Dear Ones,
Happy weekend! It looks to be raining all day so some plans may need to be changed. I like to bake on such days and fill the house with aroma. Tonight, I have a Women’s Night out at church with a speaker and pie and fellowship. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We are to walk in love but how many times do we get angry and blow it, and maybe tell someone off? Paul writes to the church in Ephesus, “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Eph.5 2) He also tells us in in the love chapter, I Corinthians 13 that love is not irritable or easily angered. Anger can cause harm to the cause of Christ, and I don’t mean righteous anger over some evil that is being done, but rather from our bruised ego or responding to someone saying something we disagree with.

 In the Body of Christ much damage is done when anger is let loose into rage and leaves the other persons wounded. Words are said that can’t be taken back and they leave a negative feeling in the hearts of all who are recipients of the anger. It is a stealer of unity in the church and we must guard against emotional outbursts of wounding words. Yes, there will be differences but we are given ways to handle them in a righteous way.

Sometime we can put ourselves in stressful positions by having too heavy of a schedule. We can’t seem to ever catch up and then when things pile up, we burst out in anger at those closest to us. Maybe we need more sleep or it could be the Lord is telling us that we need to pare down as He hasn’t called us to do all those things that are stressing us out, even if they are good. It helps when we just tell our loved ones we are facing a deadline and let them know we are under pressure. It may cause them to be more accommodating with us and cut us slack. One night recently Al said he was very tired, and he felt “crabby” and he would be fine later when he had a chance to rest. It put us on the same team, and I appreciated that.

Of course, the first person we can all go to when we are stressed and feel anger building up is to the Lord. If we will give our concerns to Him and all the emotions with it, He will shoulder our burden and give us His peace. Let us go first to Him and not wait until we have done damage to others.

Challenge for today: Give your stresses to the Lord before angry feelings build up and ask for His help.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy