Devotions from Judy’s heart

This morning I got up earlier than usual to get a fire going in our wood stove. I used a starter and soon the fire was going great. But while I was making blueberry pancakes, I happened to look over at the stove and the fire was almost out. What happened? I opened the damper again and let in the air and soon the fire was going again. In a spiritual sense, so quickly the fire of our love for the Lord can go out and we hardly know when it happened. We need to be watchful and aware so that our love does not go dim as we get caught up in other things… Even good things!  We need to open our hearts continually and let the wind of His Spirit blow fresh air upon us to keep the flame going. Sometimes God uses others in our lives to bring us encouragement so that our flame burns brightly. Other times He may use us to help another be open to the Spirit’s fresh breeze. Paul told Timothy in II Tim 1:6 to “Fan into flame the gift of God which is in you”.

May we not grow cold in our love for Him but give off the warmth of His love to others. Today I sang songs to the Lord all the way to town and I think He smiled even if I don’t have a solo voice.