Devotions from Judy’s heart
Lately we have had some rich times around the table. It is a place where belonging happens! As Henri Nouwen says, “The table is a place we invite our friends to be part of our lives. We want them to be nurtured by this same food and drink that nurtures us.” It is a place where we are joined in heart and soul and each of us has a place. Steve Smith relates how Jesus used the table as a pulpit or meeting place of the heart too. He engaged those around Him at meal time and the talk was nourishing as much as the food. It is too bad in our day that so many of our meals may be fast food and we rush on with the rest of our busy lives. Lately I have sat with friends several times around the table as we celebrated my birthday…. Even though the food was good, it was the nourishing of my heart that filled me up. May we use mealtimes as a gathering time to unite us with others and share His love.
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