Waiting is hard and it takes faith to wait for something we can’t yet see but only hope for. We have scripture and many prophecies of His coming again, so we wait in eager expectation and confident hope. An example of waiting happened yesterday when our son Kurt was waiting for his appendectomy. He had pain for the previous two nights and was very eager to get the surgery before his appendix burst. He was told it would be soon, like around 10 a.m. and we were texting back and forth before 6 am.so I knew he was ready to go. But no one came to prep him at 10 or 11 or 12 or 1 or 2 o’clock. By now I could imagine how hungry he was too but he would have to wait to eat until after the surgery, Finally, sometime after 3 they came to get him and his waiting was over and the surgery was done and went well. It didn’t happen before as the operating rooms were full. But in the fullness of God’s time, it happened, and he was commended as being their best Appendectomy patient all year!
Jesus is coming again for us, and we wait in anticipation, just like Kurt anticipated his surgery. We don’t’ know the time as it says in Mark 13:27, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Jesus has not returned yet, as more time is given for the Holy Spirit to work on hearts to open up to the Lord and receive Him, so that they will be ready. But one day He will come in His power and glory and all those who know Him will with Him for all eternity. Let us be patient in our waiting but be eager to tell others that they too may join us forever with Him.
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