Dear Ones,

Happy weekend! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a little sunshine too! We have had rain here but it is needed, so no complaints. Today I am going to do some food prep, clean the apartment, and get the rest of our winter things put away.

Devotions from Judy’s heart

I can see why the Lord told us to be like little children as thy are trusting and don’t put up a front or play a role but are transparent. They are just themselves and spontaneous and what you see is what you get. How many adults can say that? So many spend a lifetime focused on their persona and reputation and don’t know their true self.

What would people say about us? Would they say we are merciful, warm hearted, patient? Or would it be that we are judgmental, concerned for ourselves and impatient” But whatever is said about us now, we don’t have to stay in that place but can go on to transformation. Much like children who are excited to grow, we are not to just go along on automatic pilot but be bursting forth into new growth. Just living is not enough for we can become more open like children and grow!

Hopefully we can enjoy the simple things in life without feeling we continually need something more to be happy. Think of how children who are satisfied and having fun can lose all sense of time as they live in the moment. They are not locked into doing things a certain way, but excited to do what is new. They don’t have to own something to enjoy it but can appreciate their buddy’s fort out in the woods or climbing on their friend’s jungle gym. Most children don’t hide their emotions, and neither should we. That doesn’t mean we need to tell others off, but admit that we are angry, take a breath and be willing to let it go. Can we get to the place where we can laugh at ourselves, admit our weak areas, and then ask God’s help to change and grow? We have so much to learn from children!

Paul says in Ephesians 5:1-2: “Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with Him and learn a life of love.”

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you see yourself as He sees you, His beloved child.

Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy