Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. The sun is shining and looks to be a beautiful day. One pastor suggested we have a Thanksgiving week and begin today making a Thanksgiving list by writing down things each day we are thankful for. I started mine and hope you will too.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
I think we would all agree that the darkness is getting darker in our world right now. More than ever before we see evil blatantly parading around and not just lurking in the corners. We have read this would happen but somehow it seems to have grown darker so quickly. More than ever before, as Christ’s followers, it is time to rise and let our lights shine! Kris Vallotor writes about how light and darkness cannot cohabit. If light is increased in a room it can’t get simultaneously darker unless the light is shielded with something. Light needs to be put in the highest visible places and not hidden. Over the past weekend, our son was at the Silver Chateau with 3 friends, putting wood siding on the cabin. He has plenty of lights in the cabin but also powerful outdoor lights. My cousin e-mailed me Saturday night that Kurt’s lights were lighting up the whole lake and she took a picture. (It is attached below) Since the cabin is very close to the water and so many trees are down from the past storm, the lights shine even brighter and also reflect in the water. Everyone on the lake could see the darkness penetrated. It was such a vivid picture to me of the importance of letting our lights shine brightly without being apologetical or hiding in silence when we should speak out, or going along with the worldly crowd. One small light can make a difference in the darkness and cause others to get their bearings and find their way. Let us not get distracted so that our lights grow dim. Also, think of the effect we can have for God’s kingdom when we combine our lights and let them shine together as Kurt with all his lights on. We can make a difference and the stakes are much higher when we think of eternity. We read in Isaiah 60:1-2 (NRSV) the promise to Israel but also to us, “Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and His glory will appear over you.” May we arise and shine for the Lord is our everlasting light.
Challenge for today: Share the Lord in a new way today with someone who needs the light.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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