (Psalm 119:173) And if we are unsure of the way, we can go to His word and let it light a path for our feet.  
    He speaks well of God’s rules, for he realizes that they are given to help us be free from doing those things that trip us up. Instead, they encourage us to becomes more like Him and who He made us to be. As we read and treasure His Word, He will help us to avoid the pitfalls as we travel through life and to reach our beautiful destination. Let us go His way and have peace and rest, that every day may be a vacation day from worry.
Challenge for today: Pick a verse from Psalm 119 to carry with you for this day.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

June 21, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you can stay cool today as it is supposed to be 91 degrees here.  Yesterday we enjoyed time in Duluth and it was windy and cool. Nearly everyone was in jackets and sweatshirts, but when we got home it was 90 degrees! Today I plan to go to Aldi’s, exercise class and Bible Study and I doubt very much if we will walk outside! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
What is the pastor’s role in our world today? There are many expectations from people in the congregation who may each view the pastor differently. Even pastors are not sure who they are supposed to be, and many burn out and are criticized for not being everything to everyone! He is not primarily an expert at counseling, a CEO or a psychologist, but he is one who cares for the souls of his flock. God uses all kinds of pastors with different personalities and gifts and their chief role is to shepherd God’s sheep. Pretty simple when it all gets boiled down to just preaching the word and caring for the flock. They teach, preach, baptize, commune, and point others to the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit.                                                                                                      But they can’t do everything and are often blamed for youth that have gone astray, saying it is the fault of the church. But the church is only to be a supplement of what the parents are teaching and modeling at home. It is in the family that respect should be taught, obedience, faith, prayer, worship etc. Author, Victoria Riollano, writes about how many of the youth are leaving the church today and often because they don’t see their parents modeling the faith. Many parents show behavior that is quite different at home than what it is seen at church. They may neglect sharing about what it means to have a relationship with the Lord, and instead emphasize many rules.  Parents may talk negatively about the church and complain, and children may wonder then why go to that church.  Home should be a place where God’s love and care is reflected, a place to talk over tough issues and to encourage one another. The pastor may have our child for only one or two hours a week to teach confirmation or for them to listen to his sermon. We have all the other time and need to capitalize on the important things at home and to discuss what is happening in our culture, to pray over them and to point the way.                                                                                                                   Let us not expect our pastors to do what is primarily our job but to pray for them and their families and encourage them.
Challenge for today: Show appreciation for your pastor and encourage him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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