Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had our children’s Christmas program during our church service yesterday. Today I have egg dishes in the oven and later going to my exercise class and then we have a party downstairs. We feel blessed to live in this place where we get together with friends and have Bible study and parties and times for fellowship.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Today I read about King Solomon who had a dream that God asked him what He could give Him? He could have asked for wealth, and a long life and peace from enemies, but he asked instead for wisdom to know how to govern the people and to discern good from evil. God was so pleased that he gave him great wisdom and also riches and honor.
Now if we asked our kids or grandkids, “What would you like me to give you for Christmas?” what kind of an answer would we be likely to get? Maybe a sports car, finances to go on a extended trip, or a mansion on the beach front? But what if they asked for food and goods to help the poor, a big facility to house those struggling with drugs, or money to give for wells to be dug to give people fresh water. Wouldn’t we be delighted and want to be like our Heavenly Father that would desire to grant their requests?
Maybe our want list shows us more of our own character and what is in our heart. Is our list one that if granted would not be good for us, and might cause us to become more selfish and distant from God? It might be wise for us to consider what we pray that it would be in line with what God has in mind for us. We may complain He is not answering our prayers, but our prayers may be out of line with His will. He knows best and our hearts need to be in tune with Him. But how do we know if it is His will or not?
I believe if we draw close to the Lord through His Word, we will find He will speak to us and reveal Himself to us and also His will for our lives. When we love the Word and hide it in our hearts, it will speak to us and guide us as it says in Psalm 119:11, “Your word have I laid up in my heart that I might not sin against You.” We are to treasure His word and let it empower us to live each day in the fulness of His will. When we need encouragement why not go to the Word first and let Him speak to us through it. Just yesterday two people shared a verse that God spoke clearly to them in their circumstances. Let us not neglect His Word but gain the wisdom He wants to give us each day.
Challenge for today: Spend some time each day reading His word with a receptive heart.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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