Dear Ones,
Hope you wake up knowing that God can use you today in a wonderful way.
I am going to make Al’s favorite cookies while he is at Men’s group early this morning. When he returns, donuts and coffee await him and later is Bible Study here.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God uses ordinary people to have extraordinary influence, and how He uses each one is often a surprise to us and others. However, if we look to the experts, the professionals with degrees who have influence in the world, to direct our lives, it doesn’t always work out. Think of how we have turned our bodies over to the health experts and look what has happened. We are worse off today and our life expectancy has decreased 3 years. Or maybe we expect Psychologists to cure our hurts and yet there has never been so many lonely people and those committing suicide. We must not even look to our pastors to recharge our spiritual batteries, for we are the ones that are responsible to have faith and find our peace in God.

 I am reading Eugene Peterson’s book on David, and who would have thought that the youngest boy of Jesse would perk the interest of the prophet Samuel?  Samuel came to Jesse’ farm and was looking over all his sons to find God’s replacement for King Saul. But it wasn’t any of the first 7 sons, though they may have been tall and handsome, but he chose the youngest son, a shepherd boy name David. No doubt his brothers must have been shocked when Samuel anointed their young brother and passed over them. David was God’s pick and he became a man after God’s heart.
God uses us as He wills and we must not believe we have to be important or hold degrees for Him to use us. In fact, Peterson was at a dinner party and the host asked them to share about a person who had made a difference in their life and shaped them in a spiritually formative way? Not one of them chose a professional, a pastor, a missionary, or a CEO, but someone who motivated and encouraged them and gave guidance, though may not stand out in our society.
Let us not think that God can’t use us right where we are at, for He has a calling for each of us. We are successful if whatever we do we do for God and bring Him glory. He puts His desires in our hearts that will befit us and bring deep joy.

Challenge for today: Seek to hear the Lord and fit into the plan He has for your life.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy