Dear Ones, Hope you had a good weekend. We had a wonderful time at our son’s family in Kansas and yes, we all watched the Super Bowl together. Sadly, the Chiefs lost. We are home now and left at 4 a.m. with snow covered roads at first; but then they cleared and had good roads all the rest of the way. Thank you for prayers.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
In many ways, we all subscribe to the prosperity gospel as we think and expect God to make things in our lives work out if we do our part. And yet we may pray for years and not receive what we are asking for, and may continue to suffer from some form of sickness our whole lives. We want an end to our sickness, and resolution to problems, and enough money not to have to pinch every penny. But did God really promise that He would do that and give us immediate results? No. Some with chronic illnesses may never be healed in this life, but it doesn’t mean the person has less faith. God’s path for our lives may include persecution, and struggles, but underneath it all are precious pearls, the shaping of our lives to be more like Him, and His glory shining forth. One day we may see more clearly what God’s purpose was, but for now we humbly pray and accept His divine will for us. I think of a friend that has several health issues she has been living with for years, and yet she doesn’t complain. We just trust God for whatever healing He would do as we pray, pray. God promises us abundant life, and it may not look like what we envision but it is deep and lasting and satisfying. Those that seem prosperous outwardly seem to have a harder time to trust, as they may see no need for God. Others going through hardship know they need help. They experience His goodness and love in the midst, knowing God suffers with them. We are all called to pray and enter into the suffering of others. Sometimes they are miraculously healed and others we are being shaped by what they are going through. While at our son’s church the pastor shared of another pastor who was in a foreign country that did not allow proselyting. This pastor was asked to make a visit to a family of a loved one who died and needed comfort. The local official said it was not allowed and he could not do that. But since this would not be trying to convert others, the official relented and said okay; The pastor could go and pray for the dead man but if he didn’t recover, he would go to jail. (He had been imprisoned before) Everyone prayed and God answered and raised the dead man to life and a revival broke out in his church. Let us all reach out to share Christ with others and pray for them, and then leave the results up to Him who knows all things. As it says in Psalm 107:19-21″Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.”
Challenge for today: Pray and begin to thank God for however He chooses to answer your prayers.
Blessings on the rest of your day and prayers and love, Judy
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