What does it mean to give our all to the Lord…to be willing to do whatever He asks of us?
I have been reading about Matthew, the tax collector, who walked away from everything, leaving his lucrative career, and went with Jesus when he said to him, “Come follow Me.” And James and John who left their nets and answered the call from Jesus to join Him. And the other disciples who who didn’t look back, and their lives were radically changed from time with Jesus.
When we give our all, it means we do what Jesus asks of us, like the disciples who were dogged tired after fishing all night and got skunked. But because Jesus told them to throw their nets on the other side of the boat, they caught more than they could handle! All because they did what Jesus said.
This week we had Taylor for dinner and she is the one we all prayed for when she was on her mission to Africa and Thailand for 9 months. As we shared together, it was evident that Taylor spends time listening to the Lord and wanting to do whatever He asks of her. Recently she was enjoying some friends and they walking near a playground. On the other side she noticed a 15 year-old-boy and felt like God was impressing her with a message to give him. She didn’t hesitate even when asked by another guy who doesn’t yet acknowledge God, why she would do that. She just walked over to the teenager and told him who she was and that she felt God wanted him to know something. She told him God had forgiven him. He said thank you and left and that was that. But later he looked her up on Facebook and asked if she was the one who had spoken to him. He then told her how he had been tearing around in his car in an open field when the car overturned. His girlfriend got killed and he wondered if God had forgiven him.
How important it was that he heard the message of God’s forgiveness, especially from a stranger that knew nothing about it. God wants to use us and we can be like his hands and feet when we are willing. He says in Matt. 25:40 (The Message), “Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was Me—you did it to me.”
Challenge for today: Don’t hold back from the Lord but give Him your all.
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