Yesterday we were to meet friends who we haven’t seen for a while at a restaurant we have been to many times before. We arrived at the parking lot at the same time and after greeting each other went to go in; only the door was locked and as we peered through the glass door, we noticed no lights and a sign that said they were closed on Tuesdays. What a bummer and why on Tuesdays, rather than a Monday when some establishments are closed after a busy weekend. We got suggestions of where to go and ended up at a Mexican place where the food was great, we were in a corner away from people, and since it wasn’t busy, we could stay as long as we wanted, which we did! It was really perfect and we could be free to share, and I smiled as I thought, “Lord, you had this place in mind all along. Thank you!” That was a minor little situation and yet God had something better for us as we waited. I also was reminded that I had a gift I ordered for our friends, and didn’t know if it would arrive in time; but only a few minutes before we were to leave to meet, it arrived in the mail. Yes, His timing is perfect!
December 20, 2023
Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of trust! The house is full of aroma as I just baked Al’s cookies and he is sampling them right now. Later I will be going to my exercise class, Crafts and Bible Study.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are there times in our lives that we wonder if God has forgotten us and we ask, “Where are you God? Do you know what I am going through? Why don’t you do something?” We don’t see the whole picture and we may assume His answer is delayed or maybe He isn’t coming through for us at all. But then we discover later that He was all the while working in our behalf and we should have been patient and watchful for His answer.
Of course, sometimes what we are wishing for and hoping for doesn’t arrive, and that’s when the enemy likes to put questions of doubt in our minds; is God really faithful? But in those times, it is good to focus on scriptures that say otherwise that He is worthy of our trust. In Prov. 3:5-6 it says, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own, Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the One who will keep you on track.” We may not see the whole picture yet, but He does, so let us remember that He is always and forever faithful and we can sink our trust in Him.
Challenge for today: Thank the Lord for answering your prayers in His perfect timing, even when you don’t understand.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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