Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: December 2023 (Page 2 of 4)

December 20, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of trust! The house is full of aroma as I just baked Al’s cookies and he is sampling them right now. Later I will be going to my exercise class, Crafts and Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Are there times in our lives that we wonder if God has forgotten us and we ask, “Where are you God? Do you know what I am going through? Why don’t you do something?”  We don’t see the whole picture and we may assume His answer is delayed or maybe He isn’t coming through for us at all.  But then we discover later that He was all the while working in our behalf and we should have been patient and watchful for His answer.

 Yesterday we were to meet friends who we haven’t seen for a while at a restaurant we have been to many times before. We arrived at the parking lot at the same time and after greeting each other went to go in; only the door was locked and as we peered through the glass door, we noticed no lights and a sign that said they were closed on Tuesdays. What a bummer and why on Tuesdays, rather than a Monday when some establishments are closed after a busy weekend. We got suggestions of where to go and ended up at a Mexican place where the food was great, we were in a corner away from people, and since it wasn’t busy, we could stay as long as we wanted, which we did! It was really perfect and we could be free to share, and I smiled as I thought, “Lord, you had this place in mind all along. Thank you!” That was a minor little situation and yet God had something better for us as we waited. I also was reminded that I had a gift I ordered for our friends, and didn’t know if it would arrive in time; but only a few minutes before we were to leave to meet, it arrived in the mail. Yes, His timing is perfect!

  Of course, sometimes what we are wishing for and hoping for doesn’t arrive, and that’s when the enemy likes to put questions of doubt in our minds; is God really faithful? But in those times, it is good to focus on scriptures that say otherwise that He is worthy of our trust. In Prov. 3:5-6 it says, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own, Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the One who will keep you on track.”  We may not see the whole picture yet, but He does, so let us remember that He is always and forever faithful and we can sink our trust in Him.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for answering your prayers in His perfect timing, even when you don’t understand.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

December 19, 2023

Dear Ones,
May you wake to a hope-filled day! We are going to go out for lunch today with good friends from the lake. Emoji We enjoyed a party yesterday also and got to know our new neighbors better.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  When we were young, we desired to grow up quickly and be independent, without needing others to tell us what to do. But when we got to that age, and enjoyed it for a short while, we found when we don’t need others, we become lonely and isolated. Yes, we want to be free, but we were made for interdependence not self-sufficiency. Others around us need help but we also need to be helped and strengthened. Paul says in Galatians 6 that we reap what we sow. If we sow selfishly and ignore the needs of others, we will reap a crop of corruption. But if we sow to the Spirit, we will reap eternal life.

  We need to be free in the giving to the needs to others and also receiving so we can grow in grace as mutual needs are met. We find that the sharing with others involves both our weaknesses and our strengths. Where we are inadequate and lack strength, someone else is strong and can minister to us. And where they are weak, we can help share their burdens. No one has it all together, even if they think so, they will discover it is a lonely life not to need others. If we selfishly sow to the flesh, we will use others around us to validate us and tell us how good we are doing. But if we sow to the Spirit and help and serve others, we will experience the freedom of mutuality and living freely.

  Sowing seeds, doesn’t produce instant results. I remember how patient I had to be after planting seeds in my garden as it seemed to take forever for them to peek through the soil. We need to also be faithful in our giving to others, and patiently wait for the fruit of our labors. There are so many opportunities to give and it may be easier to give to some cause an ocean away that doesn’t take our involvement, rather than help our neighbor next door who may at times be overbearing. And maybe it is also more humbling to receive from a family member than someone who is more distant.  As the song goes, “Freely, freely you have received, freely, freely give. Go in my name and because you believe others will know that I live.”
Challenge for today: Give when an opportunity comes before you, and also be a good receiver.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

Honest to God

The Gospel Coalition website offers an article by Trevin Wax entitled 60 years of ‘Honest to God’.  Sixty years ago, I was a young freshman at Augsburg College, having spent the previous two years at a Lutheran Bible school in California.  As a recent convert determined not to lose his faith, I had my testimony of new life in Christ and a deep commitment to the Word of God as my guide to both life and practice.  Bishop A. T. Robinson’s book Honest to God came as a shock to my newly-formed biblical frame of reference.  I vividly remember struggling with some of the bishop’s proposals. 

Feeling inadequate to respond to Robinson’s book, I asked whether I should I cling to my orthodox faith as I prepared to become a pastor. Should I reconsider restating “traditional orthodoxy in modern terms” in order to reach an increasingly secular culture?  The bishop warned that the survival of Christianity was at stake.  “There is no time to lose” in seeking to “recapture ‘secular’ man.”  According to the bishop, the church needed radical change, embracing a “metamorphosis of Christian belief and practice,” while calling for a recasting that would “leave the fundamental truth of the Gospel unaffected,” yet still requiring “everything to go into the melting – even our most cherished religious categories and moral absolutes.”  I wondered what that would mean.

I am very thankful that I weathered the spiritual storm caused by Honest to God. I remember being unsettled with Robinson’s criticism of “supernaturalism” and “the miraculous.” I felt my own personal experience as a believer was under attack.  I had my testimony but did not have the spiritual maturity to disprove Robinson’s point of view.  In the words of Trevin Wax, Robinson believed that “the church should heed the naturalist critique of supernaturalism because it exposed many of Christianity’s cherished beliefs as ‘an idol’ we must no longer cling to.”

Wax observes, “Now that postmodern waves have crashed upon modernity’s shore… Robinson’s ‘recasting’ looks like little more than an outdated attempt to curry favor with people who have ‘come of age’… What the church needs most isn’t another proposal that integrates Christianity from the vantage point of our contemporary sensibilities but leaders who interrogate our current moment from the vantage point of historic Christianity.”

Men, this is my testimony after over 60 years of contending “for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3).  I was motivated by Paul’s words to young Timothy: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles to word of truth” (II Tim 2:15).  I remember clinging to II Tim 3:16-17: “All Sculpture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  I believed fervently that I had been filled with God’s Holy Spirit.  Jesus said of the Spirit, “He will not speak  on his own; but he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13).

What did this mean for me?  First, I wholehearted wanted at a young age to a “worthy workman” for the Lord.  I surrendered myself to him as best as I could.  2) With all my heart and mind I believed scripture to be “God-breathed” and I submitted myself to the authority of God’s Word.  3) I realized I am helpless without the work of the Spirit in my life – and I praise God for the “fullness of his presence” in me.




December 18, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had our children’s Christmas program during our church service yesterday. Today I have egg dishes in the oven and later going to my exercise class and then we have a party downstairs. We feel blessed to live in this place where we get together with friends and have Bible study and parties and times for fellowship.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Today I read about King Solomon who had a dream that God asked him what He could give Him? He could have asked for wealth, and a long life and peace from enemies, but he asked instead for wisdom to know how to govern the people and to discern good from evil. God was so pleased that he gave him great wisdom and also riches and honor.
  Now if we asked our kids or grandkids, “What would you like me to give you for Christmas?” what kind of an answer would we be likely to get? Maybe a sports car, finances to go on a extended trip, or a mansion on the beach front? But what if they asked for food and goods to help the poor, a big facility to house those struggling with drugs, or money to give for wells to be dug to give people fresh water. Wouldn’t we be delighted and want to be like our Heavenly Father that would desire to grant their requests?
   Maybe our want list shows us more of our own character and what is in our heart. Is our list one that if granted would not be good for us, and might cause us to become more selfish and distant from God? It might be wise for us to consider what we pray that it would be in line with what God has in mind for us. We may complain He is not answering our prayers, but our prayers may be out of line with His will. He knows best and our hearts need to be in tune with Him. But how do we know if it is His will or not?
   I believe if we draw close to the Lord through His Word, we will find He will speak to us and reveal Himself to us and also His will for our lives. When we love the Word and hide it in our hearts, it will speak to us and guide us as it says in Psalm 119:11, “Your word have I laid up in my heart that I might not sin against You.”  We are to treasure His word and let it empower us to live each day in the fulness of His will. When we need encouragement why not go to the Word first and let Him speak to us through it. Just yesterday two people shared a verse that God spoke clearly to them in their circumstances. Let us not neglect His Word but gain the wisdom He wants to give us each day.
Challenge for today: Spend some time each day reading His word with a receptive heart.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

December 16, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! Getting closer to Christmas and I am making more cookies. Today Ann is stopping by and we are meeting with a friend who is going through loss.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are all born with innate creativity, and we need to be free to express it in unique ways. We have both a grandson and a granddaughter that are artists and we have lovely pictures in our apartment that they have painted, and I love to gaze at. We may say we aren’t creative or have zero artistic ability and yet if we are encouraged, we may get freed up to express and produce unique original “masterpieces.” We don’t need to stay in the lines, or copy anyone else, but let what is in us, come forth.

  Since we were created in the image of God, we are free to live creatively and to create! We need not compare ourselves with anyone else, for we are an original. God’s work in us is unique and He has put what is needed into us to accomplish His will for our lives. Our grandson is presently making decisions of how his gifts will be used. and our granddaughter works where her artistic ability is valued, and creativeness just oozes out of her.

  Within all of us is creativity that needs to be unleashed; when we live freely in God’s love, peace and joy will flow from Him into us and we may be surprised what flows out of us as a result. Some are creative with words and some with music or sounds etc. Of course, not everything happens overnight so we need not rush but to be patient as we stick with it. Soon fruit becomes evident in our lives, not by our own striving but by the work of the Spirit within us. We must not pay attention to how others view things or try to be just like them, but let our natural juices just flow in our own unique way. The more we are empty of self, the more we are free to live creatively! If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit! (Gal. 5:25)

Challenge for today: Take some time to be creative in a new way today!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

December 15, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! The house is full of aroma as I made a casserole and bread and cookies and Al is sampling right now!Emoji Thank you for your prayers yesterday for our son and you can read about it today.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are in the season of Advent as we wait for the arrival of the celebration of Christ’s coming. It is a time to reflect on the gift given to us in Jesus as He left His wondrous home in glory to come to earth for us and die a cruel death that we might be forgiven and set free. Those back in Jesus’ day were waiting for a Redeemer but not everyone recognized His coming as our Savior. Now we also wait for His coming again which we know will happen one day but we don’t know when. It could be soon! It could be even today.

  Waiting is hard and it takes faith to wait for something we can’t yet see but only hope for. We have scripture and many prophecies of His coming again, so we wait in eager expectation and confident hope. An example of waiting happened yesterday when our son Kurt was waiting for his appendectomy. He had pain for the previous two nights and was very eager to get the surgery before his appendix burst. He was told it would be soon, like around 10 a.m. and we were texting back and forth before 6 I knew he was ready to go. But no one came to prep him at 10 or 11 or 12 or 1 or 2 o’clock. By now I could imagine how hungry he was too but he would have to wait to eat until after the surgery, Finally, sometime after 3 they came to get him and his waiting was over and the surgery was done and went well. It didn’t happen before as the operating rooms were full. But in the fullness of God’s time, it happened, and he was commended as being their best Appendectomy patient all year!

  Jesus is coming again for us, and we wait in anticipation, just like Kurt anticipated his surgery. We don’t’ know the time as it says in Mark 13:27, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Jesus has not returned yet, as more time is given for the Holy Spirit to work on hearts to open up to the Lord and receive Him, so that they will be ready. But one day He will come in His power and glory and all those who know Him will with Him for all eternity. Let us be patient in our waiting but be eager to tell others that they too may join us forever with Him.

  Challenge for today: Use the opportunities the Lord sends to tell others, so they too will be ready!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

Prayer request answer

Thank you so much for your prayers. Kurt is in recovery now and soon to be back in his room and go home tonight. All went well but surgery was many hours late because of back up on operating room. He will be very hungry and very happy to be able to go home tonight. Thank you for praying! It was a long time for waiting for surgery. and I’m sure Kurt is glad it is over. Love, Judy and Al

December 14, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a joy-filled day. Al will soon be off to men’s group and later leading Bible Study. I am going to bake and have a donut waiting for Al. Please pray for our son, Kurt, as he will be having appendectomy surgery about 10 this morning. He started getting pain on Tuesday while in Chicago but made it home on the plane yesterday and to the hospital where he spent last night and is getting prepped for surgery. Thank you!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Who am I? Who are you? Do we live our lives playing the role of who we think others would want us to be or are we real? If we have been abused and received negative messages of who we are, we may build a false image of ourselves that we think others would accept. But it becomes hard to live that day after day until we finally come to terms with being who God made us to be.  God loved us first and it says in I John 4:20, “For herein is love, not that we love God, but that God first loved us by sending His Son as a sacrifice for our sins.” He not only loved us first but loves us every moment of every day of our life. His love is amazing, and it may take a long time, perhaps most of a lifetime for this to sink deep down into the depths of our hearts.

  The good thing is that God’s love is not based on our performance of how good we do, but on His nature, for He is love. God’s love for us does not change. It is only our pride that thinks we can earn His love, for He loves us as we are, not how we think we should be. The Holy Spirit desires to communicate this marvelous love to our hearts. We are all imperfect beings with all our weaknesses, so our hope is only in the grace of God; He loves us and accepts us and desires to show His mercy to us.

The secret is not to try to improve ourselves but to surrender to Him who is love. We are in essence saying we are sinful, needy and broken but God, I thank you that you died for me, you saved me and accept me right where I am right now. Help me to accept myself in the same way you accept me and tell me I am your beloved. I receive it all through faith in your promises, not on my performance. Let me live as your beloved child and be ever grateful.

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to remind you of how He sees you and let Him love you from the inside out.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

December 13, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a blessed day! I plan to bake cookies and do food prep before going to Exercise class, crafts this afternoon and Bible study tonight. Our grandson, Joe, stopped over last night so was glad to be able to send his birthday cake home with him. It could be that we will be getting a new floor today, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I was reading on forgiveness by Lewis Smedes, and it is taking me into new depths of what it means to be forgiven as well as forgiving others. The truth is we all have been sinned against and wounded and we have also hurt others in ways we may not even be consciously aware of. So, the bottom line is that we all need to experience the miracle of forgiveness and to be forgiving. When we come to the place that we know we need forgiveness as much as the other, it becomes easier to forgive. And when we understand some of what is going on in the other person who hurt us, it may help us forgive. We may not end up being the best friends again, but we can be with them in groups and wish them well, and it may not happen overnight but takes time.

  Sometimes we still feel angry after forgiving and the enemy will try to tell us we have failed and have not forgiven. But when we forgive, it doesn’t mean we change the facts and erase the hurtful past but rather our hurt for the person is healed. We can be angry and not hate. It happens to people who divorce who finally get to the place they can wish their ex well in their marriage. Smedes says that anger minus malice gives hope. If we choose to hang on to our malice than it keeps our pain alive. He gives suggestions that help us drain the poison of malice from our hearts, like being specific about it and even express it to God and maybe to someone else who can help us get rid of it. We can, of course, give the person over to the Lord and let God handle him. If they need rescuing from their own wicked ways, let God do the teaching. We can also pray for the peace of the person and let our anger do a work of reforming.

It helps to remember that we that we can’t erase the past, we can only heal the pain it has left behind!  And in the forgiving, we are focused on what they did, not on who they are. We may also forgive in bits and pieces and it must be done freely. We can’t force someone to forgive as it may actually make it worse. Like Smedes said, that to set anyone free, forgiving must be freely given as an act of free love. We don’t know how they will respond and it must all be left in God’s hands. But when we feel unconditionally forgiven, we will know we are totally loved and affirmed and received. Nothing can separate us from Him who is love!

Challenge for today : Ask the Lord to forgive you when you can’t seem to forgive someone…then wait for Him to release your heart to love and forgive.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

December 12, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day full of sunshine. I just finished making pork chops smothered in apples, Christmas blossom cookies, and rice krispie treats. Al loves to be my sampler and also gets to lick all the bowls. We had a fun party last night with so much food, fun games, Santa and his helper showing up, and ended with Silent Night by candlelight. This afternoon we are invited to friends for fellowship and prayer.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  How much do we think we are worth? Not our net worth but worth to our parents and friends and others? If we don’t think we are worth much we will not develop all the gifts God has given us and those traits of our own uniqueness that sets us apart from all others. Maybe we have an inferiority complex as we had to live in a sibling’s shadow, or a parent died when we were young and we didn’t receive much affirmation. Even if that were true, we can know we have great worth in God’s sight. We are the crown of His creation, the apple of His eye, and someone He delights in, loves, cherishes and gave His life for. Good to know He does not have favorites: we are priceless to Him for He loves each of us as if we were the only one.

  So why do we doubt or think that others are worth more? The enemy loves to tell us others are more gifted, better looking, more successful, and surely, they are worth more. But we need to view ourselves, not with self-doubts but in light of how Jesus sees us. He willingly gave His life for us, so He must have felt we were worth a lot. How many of us would give our lives for another? When I see a new born baby being loved by parents and adored by grandparents, it helps me take in my own worth. That baby doesn’t do anything to earn love; in fact, the baby demands a lot of time and attention. But the baby can’t do anything to prove his worth, only let himself be loved. We need to accept our place as His beloved child and receive His love that sets us free to be who He made us to be. It’s almost too good to be true! The Lord doesn’t compare us with others, as there is only one like us ever and we are a unique person of His creation.

  In faith we need to open our hearts and receive from the Lord as He desires to pour out His love on us and tell us how precious we are as His sons and daughters. No one else is a threat to us, as He shows no favoritism, and His love is unconditional. Since He loves you also, I don’t need to fear He won’t have enough love for me for He is love!  As Jer. 31:3 says, ” I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

  Challenge for today: Be aware of how much you are loved and valued and be spontaneous and uninhibited and just yourself!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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