Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: October 2023 (Page 2 of 4)

October 21, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! We loved our time at the lake yesterday and were awed at the beauty of the brilliant-colored leaves all along the way. We enjoyed time with family, and it was a delightful day. Today I am going to clean and then shop for the Samaritan Purse shoeboxes. I love to watch the joy in the faces of the precious children receiving them.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  When I was a young girl, I remember how my mom would have devotions for us after the meal. We all memorized scriptures that she put on recipe cards, and in some way, they became indelibly imprinted in our minds and hearts. Often in my adult life those scriptures have spoken to me at a time that I have needed them. The Word is inspired and living and active and can bring change to our lives. Most of all our hearts can draw closer to the Lord as He speaks His Word to us.

  One of the most important things we can do in our families is to teach God’s word to our children.  I read today how Timothy was taught the scriptures from his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice.  Paul tells Timothy to “continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (II Tim. 3:14-15)

  There are times we may be going through a spell when the Word of God does not seem to light up in our hearts and it may seem rather dry. Recently I read what Kristine Brown had to say to help us in such times. First of all, before we even open our Bibles, we can ask the Holy Spirit soften our hearts and to reveal things to us as we read the Word. He has so much He wants us to say to us if our hearts are open. She suggests reading a Psalm a day which seems to cover all the varied experiences we have and emotions that we deal with. I like to read one each day along with the other chapters in the Word.  I also use a devotional book or two as I often learn from other person’s writings and experiences. Kristine also writes that it is good to listen to the Bible read aloud. Like it says in Rom. 10:17, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of God.” It is quite easy to hear the Bible read today as we can get Apps on our phones and listen to it when we go to work.  We can also read the Bible aloud to ourselves out as it is God’s love letter to us.  
 May we not neglect the Word of God but read with openness of heart.
Challenge for today:  Memorize or write down a meaningful verse of scripture and carry it with  you today.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


October 20, 2023

Dear Ones,
I jumped the gun yesterday to wish you a happy weekend, so today I hope you have as super one!Emoji We are heading for the lake this morning to celebrate Leif’s birthday early and to see our nephew and 2 nieces. We plan to stop on the way to see a friend at Assisted Living too. It should be a beautiful ride with all the color. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
The thought struck me as I was having devotions, do we really enjoy the Lord? I mean do we desire to speak to Him and share with Him all throughout our day, not because we have to, but because that is the desire of our hearts?

   I was reading from Acts 2:25-28 (God’s Word) where Peter is speaking to the new believers who had just been filled by the Holy Spirit. He quotes what David said in Psalm 16, “I always see the Lord in front of me. I cannot be moved because He is by my side. That is why my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices. My body also rests securely because you have not abandoned my soul to the grave or allow your holy one to decay. You make the path of life known to me. In your presence there is complete joy.”

  Our deepest joy and outlook on life doesn’t come from external things but it is found in a person…the person of Jesus. We have only to look at people who have everything, great wealth and fame, but if they don’t know the Lord, they have not found complete joy. They can keep searching and buying more things, but it leaves them feeling empty. The source of our joy is Jesus and we experience joy as we are in His presence.

   If we are to enjoy someone, we need to get to know them and to spend time together, to talk with them and share our hearts. David said in Psalm 27 that he will seek the face of the Lord and he will not rush but wait for the Lord. We will find as we also do that, we experience the joy of His presence. He has so much to say to us through His Word so it is important that we spend time each day letting the Word speak to us. But it is also important to be quiet and just listen and let Him love us. I know I need to do that more and too often I jump into my day without just spending quiet moments listening.

  The chorus to a song by Sandi Patty goes, “In your presence there is comfort/ In your presence there is peace/ When we seek to know Your heart/ We will find such blessed assurance/ In Your holy presence Lord.” Let these words be your prayer today.

Challenge for today: Spend some time alone with the Lord and tell Him what He means to you and then listen to His words of love for you.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 19, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! I think it is peak time in Baxter and the trees are gorgeous with so many vibrant colors as we walk the Paul Bunyan trail. Today I am making egg dishes, pork chops smothered with apples, and S.F. cinnamon bread. Al is at Men’s group and later we have Bible Study here.   
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  When we come to know the Lord, we become His followers and that means our obedience. It takes trust on our part for we don’t know what He will ask of us or where He will take us. I just finished reading about the children of Israel and how they conquered Jericho, a very thick-walled city. God told them to march around it for 6 days with 7 priests blowing ram’s horns; on the 7th day they were to march around it 7 times, horns blowing, and then shout loudly and the walls would fall down. Now that doesn’t sound like a military strategy that we would put our confidence in, but it was God’s way and they obeyed, and it worked. The walls collapsed and they took the city, just as the Lord said.

  Some of the things the Lord asks of us may not make logical sense to us but He has a plan and we are to trust and follow in obedience. It may feel at times that we are going almost the opposite direction of the desired outcome but then we notice it takes a turn and surprisingly all of a sudden. we are there. Or sometimes it is not unlike my cousin’s labyrinth whose path circles around and around and we feel like we are in the same place and not getting anywhere. But in reality, we realize we have all the while been coming closer to the center. Along the way it is good to get rid of any weights we have, so we can travel light without being weighed down.

  Sometimes it seems like He is taking us through the desert and we may long to be back in the honeymoon time with Him. But He knows when we are ready to be stretched and matured in new ways. It seems most of life is like a letting go of the familiar, the comfortable and entering into the new the Lord has for us. We are on a journey and must be good followers and let Him lead us wherever He would take us, lest we stagnate. When He says, move, let us move on, and not resist. Like the song goes, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back!” Even if no one joins us let us will still follow and put everything behind us and the cross before us!

  Challenge for today: Seek to follow the Lord in the new ways He may lead you. 
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 18, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you wake to a sense of incredible peace. The question for this week is: What fear has the Lord helped you confront and overcome? 
Today I plan to make bread and go to my exercise class and craft class and Bible study at church. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Fear is a stealer of peace, and the enemy will use every means to try his hardest to instill fear in us. He often whispers to us, “What if….  What if you get sick? What if you lose your home? What if you make a fool of yourself in front of your peers?” The list goes on and on and fear can take hold and rob us of our peace. That is the intention of our enemy as he wants us to distrust the Lord and be controlled by fear.  
  There are so many “fear nots” in the Bible and we know that fear is not from God. It is a tactic of the enemy to cause us to doubt in the power of the Lord.  Instead, we are to face our fears in the power of the Spirit. I just finished reading in my devotions about how Joshua exhorted the people to not fear as they were up against 6 kings who joined their armies together to fight against Gibeon who asked for help from the Israelites. The Lord spoke to Joshua and told him not to fear as He was going to give every man into their hands, and He did. The enemy went into a panic, and the Lord caused the sun to stand still while the Israelites killed all of their enemies. Joshua’s words to his men are found in Joshua 10:25 (Amplified), “Fear not nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage. For thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies against whom you fight.”
   We are not to run from our fears but to confront them with prayer and faith, believing that God will take us through whatever it is that is before us. He is strong, He is all powerful, He will see us through! When I use to have to speak, I prayed fervently beforehand, as speaking to a group was a very fearful thing for me. Afterwards I was so full of thanksgiving, and I thanked the Lord all the way home. I had no doubt that it was only His power that got me through. We all have different fears to deal with, but we have a God who takes our fears and gives us strength and boldness to do the hard things. As the song by a priest, Robert Dufford goes: “Be not afraid. I go before you. Come, follow me, and I will give you rest.”
  Challenge for today: Give the Lord your fears and ask for courage to overcome them with His power.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy



October 17, 2023

Dear Ones, 
May you wake to a hope-filled day! As I look out our BR window, soon the sun will come up and I am reminded of Mal. 4:2, “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.” This morning I have Womens Bible study and later we have friends coming for fellowship, pie and prayer!  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Our hearts go out to Israel as we get the reports of hundreds of people killed in the attack by Hamas and thousands injured. What can we do? We can pray as it says in Psalm 122, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” While reading on, I found several prayers that can help us as we hold the people up in prayer. I will include and combine a few short ones by Vivian Bricker:
Dear Jesus, please provide restoration to the people of Israel and their nation. Please help them rebuild their cities and bring healing into their hearts. This is a difficult time for the Israeli people, and they need their restoration to come from you. We know you love Israel, Lord. Please give them the restoration they need physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In Jesus’ Name….. 
  And dear Lord, Israel is your chosen nation and the country that is close to your heart. They have suffered much pain and hurt these past few days. Please bring peace, security, and healing into their hearts. Not only provide them with this but also provide them swift recoveries from their injuries and give comfort to the hearts of the individuals who lost their loved ones in this catastrophe. In Jesus’ Name, I pray…
   And Dear God, please bring justice to Israel. They have been afflicted with much injustice, and they need your help. Please bring your mighty hand upon their nation and lift them up. You can do all things, and we know nothing is too hard for you. The damage done to Israel and its people may endure, but you can provide justice to them. Thank you, Lord, for always hearing the cry of your people. In Jesus’ Name..
   And dear Jesus, please bring peace to the people of Israel. You have the peace that surpasses all understanding. Please give this peace to Israel and bring hope into Israel’s heart. They are facing a time of fear, uneasiness, and worry. Please surround them with your hope, peace, and love. Thank you, Lord, for always being there for all of us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”  
 Challenge for today: Spend some time in prayer for Israel and if possible, have others join you.  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy                      



“Go Back To Church”

A recent article in CBN quoted psychiatrist Daniel Amen saying, “Go back to church.”  He was responding to a recently-released Advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General which said loneliness is now a public health threat, making it as harmful as smoking and obesity to our nation. It seems that many Americans suffer with this painful secret.

The Advisory calls attention to “the public health crisis of loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection in our country.”  Surgeon General Vivek Murthy noted, “Loneliness increases the risk of physical ailments like heart disease, dementia, and stroke plus mental ones, including depression, anxiety and suicide.”  

As a mental health expert commenting on the Advisory, Dr. Amen stated, “I actually believe we’re on the beginning of a tidal wave of brain and mental health problems in young people, and it’s because we’re more disconnected than ever before, disconnected from our own families because when people are together their faces are buried in their gadgets.” So the psychiatrist says bluntly, “Go back to church.  Get involved.  Get involved with groups.  We have to go back.  And really, no better place to solve it than to church.”    

It is a well-known fact that loneliness is on the increase among men.  NYU marketing professor Scott Galloway has observed, “The most unstable nations in the world have one thing in common.  They have too many lonely, broken [men].”  Sociability has become a personal choice.  Younger men are not forming social bonds with real, live people.  “More U.S. men ages 18 to 34 are now living with their parents than with romantic partners.  Young men are not forming social bonds with real, live people, even when it comes to sexual relationships. 

Dr. Jeffery A. Hall has noted a steady decline in time spent talking with other people.  “There are increasing efforts to cut out other people in the name of removing toxicity.  And all these tendencies are pushed forward by frictionless technologies that remove social obligations to leave home, talk to others and engage in our community.”  Dr. Hall believes we can help reverse this with “our atrophied [relational] muscles, even if there is some short-term discomfort, and even if it means encountering people with disagreeable or uninteresting opinions.” 

Men in our culture need help in cultivating  relationships with real people. Sociability is vital since many younger men are simply dropping out, while older men push through with dysfunctional relationships.  What is needed are men who can model relationship building.   Young men who express a confident, selfless masculinity make not only better husbands and fathers, they “help check other men with negative character from becoming disproportionately fatherless young men who lapse into aggression or delinquency.

My advice:  1) Learn to live emotionally transparent with the Lord,  2) Confess your sinful relational tendencies, 3) Find a male soul friend who walks with God,  4) Join or form a group of men who talk openly about their relational difficulties.  In other words, go back to church.  Find, relate to, and share with other integrated (tough and tender) men.

David was an open, transparent, and vulnerable man.  He struggled mightily in his relationships.  “I am scorned by all my enemies and despised by my neighbors – even my friends are afraid to come near me” (Ps. 31:11 NLT).  But he prayed, “Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am in distress.  Tears blur my eyes. My body and soul are withering away (Ps. 31:9).  In Psalm 35 he acknowledges, “Malicious witnesses testify against me.  They accuse me of crimes I know nothing about (v. 11). Yet he prays, “How long, O Lord, will you look on and do nothing? Rescue me from their fierce attacks” (v. 17). 


October 16, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Great Viking win yesterday and our grandson, Lars stopped by during the game. This morning I am going to make stroganoff and go to my exercise class and do some baking this afternoon.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
l often says he has a Father in Heaven who loves him!  When we know that in our hearts that is the best news ever! Last night I had a dream and all I remember was a little toddler sitting on the floor with activity going on around her but looking sad. When asked what was wrong, she said, “I miss daddy!” She was lonesome for his touch. In our lives today, are we aware of our Father’s loving touch as He sends many signs that He is right with us. When that happens, I often find myself lifting my head towards heaven and smiling and saying thank you to Him.

I had such an encounter on Saturday, and it left me knowing He was present in my day. I arrived at Aldi’s a couple minutes early so visited with a man who was already waiting in line outside. When the store opened, I busily started piling fresh fruits and veggies in my cart, including a stock of organic celery. That’s when this man approached me and asked for help as his wife had sent him to get organic miniature cucumbers. I didn’t even know they sold them, but I knew where to help him look and there it was. In the meantime, I put more veggies in my cart, including celery, not realizing I already had some. I didn’t catch that until I was bagging my groceries and wondered if I should go back and return one of the stocks of celery, but I didn’t want to get in line again. When I got home, I thought of the 94-year-old widow down the hall who appreciates fresh produce but doesn’t want to buy a whole bag of one kind of fruit or veggie for just one person. So, I bagged a few different fruits and wondered about the celery… but I put that in anyway, as I sure didn’t need two of them. I hung the bag on her door and later in the evening received a phone call from her, thanking me profusely, especially for the celery. She said she loves celery but never buys it since she can’t use up a whole stock of celery. After I got off the phone, I smiled and knew it was the Lord’s doing. He cared enough for a widow’s pleasure to let her know that He sees her. And he let me know He can use even my mistakes when given to Him. 

This is such a small encounter, but the Lord lets us know He is present in our day. He is all the while aware of us, touching us, loving us. As it says in I John 3:1, “What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s’ who we really are.” The Father loves to bless His children.

Challenge for today: Throughout your day, thank the Lord for the ways He shows His love to you.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

October 14, 2023

Dear Ones,
May you have a restful and beautiful weekend! The big oak tree that I see from my window is now in full array and so beautiful to look out on. We had a great Women’s night out last night 
Today I plan to clean and get to Aldi’s for groceries and do some baking. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Let us be children of light who dwell in the light of His presence. No more in the shadows of the world but committed to Him who is the Light of the World.                                                             

We have lived almost 5 years at Northern Lakes and both Al and I have a big closet. Mine has a door on both sides of the closet and only one light bulb in the light fixture. All this time I have contended with not being able to see well to know if the shades of colors go well together or to read papers that I have stored in the closet file etc. So I would take the items out into the light in our bedroom to discern. But one day we asked maintenance man to come as we had several light bulbs going out in our high ceiling fixtures. I asked Greg to also replace the one in my closet and he not only put in two bulbs but had to take the fixture apart to fix it. When I came back to the apartment my closet was full of light and I thought, why didn’t I do something about this before.

How much of our Christian lives are lived more on the shadowy edge rather than in the center of the Light? We know Jesus but we don’t commit everything into His hands. The world subtlety creeps in, and even though we may have a feeling that things are not quite right, we may not do anything about it. When we live in the shadows though it erodes our faith. Perhaps we want to be spiritually mature in record time and don’t want to go through the slower training as His follower. Deep faith life does not just happen in an instant but more like being an apprentice as we learn from the Lord, the Word, and from mature Christians. But maybe we’d rather take a shortcut like taking a fast course or some new study method and skip the slower maturing process. It doesn’t work that way for it’s not all about obtaining information about God, but being in relationship with Him and learning as we walk and talk and work together. We let Him lead for He is the teacher and we are only the apprentice.

We need to keep our eyes on the Lord and learn from Him who is gentle and lowly in heart (Matt. 11:29). The only way we can do that is to walk as children of Light, enjoying His presence and learning from Him wherever He leads us and for however long it takes.

Challenge for today: Be aware of when you are drifting towards the shadows and choose to live in the Light.  
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 13, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! It looks to be raining all day so some plans may need to be changed. I like to bake on such days and fill the house with aroma. Tonight, I have a Women’s Night out at church with a speaker and pie and fellowship. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are to walk in love but how many times do we get angry and blow it, and maybe tell someone off? Paul writes to the church in Ephesus, “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Eph.5 2) He also tells us in in the love chapter, I Corinthians 13 that love is not irritable or easily angered. Anger can cause harm to the cause of Christ, and I don’t mean righteous anger over some evil that is being done, but rather from our bruised ego or responding to someone saying something we disagree with.

 In the Body of Christ much damage is done when anger is let loose into rage and leaves the other persons wounded. Words are said that can’t be taken back and they leave a negative feeling in the hearts of all who are recipients of the anger. It is a stealer of unity in the church and we must guard against emotional outbursts of wounding words. Yes, there will be differences but we are given ways to handle them in a righteous way.

Sometime we can put ourselves in stressful positions by having too heavy of a schedule. We can’t seem to ever catch up and then when things pile up, we burst out in anger at those closest to us. Maybe we need more sleep or it could be the Lord is telling us that we need to pare down as He hasn’t called us to do all those things that are stressing us out, even if they are good. It helps when we just tell our loved ones we are facing a deadline and let them know we are under pressure. It may cause them to be more accommodating with us and cut us slack. One night recently Al said he was very tired, and he felt “crabby” and he would be fine later when he had a chance to rest. It put us on the same team, and I appreciated that.

Of course, the first person we can all go to when we are stressed and feel anger building up is to the Lord. If we will give our concerns to Him and all the emotions with it, He will shoulder our burden and give us His peace. Let us go first to Him and not wait until we have done damage to others.

Challenge for today: Give your stresses to the Lord before angry feelings build up and ask for His help.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy



October 12, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of sunshine and grace. Al is off to men’s group and Ann and Leif are coming to town and an early lunch before our Bible Study. I hope to make apple crisp as I got a whole bag of apples again last night at church.Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I was blessed by the poem that our friend David sent us and particularly noticed the difference between the first two verses and the last two. When he had received a picture, he saw what he thought looked like a fence or some kind of obstruction but on looking closer he saw the cross and it changed his outlook. When you read this, if you are going through a trying time, remember what a difference the cross makes.
 “I will never forget wandering in the dark and deep Alzheimer’s canyon.
The echoing pain of missing my love and companion.
When the sun sinks low, shadows swallow the light. 
I try to capture memories we made yesterday, but time seems out of sight.
Watching the crimson sun melt into the mountains, I wonder about God when painting the beautiful sky.
You allowed your Alzheimer’s loved one’s colors to be lost. Why?
They have become like a songbird silenced in a glass cage, a prisoner with their compromised mind.
They have ears but cannot hear eyes but are living blind.
(Analysis: after he sees the wooden cross).
I could see in the shadow of a wooden cross His nail-scared hands.
I started dreaming of forgotten flowers blooming that died in the vast Alzheimer’s cruel land.
The sunset is seen differently, like a flickering candle that fades into a whisper of His abundant grace.
The twilight’s gentle descent reveals His goodness as deep as unlimited space. 
When darkness opens, stars are born to sing His praise. 
My faith overcomes my fears, and I thank Him for the challenging journey days.
When I took one step, He took two.
I found mercy and love in His goodness and became new.
Through sunrise and sunset, valleys are low and the mountains high.
His goodness never says goodbye. He is our faithful guide.”
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to see your problems through the lens of the cross.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


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