Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: October 2009 (Page 3 of 4)

Oct. 14

Most of us need to learn to let go of personal power and control and tap into the energy of God.

The result of sin in is to take matters into our own hands, to be in control, to obey ourselves.
When Jesus says, “Man does not live by bread alone, He is referring to the energy of God. He is saying, “I have energy (meat) that you don’t know about…the energy of God.

We can receive power beyond ourselves as we take the simple steps of a trusting apprentice, living in His kingdom.

Our natural tendency is to use our own power to manage each of our situations but we need His power.

Maybe the Lord will bring someone to mind tomorrow or a situation. Invite Him to move through you with His energy and power that is outside of yourself.

Oct. 13th

Devotions from Gary Moon’s book

God is very creative. HE designed every atom in our bodies and like Michelangelo, He can see the Imago Dei-the perfect image of Himself- buried inside of us. He uses life and a chisel of grace to hew away the rough walls that imprison that image so that others can see it too.  He particularly is good at redeeming beauty from the discard pile.

To be God’s apprentice is to be our most creative selves because He is creative.  That is why we take such spontaneous delight in all sorts of creative activities….like baking a new dish, expressing our emotions through dance, painting, writing etc.

God made us to experience joy in imitating, in a creative way, his creative activity.

May we realize that in the joy of creativity lies the spark of divine presence within.

You may want to think of ways you like to be creative and ask yourselves which of these is most life-giving for you.  Then block out time to be creative-with –God

Oct 12th

Devotions from Gary Moon’s book, Apprenticeship with Jesus

George MacDonald said “There is nothing eternal but that which loves and can be loved.”

God’s simplest and highest name is love. God is Love.

According to Teresa of Avila , “The primary purpose of creation is to fulfill God’s wish to bestow love and teach love so that  creatures can share in the blessedness of divine life. And because we are created in the image of God, our mission statement is: “To love and be loved in return.”

People are most happy when they are “in the flow”, when they have forgotten about themselves. ” Our souls become sick when they fall out of similitude with God, and they are doctored back to health precisely when they begin to resemble the divine pattern of other-focused love.”
May we surprise someone today with a simple act of love, forgetting ourself.

OCt. 11

Devotions from Gary Moon’s book, Apprenticeship with Jesus

The most fundamental aspect of becoming an apprentice is to be with that person for the purpose of becoming like them.

Re-visioning God as a loving relationship of three- best described as a joyous dance- draws us in.

Part of our apprenticeship to Jesus involves learning how to dance.

As we see God as a dancing Trinity, we become aware that He wants us to join in with Him.

“If we are created in the image of a loving community of other-centered love best described as a perpetual dance of joy, then we will only feel at home to the extent that we have joined the dance. We are to sign on as apprentices, roll out the step chart, and learn to dance to the music of self-forgetfulness.”

Sometimes we can know that we are on the verge of burnout and the cure is to step out from under the weight of the world and to fall in step with the dance of the Trinity. God does not want us to be puppets but wants us as His footloose friends.
The guidelines for abundant living is not pious productivity but learning to dance with God and value loving relationships.

Oct 10th

Devotions from Gary Moon’s book, Apprenticeship with Jesus”

Jesus came to introduce His kingdom and invite us to approach life in a wholly different manner than the world.

He came to earth from a foreign culture to find followers who would be willing to exchange their ways ( those of the world) for his ( the culture  of the kingdom).

What a great contrast! 

Is our main reason for being here to experience  life as a transforming friendship with God?   He is looking for people willing to resist earthly rhythms and begin dancing to a Trinitarian beat.

I like this word from A.W. Tozer

    “ A real Christian is an odd number anyway.

He feels supreme love for one whom he has never seen.

He talks familiarly every day to someone he cannot see,

  expects to go to heaven on the virtue of another,

    empties himself in order that he might be full,

   admits he is wrong so he can be declared right,

      goes down in order to get up.

  He is strongest when he is weakest,

    richest when he is poorest,

  and happiest when he feels worst.
            He dies so he can live,

     forsakes in order to have,

     gives away so he can keep,

        sees the invisible,

      hears the inaudible,

and knows that which passes knowledge.”


It will take and interactive apprenticeship with Him so we will feel at home in the realm of our true home.

Oct 9th

We are packing now to go to Kurt’s in Kansas early tomorrow morning. WE made a day of it today with baking, shopping, Inflatable Land, having lunch at the hospital with Leif etc.  We got to meet the other men in his CPE program and they are a great bunch. Please pray as we travel!

Devotions from Gary Moon’s book,” Apprenticeship with Jesus”
Dallas Willard said, “God has created us for intimate friendship with Himself-both now and forever.”
To be “in Christ” is to live with our souls plugged into the divine love of God.

Life in His kingdom is a life of interactive friendship with God, the process of learning to be like God, learning to do His will, and learning to be with God.
A good prayer that the author prays each time he has communion is:
“Please be inside me, Jesus, at the very center of my being. Be in every atom in my body, empowering me with your presence, power, and love. I don’t’ know how to live my life, but you do. Live your life through me. Amen

An exercise he recommends is to inhale the words, ”Lord Jesus” and exhale “Live your life through me.” You can do this through out the day and there can be a sacred sense in which to breathe is to experience communion with Him..

Blessings to you!


Oct 8th

Devotions from Gary Moon’s book, Apprenticeship with Jesus

As Christians we are suppose to represent Christ to the world but Christianity has a major image problem because of lack of authentic transformation in the lives of people wearing the label of “Christian”.
The author, Gary Moon’s book is all about how we can become like Christ by following Him in the overall style of life He chose for Himself, and how to live as His “apprentices”.

Do we desire a restored relationship with Him of mutual delight, loyalty, esteem and lasting commitment?

Do we want to learn from Him and enter into an apprenticeship with Him?  To stay as close to Him as branches are to their vine? To live a life without hurry, fear, or anger?

C.S. Lewis said, “The whole purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God.”
God lives among us offering to teach anyone who is willing to sign on as His apprentice. He invites us to enter into a life with Him, to drink in grace until it oozes back out our pores. He wants us to live each moment of our day with a greater awareness of  Him.

Dallas Willard said that most of us take a vampire approach to being a Christian. We want just a little blood for our sins, enough for eternal life, but not a total transfusion of Jesus life and character.

As apprentices we need to enter into a daily relationship with Him that begins with continual conversations and progresses into intimate communion.

Oct 7

Devotions from  Gary Thomas’ book, The Beautiful Fight

In Phil. 2:12-13 we are told to,” Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.”

Some people mistake “letting go and  letting God” be a call to simply stop trying.  Grace is opposed to earning but not to effort. Grace doesn’t remove human effort but focuses and empowers it.
Just like a garden can be overcome by weeds in a short time, in the same way, a soul that isn’t taken care of and tended won’t support a healthy life.

We are told to come to Jesus and take his yoke and learn from Him and then we will find rest for our souls.  A yoke is not an instrument of torture; it is an instrument of mercy. It is a gentle device to make hard labor  light and to save pain. What was once impossible has become possible.  What was once burdensome now becomes light.

We can do very practical things to enter into the rest God gives.  Spiritual rest is a process, not a one time decision. We find rest when we persistently come to Him, and open our heart to Him.  Transformation is a process of coming to Him, learning from Him, modeling His character, and surrendering to His will.

Christianity is not just about being forgiven but about given the power to change.
Grace means we have the amazing joy of living life with God who is for us, loving us, empowering us and drawing us to Himself.
Are we experiencing God’s empowerment” Are we different today from what we were yesterday? 
We can cooperate with God to help make this happen, always remembering transformation is a life long journey.

“On our own, we cannot grow very far or very fast; but empowered by God, filled with His Spirit, and guided by His Word, we can become radically different people available to Him for His glory.”


Oct 6th

Devotions from The Beautiful Fight by Gary Thomas

 The Kingdom of God is a corporate call and joint effort. We need one another and “Together we can exercise the weight of God’s power and more properly proclaim God’s authority.

It is impossible to create a fire with one sound log, but several poor logs may make a fire if they stay together as they burn. The miracle of the early church was that of poor sticks making a good fire!! When we come together, something wonderful and inspiring and motivating happens. William Temple said, “It is by the faith of others that our faith is kindled.” We simply need each other to learn from each other, to be inspired by each other, and to share Christ together. The best gift you can give to God’s church is to become our best and by your best to inspire others to fully embrace the life of Christ. As we go out together Jesus builds his church and defeats the enemy!

May we inspire one another to grow in Christ and to be transformed together by His presence.

Oct. 5th

We are getting more rain which is needed here so we are off to do indoor things like going to Toys R Us and maybe bowling before Scouts.

Devotions are from The Beautiful Fight by Gary Thomas

Transformation is a community effort. We need each other. The Bible pictures community as weak individuals being supported and uplifted by a stronger corporate experience.

We need the shelter of the Body of Christ through which we can be trained, restrained, confronted and restored.  We may be tempted to build our own kingdoms and our own reputations.
When Paul says to the Ephesians, ”In Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit” he is talking to a community.

Cultivating God’s presence is a corporate experience, not just individual.

How real is God in our midst?

Sharing Christ together sounds like heaven but whenever there is a group of people together there is frustration, conflict and sin. Even with God’s power, we can be pathetic. “And yet in the midst of our failures and spectacular limitations, God still sends us out and still allows His power to break through and accomplish something through us that we could never do on our own.”
We are all called to commitment and ministry, and to exercise God’s authority and power.
Let us honor what God has done, is doing, and will do through his imperfect church, even while trying to reform it. Not one disciple of Jesus lacked some serious fault, and yet Jesus called, loved and used each one.

May He use each of us to encourage one another.



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