Devotions from Judy’s heart

The other day I took a prayer walk to the Point and I was surrounded by dragonflies the whole time. I felt like “Pigpen” in the Peanuts column that had a film of dirt around him. But Dragonflies are not bad for they eat mosquitoes, and I didn’t have one bite the whole time I was at the Point. Instead of visualizing them as an irritation, I saw them as an army going before me and freeing the way. Sometimes there are“intrusions”  in our lives and we immediately think it is a bad thing. But if we look deeper, maybe they are really things God is using to do a work in our lives and give protection from other things. He has a plan and purpose for each of us and uses many things to get us where we need to be. As it says in Ps. 138:8: “The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.”   May God finish his work in each of our lives!