Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: October 2023 (Page 3 of 4)

October 11, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a joy filled day! Al will be preaching this morning and I have exercise class, crafts, and Bible study at church. Good we have so many opportunities to gather with others. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 We need one another for God has not made us to be an island unto ourselves but has created us to be interdependent. That means community is important for we all have need to love and be loved in order to be complete. As we experience God’s love for us, we can love and care for those around us. As it says in I John 4:19, “We love because He first loved us”. If we are negligent in caring for others, maybe we fail to know how God cares for us.  Perhaps we need to spend time in quiet and think of all the ways God shows His love for us; He provides for us, not only physically but for our souls. He is always listening to us, encouraging us, protecting us, healing us, speaking to us, and using others to bless us etc.                                 

God wants to take each one of us and use us also to show His love and care for others; even the very way we live effects the lives of those around us. We may show His love in caring for their physical needs, and have countless opportunities to do that; it may mean taking someone to the Doctor, visiting a lonely person, fixing a widow’s car, bringing a meal to someone just home from the hospital etc. He also uses us to care for the souls of others and we may never know how a word of scripture and encouragement can impact their life, or simply listening. When I question the Lord if I should keep writing, He sends me words through others that lets me know His answer. A positive word can change the course of a person’s life.

 James Smith shares the story of a woman who was old and not in good health and lost her loved ones. She was ready for God to take her home, but she felt God telling her to write to prisoners. She wrote a letter to the prisoners saying she was willing to be their friend and would answer every letter she received. She ended up corresponding with hundreds of inmates and it became the most fulfilling years of her life.

There are so many ways we can care for others, and it could be sharing a scripture, praying for them, or simply texting them you are thinking of them. Let us love and care for others as He loves and cares for us.

Challenge for today: Express God’s love in a tangible way to someone the Holy Spirit lays on your heart.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


Oct. 10, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a beautiful day. As I look out my window the sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky! I just made a chicken oven dinner and Rice Krispie bars.
Let us remember to pray much for Israel at this very turbulent time. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 Have we been robbed? Maybe not like coming home and finding our house suddenly ransacked but more like missing things that have gradually disappeared. It could be our joy has been stolen, but not overnight, just a little every day until we wake up to the fact that we have no zest for life or zeal for the Lord. How did that happen?                                                                                 

The enemy is subtle, and we often respond to his cues rather than the Holy Spirit who always desires to point us back to Jesus. True deep joy is found only in the Lord’s presence and too often we get tripped up and sidetracked by the things of this world. Rather than time in the Word as we go into a new day, the enemy will often tell us we need to first check our phone; he knows it will rob us of time with the Lord and get our focus elsewhere for the day.

 I read today Romans 14:17 which says, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” When we chose to listen to the Holy Spirit we will be filled with joy and flooded with peace. But if we choose to listen to the voice of the enemy, we will become stressed and laden with anxious thoughts and concerns, and find our peace has disappeared. When that happens, we need to quickly respond to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and ask Him to turn us back to the Lord and strengthen us with resolve to go God’s way. I’m sure we have all experienced those times we suddenly realize something is wrong and we have been taken in by the voice of the enemy. We need to do a quick turnabout and obey the Spirit and as we follow His directions our joy will return.                                         

The choice is ours, for the Lord has given us free will and does not force us but rather invites us to enjoy His joy-filled presence. He will help us stand against the temptations from our enemy that wants to rob us. Let us choose God’s love and His kingdom and experience all that He has waiting for us to receive!

Challenge for today: Commit to be open to hear the voice of the Spirit guiding you through your day and obey.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


The Search

“We are conscious these days of a deep-seated hunger, a secret need in our heart’s core, to be set free from sin, from the world, and from self-centeredness, and so to be reunited with our source.  We must only be earnest about it.  The power is close at hand.”  Wow!  The words written over 250 years ago seem to have a contemporary ring to the spiritual condition of our times.  

This is a quote from a short devotional book by Gerhard Tersteegen  (1697-1769), a spiritual writer and guide of the 18th century, entitled “The Quiet Way.” He was part of the renewal movement in Germany. “Germany, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, was war-ridden and ,morally and spiritually impoverished.  A thirty-years war had cost her twelve million lives, forth-fifths of her population, and had left behind it a land of ravaged farmsteads, destroyed stock, famine, disease, bestiality and even cannibalism” (The Quiet Way -Intro).

In this environment Tersteegen’s advice was simple: “You are the child of God,  God’s nature is in you.  It has only over-clouded.  Withdraw from outward things.  Pray, and you will make contact again with God, the source of your being.  Forget yourself.  Forget your selfish desires.  Look to God.  Die to your own will, live for God’s will and you will know true life”  (The Quiet Way – Into.)

Tersteegen’s spiritual counsel can be helpful for us as we tread the spiritual landscape scattered with “mine fields” of distortion and outright unbelief.   The author’s audience was,  “harassed by war-time conditions, uncongenial companions, religious doubts, bad tempers, church divisions, uncontrollable impulses, and the will to do good which seems so often to be overruled by the bent to do evil” (The Quiet Way – Into). 

I discovered this small devotional guide in the 80’s.  I have read it many times in  my desire to be formed into the image of Christ.  I am definitely still a work in  progress.  But praise God, I have found help for the journey.  Tersteegen is one of those hidden spiritual guides of the past helping me to get both my head and heart integrated on the spiritual journey.  I want to share just a few gems from the first chapter, “God, our True Life,”  I must confess, I am able to integrate his insights more comprehensibly then in the 80’s.

The first gem: “Just stay where you are and unite yourselves with God as with something there already, that you do not need to seek!  For God is certainly with you and in you, although hidden by darkness.”  Colossians 3:3, “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”  For me this means – Through Jesus, God the Father has sent the Holy Spirit, the presence of the triune God into my heart (deepest center).  I do not have to go searching for the presence.  God is with me, but hidden.  Why?  So I don’t mess up the relationship.

The second gem:  “So do not go out so much into reflections.  Do not seek merely by reasoned, external methods to find sure foundations, but close your eyes like a child and confide yourself to the hidden Being who is so near to you inwardly.”  John 14:14, “My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”  For me this means – The triune God lives at the center.  Don’t try to figure it all out. Rest as a child in his bosom within

The Third gem:  “You don’t need to search for God; you have only to realize Him.” For me – It’s not doing or thinking more, but becoming aware.   



October 9, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend! To start off my week I am going to the dentist early this morning to get my temporary implants put in. Not my favorite way to start the day but necessary! Emoji We have a funeral also, but I’m not sure yet if I can make that. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I am a fortunate wife that has a library at my fingertips. Whenever I finish reading a book, there is always more books in Al’s study. I rarely buy a book in the bookstore for it may be that Al already has it and I often ask him to pick out books for me as he knows the authors that I like etc. On vacation I began reading a 600-page book on Elizabeth Elliot that Al bought me for my birthday. This will take me some time to read but I already think that any problems I may face are miniscule compared to what she experienced.

Lately most of the books I have read have been on forgiveness and each one seems to go into greater depth; I think it is an important teaching for the Body of Christ for in the days to come, things are going to get worse in our culture. We are going to need to unite closely with other believers for strength to stand. We won’t capitalize on our differences and hurts but focus on God’s grace and strength to stand united in Christ.

Right now, I am reading theologian Lewis Smedes’ book on “The Art of Forgiving” and will share some of his thoughts. We all have wounds inflicted on us by others and we only punish ourselves when we refuse to forgive and seek to get revenge. Instead, forgiveness is a gift God gives us for our healing before we can help others. In a nutshell he writes about the stages of forgiveness, the first being the discovery of the humanity of others; instead of seeing them through the lens of being a horrible enemy that is almost like scum in our eyes, we start the miracle of forgiving by seeing them as a failed human being, a person who is bruised and broken like we are. Next, we surrender our right to get even by making them feel the pain they inflicted on us. We give up our vengeance and getting back at them. It is not the same as justice for like the person who tried to kill Pope John Paul and was forgiven, still had to serve his time in jail. The third stage is revising our feelings as we begin to see them differently after we have looked at them through a different lens. We start having feelings of good will, rather than hate, toward, although it may come slowly. One day we will be able to bless them and we will know we have forgiven. Let us purpose to forgive all who have hurt us, remembering that others will need to extend forgiveness to us as well.

Challenge for today: Think of someone who caused you pain in the past and ask the Lord to help you see their brokenness, give up the right to get even, and then to see them through His eyes.  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


October 7, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! So good to see the sun after the wind and rain yesterday. This morning I made egg dishes and did lots of food prep and just finished cleaning the apartment. The apple crisp I made we enjoyed yesterday as my cousin and a friend stopped in on their way to the lake. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How good are we at caring for ourselves? If we are a care giver it becomes even more problematic but all of us need to care for ourselves or we may find ourselves exhausted and overextended. It is not selfish to care for ourselves, as Jesus said, The Sabbath day was made for man, not man for the sabbath.” (Mark 2:27) But do we actually take a day to completely rest from our usual work and create space for the Lord into our lives? James Smith writes about what their family did when they took this passage seriously and kept a Sabbath rest. His wife made meals ahead of time in the crock pot, and they did not work on the yard or travel but took time together sharing, taking walks, playing games, but nothing that would be considered work. Their bodies experienced rest, and in a sense, they let God care for them. They became more aware of His presence in their lives and desired to bring glory to Him. And isn’t that why we are put on earth in the first place? But why do we ignore Him and become so busy?

Smith reminds us that caring for ourselves involves nurturing our spirit, soul and body, as Paul writes to the Thessalonians (I Thess. 5:23). We must not neglect one of them, for we can work out every day at the gym caring for our body, and ignore the Lord, so our spirit is not fed. Our spirit is cared for as we pray, do spiritual exercises, receive God’s grace and nurture His life within us.! Our soul that has to do with our emotions and feelings is not to be neglected or the loss may be seen in addictions, obsessions, and loss of meaning to our lives. We need to create space to relax and enjoy a game, music, time in nature and to reflect. Our bodies are important for they house our souls and spirits. We are to treat our bodies well, exercise, rest, eat healthily etc.  All three aspects of our life need care, not just one.

When we refrain from work for a day, we are allowing the Lord to care for us and teach us to trust and become more attuned to Him. We become aware of His presence, pray, and have more space for Him. Our other 6 days may include starting the day giving it to the Lord and asking Him to direct it, eat healthy meals, enjoy quiet as well as conversation, prayer time, exercise our minds by memorizing scripture, and getting enough sleep. Let us spend our lives well for life is too short to miss what the Lord has planned for us.

Challenge for today: Honor the Lord by taking time to care for your body, soul, and spirit.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 6, 2021

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! The weather has turned cool, and Kurt stopped by yesterday on the way to the Lake to close up the cabin. It is that time again! I plan to make a Mexican dish and apple crisp this morning and go to Aldi’s.    
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Isn’t it wonderful when we can join with others who know the Lord and want to grow in faith and wholeness and healing? It is truly a gift from the Lord and important to be open to the opportunities He puts before us. It can be a time to share and be nurtured together with others who want to grow closer to the Lord. God uses all sorts of groups, and it may be a Soul Care group, a Bible study, a Spiritual formation group, an Alpha group etc. The Lord can direct us to a group that seems to fit the need we have at the time.
  Such groups may help nurture us and renew us and bring healing and even correction where needed.  Here at Northern Lakes, we have a weekly Bible Study and fill the community room each week with Christians from different churches and denominations. Al leads the study, but we also learn and grow through the sharing with each other. Since we are from different backgrounds, it broadens us and brings balance to our lives. We are united in the Lord even though we may not interpret certain verses in the same way, we capitalize on what is our common denominator, which is Jesus.
  When we studied the book of Ephesians, we noted how the Apostle Paul stressed unity in the Body of Christ and the importance of humility, gentleness, patience and bearing with others in love. He also said in Eph. 4:15, Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ.” It was so beautiful at one of the studies when one in the group publicly asked another one for forgiveness. I think we were all touched. The Holy Spirit wants to move in all hearts to bring us closer to the Lord and also to one another. We are called into relationship with His whole Body, and we learn to serve one another in love and to use our spiritual gifts. Let us be open and available to share our lives together with others in the family of God, that we may grow to be more like the One who is head of us all.
Challenge for today: Be willing to join a community of faith where you can grow together.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

October 5, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of peace and joy. Al has gone to Men’s group, and I am baking. I just made a zucchini cake so Al can take to his friends, and I can give to the sweet man who gave me the zucchini. Today is Donut Day and Bible Study and time to get my hair done.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  One day I was reading about God’s care for me, and the song came to mind by a Jesuit priest, Bob Dufford, “Be not afraid. I go before you always. Come, follow me, and I will give you rest.” Even if we go through raging waters or burning flames, we know that God is with us and at our side to give us rest.
  In our heart of hearts do we believe God really cares for us and all that concerns us? We often hear of miraculous ways God may provide for someone who is in desperate straits or a rescue of what seems to be someone in an impossible situation, and we are amazed. But then when we are worried over a situation in our own lives, we may wonder, God do you see and really care? A thousand times Yes, He does! God also gives us freedom and He doesn’t step in to prevent us from doing our own thing, which may bring suffering. But even in our pain He is with us and reminds us that He is God and to let Him take over and bring good out of even the adverse circumstance. His perfect love for us can cast out our fears. (I John 4:18) Only by trusting Him will we have peace and rest.
   I was reading James Smith’s book, Embracing the Love of God, and He decided to go through the book of Mark and underline every verb that described Jesus’ action… like He came to be with us, He blessed, He laid hands on people, He showed compassion, He died, He taught, He forgave, He loved etc. He also gave us so many promises that will cover every need we might have, but not necessarily answer in the way we desire. But it’s best to trust God’s wisdom, not our own since He sees our hearts. As we commit our concerns to the Lord, we will find that His answers are better than we could anticipate. That is so true when we went to our son’s in N.C. recently, God had so much more awaiting us than I had prayed for or anticipated. There are also times we suffer but even in those times, He is always with us. One of the last things Jesus told his followers, “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  (Matt. 28:20)
   Let us bundle up our concerns in a package, as Smith shares, and then give them to the Lord as a care package, for they contain all our concerns. The Lord will receive them gladly and we can rest that He will do what is best.
   Challenge for today: Release your specific concerns to the Lord and rest as you wait for His answers.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


October 4, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a sunny day, even though as I look out my window it looks like rain soon. I just fixed a new chicken dinner to put in the oven later and will be going to my exercise class, creative cuties craft time, and then Bible study tonight. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Today we don’t hear many sermons about sin as other words may be used like mistakes, errors, or wrongs. Most sin comes from the suspicion that God is not good and that we could do a better job; or maybe we blame others and circumstances, but we are responsible for ourselves. It’s not so hard to admit our superficial sins that all of a sudden peek up out of the soil of our hearts, but it is those deep-rooted sins that cause us the most trouble. We, however, don’t need to tear up our garden to find every detailed sin for which we are guilty, but we need to let the Holy Spirit reveal those sins that trip us up. 

  Perhaps we can see sin patterns in our own families, and we may feel we have some of the negative traits of addictions, avoiding conflict, controlling, lying, blaming others, distorting truth etc. It is good when we can recognize and name those sins, not to make excuses, but to see what may be in our own hearts. If we choose not to do this and to pass them on to the next generation, they will reap what we have sown.

  Once we come to the awareness of our sin, let us not try to rationalize but deal with it. Sin separates us from the Lord and the enemy tries to tell us that it isn’t a big thing…that is just a little white lie, or it won’t make any difference. But the sooner we deal with those sins that the Holy Spirit reveals to us, the sooner we can confess our sin and we experience His grace. What comes to mind as I write this is the song by Ira Stanphill who wrote his first hymn at age 17.

   “1. The cross upon which Jesus died/ Is a shelter in which we can hide/ And its grace so free is sufficient for me/ And deep is its fountain as wide as the sea.


    There’s room at the cross for you/ There’s room at the cross for you/ Though millions have come, there’s still room for one/ Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.”

2. Though millions have found him a friend/ And have turned from the sins they have sinned/ The Savior still waits to open the gates/And welcome a sinner before it’s too late.”

   No matter what we have done in our lives, the Lord waits for us to come and experience His cleansing and grace.
Challenge for today: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden sins that hinders your relationship with Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

Oct. 3, 2023

Dear Ones,
May you have a peace-filled, prioritized day! This morning I have Women’s Bible study at church and then this afternoon we have coffee and fellowship with friends. I hope to get some work done too! Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Prioritize! Prioritize! Let us do what is most important and put that at the top of our schedule each day. I don’t write from practicing that successfully each and every day, for too often I jump ahead to those secondary things and then run out of time for what is top priority. I am referring to time alone with the Lord, enjoying His presence and listening to what He has to say to me.
  I usually have a mental list of what I want to accomplish and purpose to do each day. I have my own devotions and then write a devotional but sometimes I fail at just sitting with the Lord and soaking in His presence. I need to listen more carefully to His voice for He is the Good Shepherd and will lead me through my day. King David expresses the joy found in the Lord’s presence and his words are found in Psalm 16:11 “I always keep the Lord in front of me. When He is by my side, I cannot be moved. That is why my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. My body rests securely…complete joy is in your presence. Pleasures are by your side forever.”
  It is important that we not just call on the Lord when we need something and ask for help during our day; but rather we spend time just being quiet with Him and listening to what He has to say. It’s not all about what He can do for us but enjoying His presence. We miss so much when we rush about and neglect time just to be with Him.
  The days that I plunge into my work first, I know I miss the best He has for me. But when I seek Him first, I find that I have a deep joy that spills out as I do my work, and it seems to get accomplished much quicker.
  May we all prioritize our day with spending time in His presence.
 Challenge for today: Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you to keep your priorities straight! 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

The Remnant

The name “Micah” means “Who is like Yahweh?” The theme of the biblical book of Micah alternates between God’s deliverance and destruction: there are always glimmers of hope breaking into the despair and destruction. “Micah spells out the disobedience of God’s people, particularly in the city of Jerusalem, and the certain judgment of the Lord which will be thorough but will leave a faithful remnant under the leadership of God’s chosen king” (Bible Speaks Today). The people of Judah had learned “to perfect the perennial heresy of compartmentalizing their religious beliefs and separating them from their daily lives” (BST).  They were learning to live comfortably without God.  

The people did not want to hear God’s word declared passionately by the prophet: “Don’t preach with such impassioned rhetoric.  These prophets should not preach of such things; we will not be overtaken by humiliation” (Micah 2:6 NET).  The NET provides this alternative meaning: “do not foam at the mouth.” “The sinful people tell the Lord’s prophets not to ‘foam at the mouth,’ which probably refers in a derogatory way to their impassioned style of delivery.”  But Micah was intensely moved by what God had shown him: “This is why I lament and mourn.  This is why I go around in rags and barefoot.  This is why I howl like a pack of coyotes, and moan like a mournful owl in the night” (Micah 1:8 – MSG).

In Micah 2:7-8 (NLT), God challenges the people through the prophet: “Should you talk that way, O family of Israel?  Will the Lord’s Spirit have patience with such behavior?  If you would do what is right, you would find my words comforting.  Yet to this very hour my people rise against me like an enemy!”  The Lord accuses them of defiling the land with their rebellious behavior.  He tells the apostate people, “Get up, go away! For this is not your resting place, because it is defiled, it is ruined beyond all remedy” (2:10).  The land could no longer be the resting place God had intended it to be.  The land was defiled and beyond cure.  

Then, in verses 12-13 we hear of God’s message of salvation for his faithful remnant.  False prophets said God’s judgment would not come. “But Micah promised salvation beyond the judgment for a righteous remnant” (CSB). This can be received as both good news and bad news. It assures the salvation of a remnant, while at the same time affirming the destruction of Judah as a whole. “I will surely gather all of you, Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel.  I will bring them together like sheep in a sheepfold, like a flock in its pasture” (v. 12). 

How will this happen?  As we read this passage we can shout, “King Jesus has come!”  “Micah’s prophecy telescopes two great events – Judah’s return from captivity in Babylon, and the great gathering of all believers when the Messiah returns” (Application Bible).  “Your leader will break out and lead you out of exile, out through the gates of the enemy cities, back to your own land.  Your King will lead you; the Lord himself will guide you” (Micah 2:13 NLT).  

As faithful followers who take our marching orders from King Jesus, we seem to be more and more in exile.  In the midst of the post-Christian destruction of our institutions and our former way of life, God is preserving a remnant.  As the faithful remnant, we see more clearly than ever that this is not our resting place, “It is defiled, and ruined beyond all remedy.”  My counsel: find fellow believers who have the same vision and follow King Jesus into the new land.  





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