Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: November 2023 (Page 3 of 3)

November 10, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend to you! The house is full of aroma as I am making cookies and pumpkin pancakes and bacon. Al gets to sample everything soon. Emoji I want to get some writing done and later we need to go to Costco.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   So much is happening around us and we need to be aware of the signs that God gives us, so we are prepared for what is ahead. Of course, we can close our eyes to what is happening and ignore what God is trying to tell us, and many do. But how much better if we are alert and reading the signs before us. Kris Potter wrote and gave an example of her and her daughter when they were going shopping and came up one sign after another that there was Work Ahead. Her daughter kept going 60 mph even though the warnings were given. Finally, when they went around a curve, they had to suddenly stop as there was road work and a flag person. The daughter made a remark, “Well that’s nice. No warning at all!” When her mom told her she had been warned 3 times, she said must have had her mind on other things.

   But how about us? Do we ignore all the signs and warnings the Lord is giving us. Our minds can be swirling with what we think are more important things than what He is saying. But one day we may go around a corner and realize we should have paid attention. When we might go on a trip and there are blizzard warnings, we need to heed the warning and take precautions and have emergency items and warm clothes along. It is too late when the storm hits, and we are unprepared. But we need to listen and agree with the signs given us. Just like Kris’s daughter needed to slow down, we also need to do that and take time to be with the Lord and listen to Him as He speaks. That is not wasting time but helps us focus on what is truly important. I am speaking to myself here as it too often happens that I spend time for my private devotions each morning and then write one for you to read, and then go quickly off to a class or get busy in the kitchen. All of a sudden, I realize I didn’t take time to just be silent and listen. I want to do better and that it would be my priority to listen with a quiet heart. Like Jesus said in Luke 11:28 (Message), “Even more blessed are those who hear God’s Word and guard it with their lives!”  Other translations say, we are blessed if we hear the Word and do it. We need to listen so we can obey and do whatever it is the Lord is speaking to us.

   Let us watch for the signs the Lord gives us and take time to listen and heed them and agree with His plan. We have no idea what will unfold in our land as things continue to get more out of control. But God has a plan, and we need to read His signs.
  Challenge for today: Take 5 minutes to just be quiet and listen to the Lord.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

November 9, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a day full of thanksgiving. Kurt is already on the road to the lake and will be stopping here before noon, along with a friend. They can hardly wait to get to the cabin! Today is also Donut Day and Bible Study this afternoon. Many blessings!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  The Lord wants all of us, not just pieces of our lives. When we go to church on Sunday, we don’t leave Him at the door but desire that He goes with us every moment of every day of the week. He wants to be our priority!                                                                  
  Paul told the saints of Colossae in Col.2:7, “Have the roots (of your being) firmly and deeply planted (in Him, fixed and founded in Him), being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving. “                                         
  The Lord wants our roots to go deep into Him and that our desire be to seek Him with all of our heart. Of course, that means our idols have to go, so that we not value anything more than Him. It is the best and safest place to be, and we will discover His love in new ways that change us. We will not be afraid of even the storms that come for we are hidden in Him. 
  And the more deeply we are planted, we will notice we develop a heart of thanksgiving. We begin to overflow with gratitude for who He is and praise for we recognize everything we have comes from the Lord. We will open our hearts and our ears to listen to His voice as He speaks.  
   We may wonder, why did I wait so long to give Him my all and to experience the closeness of His presence. Every day is Sunday! Every moment He is present and speaking and pouring out His love. Like David said in Ps. 40:3, “And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance on the Lord.
  Let us seek the Lord with all our heart! He will make His home in us and will speak to us and direct our lives every moment.
Challenge for today: Give the Lord your whole heart and ask Him to root you deeply in His love. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

November 8, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of joy! Thank you for prayers as Al is doing well and we are going to his post op appointment at 8:15. His sight gets a little blurry after one particular drop but otherwise doing fine. I hope to get to my exercise class and craft class and later Bible Study. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God hears all our prayers and even the sighs of our hearts. He is listening and open to even our cries. David says in Psalm 34:15, “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears attentive to their cry.”                                              
  I was reading today about Hannah who was childless and desperate to have a child. She was so distraught when she went to the temple and was praying, that the priest thought she was drunk. But she was pouring out her soul to the Lord and the priest told her that she could go in peace as the Lord would grant her petition. Samuel was born in answer to her prayers, and she gave him back to the Lord. The Lord heard!

  We don’t always know when or how the Lord will answer our prayers, but we do know that He hears, and we can tell Him all that is on our hearts. Then we wait for His answer as He sees the end from the beginning and knows what is best. There are times we may feel he is deaf as the enemy tells us He must not have heard, but that is not so.  We have so many scriptures that prove otherwise. John says in John 5:14, “And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness which we have in Him: (we are sure) that if we ask anything (make any request), according to His will (in agreement with His own plan), He listens to us and hears us.”  Some things we know are His will as they are backed up by scripture but often when we pray, we are not sure…so we pray “Thy will be done!” There are also times when our faith may wane, and it is helpful to pray with others as the power seems to be multiplied. I am sometimes surprised at the answers as they aren’t necessarily anything like I had imagined in my mind or even how I specifically asked. But there is freedom in praying and leaving it with the Lord for however He sees and answers according to His perfect will.  

  Challenge for today: Tell the Lord what weighs on your heart today and thank Him even now for how He will answer your prayer.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

November 7, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a blessed day! Al’s cataract surgery is on the schedule this morning for 10:30 and no breakfast for him. Thank you for your prayers for him and may all go well. The devotion is longer today but I found it hard to shorten and may you grant me grace today. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 If we look around our culture today, we are sick and have a self problem; there is a preoccupation with self and the concern of what will make me feel good and happy! Somehow our spiritual lives are left out and we are narcissistic and spiritually bankrupt. We can thank social media that has the cameras always on us as people watch, and we become obsessed with our self-image and ego. I read an article on the Cluster B Society which psychologists say are made up of 4 psychopathologies of personality disorders: The narcissist, the borderline, the histrionic, and the antisocial. The narcissist feels entitled and has an obsession with their self-importance. The borderline person has an unstable identity, feels empty and often tries to hurt themselves. The histrionic personality is an attention seeker and very emotional with a pathological need for sympathy. The antisocial person is impulsive and manipulates others and often violent. The article says that these things use to be delt with in the office of the one giving therapy but now it seems to have spread into public life as so many saying they are victimized; or if we disagree, we are accused and shut down. We find we are manipulated into compliance by false compassion, and we are being forced to obey or pay the consequences. That doesn’t sound like freedom, and instead of helping people mature it justifies them in their self-pity. Many of these people are now in positions of authority and power and want to impose their agenda on us. This article spells out how we are a sick and dysfunctional society and have become a new social order that replaces disorders for job qualifications rather than competence.

  This has caused a mental-health crisis, especially for college students and there is a 50% increase since 2013 of those who have mental-health problems. But instead of attacking the problem and strengthening the students to deal with problems, the administration shuts down any anything they think is offensive and cave in to the narcissistic demands of students What do we do?

  We need to turn back to God and like Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in 1978, “We have placed too much hope in politics and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual life.” Let us turn to God in prayer and reverse our moral poverty. Prayer has everything to do with our getting free of the demands of our own egos and experience the freedom in the Lord. It has to do not only with our own individual needs but our nation. God is our only hope and may we pray not just privately but also publicly with others to hear God’s voice and become again a nation under God. Let us ban together and as it says in II Chron 7:14 may we humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our ways, and He will forgive our sin and heal our land.
  Challenge for today: Pray for a turning to the Lord from our focus on self and repent and go God’s way.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

Confusing Times

I often say to myself and repeat this sentiment among followers of Jesus: “Don’t complain about our culture, cry out to the Lord for mercy.”  As God’s faithful people in a negative, post-Christian environment, it is imperative to reimage our understanding of our nation.  I believe we’re past the point of dialogue with a popular narrative that is hostile to a biblical view of reality.  We are more like missionaries in a third-world country.  We are now exiles in a strange land.  Yet, we can be positive, hopeful and joyful.

For some time now, I have felt led to spend time in the prophets.  My continual question has been, “Lord, what do your prophets have to say to my generation?”  In other words, “What is God’s prophetic word for his church?” I assume that God’s prophetic word, as given by the prophets, has significant relevance when we begin to see the unfolding of his judgment on our nation as we wander further and further away from his revealed word.  

I must confess, this has been a challenge for me.  I do this work because I am motivated to know first hand – from my meditation on scripture and reliance on his Spirit – what God is saying to our culture.  The observers, influencers and policy makers are secondary.  How do we work through the confusion of the many voices?  God warns us in Deut. 28:20, “The Lord himself will send on you curses, confusion, and frustration in everything you do, until at last you are completely destroyed for doing evil and abandoning me.”  Micah tells us, “But your judgment day is coming swiftly now.  Your time of punishment is here, a time of confusion” (Micah 7:4). Could the confusion of our day actually be a sign of the Lord’s judgment on our nation?  

When I learn of the latest news coming out of Washington and other centers of influence, the words of Ezekiel 22:5 seem appropriate: “O infamous city, filled with confusion, you will be mocked by people far and near.”  Could this be what the Lord is allowing among those who are supposed to govern us as a nation?  “Oh, what a day of crushing defeat!  What a day of confusion and terror brought by the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, upon the Valley of Vision! (Isaiah 22:5).  Who will lead us out of this confusion?  What message will finally bring relief to all this confusion?

I find great encouragement and strength from the intercession of the prophets.  For example, Isaiah 63:15-64:12 is such a prayer.  The prophet’s focus is on the Lord:  “Lord, look down from heaven; look from your holy glorious home and see us” (Is. 63:15).  He prays for God to intervene.  “Oh, that you would burst from the heaven and come down” (64:1).  There still are many questions. “Where are your zeal and your might?” (63:15).  “Lord, why have you allowed us to turn from your path?” (64:17). “Why have you given us stubborn heart so we no longer fear you?” (64:17).  “We are constant sinners; how can people like us be saved?” (64:5).  I ask these questions repeatedly.  

These are hard questions, but they are not antagonistic, nor are they directed inward.  They are directed to God, who is addressed as Father.  “They are children’s questions, expressing penitence, dependence and trust.  They are questions of prodigals come home, daring to hope that the father… will not turn them from his door” (The Bible Speaks). 

Men, don’t allow complaining voices draw you away from an “upward gaze” on our victorious Lord.  He is in charge of history.  Bring your questions to Him as you cry out for mercy. 




November 6, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend and that those of you who are hunters got your deer. Today I am going to Aldi’s and my exercise class and have Mexican pies made. Would appreciate prayers for Al tomorrow as he goes in for cataract surgery. We have been busy putting drops in his eyes this past week and pray that all goes well.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 We all need to give care for our soul, and we must guard against becoming so busy that we neglect that most important part of our lives. Caregivers are often so busy helping others that they neglect themselves and both can go downhill. We are reminded when we board a plane and are told that if there is a loss of cabin pressure the oxygen mask will descend and to put that on first, before doing it for someone else. There is a reason for that. We can’t help others when we become depleted. Care of our soul involves taking time to read and meditate on the Word, to pray, to worship and praise the Lord and to listen to Him. Some people put that into their daily planner and are not available to others or checking their phones and computer until that is done. What a wonderful way to start the day and get our focus on the Lord.                                                                        
  In my readings lately a pastor wrote how He speaks to the Lord out loud in his prayers and it keeps His mind from wandering. He lives by the church so goes to the sanctuary and prays aloud there; staff are instructed to wait before starting activities around the sanctuary until prayer time is over. Jesus prayed to His Father aloud in the garden on the night that He was betrayed.  Some people write prayers to the Lord and helps them see what is in their hearts and if they are moving forward or slipping behind.  
  Each of us must do what works for us to set up a time to let our soul be nourished. It may change in different stages of our lives like young mothers with children needing attention first thing in the day. She may have to postpone her time with the Lord until naptime. Since we are all created differently, we don’t need to copy someone else, but to find what is most meaningful for us. You may want to read aloud, confess your sins to another Christian who will pronounce absolution, walk in nature as you converse with the Lord, illustrate with art what God is telling you etc. The important thing is to focus our attention on the Lord and listen to Him speak and tend our souls. Just as the deer pant for the water brook, may our soul long for the Lord. (Psalm 42:1-2)
Challenge for today: Take time today to let your soul be nourished and try a new way of relating to the Lord.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

November 4, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend! Happy Hunting for you hunters out there, especially our son-in-law and grandson!
I am busy cleaning the apartment and doing food prep.Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Are we desperate for God? Do we call out to Him first when something bad happens or do we try to fix it first and when we have exhausted all attempts, then cry out to Him? Maybe we forget how much He loves us and is waiting for us to come to Him and ask for His help. Even Jesus disciples got stressed and afraid and Jesus told them, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in me.” (John 14:1)

  Recently I got an e-mail from Cup of Cold Water Ministries, which we are familiar with as one of our elders in a previous church went out under them as a missionary to Bolivia. This e-mail was from David Hiller, who had also been a missionary in Caranavi, Bolivia, for over 30 years. He writes the struggle they have been going through as it is a time of drought and they have had a lack of adequate water. At most they had access to water for 2 hours a day but some days none. They were getting desperate, and this is what he writes:

  “This morning, we have great news from Caranavi! “Yesterday the mayor summoned the Caranavi area Pastors to his office to ask what could be done spiritually to alleviate the dire situation of drought and uncontrolled forest fires in Caranavi. We read from II Chron. 7:13-14 what God told Solomon when God ‘closes the sky and it doesn’t rain.’ We said to the mayor, ‘We need to humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways. We should hold nightly meetings of prayer and public crying out to God, and end a day of prayer and fasting.’

  Yesterday morning, the mayor emitted a decree, canceling in-person classes and all outdoor activity, due to heavy smoke in the air. The only public activity allowed was the public outcry to God in the main square. Last night was the first night of public prayer and crying out to God in the public square.” 

  Then there were pictures of a couple pastors on their knees praying and the mayor and 2 city councilmen standing behind them, as well as, pictures of a great number of people praying in the plaza etc.

  And then comes the good news. At 5 a.m.the very next morning, the rains came, just as they had prayed. There was no rain in the forecast, but God answered their prayers, and you can imagine the celebrating. What a faith builder and we can ask ourselves how desperate we are when situations arise, to call off all other activities and simply pray and seek the Lord.

  Challenge for today: When faced with something difficult, ask the Lord to help you seek Him first!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

November 3, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy some time to get renewed. This morning I am going to church to help set up for a funeral of a friend who is now home with the Lord and Al will join me later for the service.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We may find it easy to praise the Lord when things in our lives are going well and our prayers answered quickly, but what about those other times? Maybe we have waited and waited, and the answer hasn’t come yet and we begin to lose hope and wonder God where are you? Do you see what is happening? It’s in those times that we learn to bring a sacrifice of praise, for He is still working, but not in the way or timing we desire. Like it says in Heb. 13:15, “Through Jesus we should always bring God a sacrifice of praise, that is, words that acknowledge Him.” That may mean praising Him with a heart of trust, believing that He is working in the situation… and just maybe He wants to do more than we asked for.

Greg Laurie wrote that “when we get to the end of ourselves, we get to the beginning of God.” He gave the example of Mary and Martha who sent word to Jesus about their brother Lazarus being sick and wanted Jesus to come, preferably quickly. But Jesus stayed 2 more days and Martha was angry thinking Jesus blew it, for her brother died in the meantime. But Jesus was on His Father’s time table and although Mary and Martha wanted a healing, Jesus wanted a resurrection! The miracle caused more of a stir in others than if Jesus had healed Lazarus right away.                                                                                                                                                               .Our part is to give our concerns to the Lord and put it all in His hands. Then we wait in faith, praising Him for how He is going to answer. As it says in Eph. 3:20, “God, can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” It is a sacrifice of praise to Him when things aren’t going well and we don’t know how it is going to turn out. I remember once when I was pleading with the Lord to answer my prayer in a certain way, but He didn’t. What I feared happened but later and to this day, I thank Him over and over that He didn’t answer my way, as He saved me from much less heartache in the long run.

Let us do as the song goes, “We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord…and offer up to You the sacrifices of thanksgiving. And we offer up to You the sacrifices of joy.”
Challenge for today: Give God a concern you have on your heart and offer up praise and thanksgiving.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

November 2, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a day of joy! Al is off to meet with a friend, and I am going to do food prep and then go downstairs for Donuts! Later today is Bible Study here and a crisp walk!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Is it a burning desire within us to share the Lord with others? Do we pray fervently for our families and loved ones and those we are in contact with to come to know the Lord?  It is something we need to ask ourselves on a regular basis to be reminded that we are in battle for the hearts of others to find Jesus. The enemy will try to have us dismiss those thoughts and tell us that our words will bring offense and just to keep quiet. But there is so much at stake when we remain silent and fail to share the most important news ever.
 I was convicted as I read Laura Bailey’s devotional as she said every morning she prays the same prayer, “Lord, open my eyes and heart to see people who need to hear the Gospel today. Give me the courage to proclaim the Good News boldly.” She goes on to say how excited she gets about the prospect of sharing Jesus but then gets full of critical thoughts and self-doubts and often fails by keeping her mouth shut.                            
 We can probably all say there are many times we have missed opportunities to share the Lord because we lacked boldness and were afraid to offend the person, or perhaps we missed the open door that the Holy Spirit had created in our conversation. We hide our lights under a bushel instead of boldly sharing.                                                              
 Many people here where we live pray so much for our kids and grandkids as we don’t want to come to the end of our lives, not knowing if they really know the Lord. We instead want to be sharing Him every chance we get, ask questions, let them know we are praying for them, and then live as one who loves the Lord.                                          
 Part of the prayer that Laura wrote can be a good place to start:                                   
   “May we be bold, leaning into the power of the Holy Spirit, who guides and directs our words and actions. We pray for those who don’t know You as Lord and Savior; please open their eyes and hearts to receiving You. Please help us to make the most of every opportunity, for the days are short. Let us live each day as if it were our last and give us a sense of urgency and conviction. We love you, Lord, and are so grateful for the gift of your Son. We are so undeserving, yet you died for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). May we be vessels, the blessed feet which carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

November 1, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you have a peace filled day. We still have a bit of snow but may soon be all gone. Today I am doing food prep, going to exercise class and crafts, and later Bible Study. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  The world around us is getting darker and fear is in the hearts of so many asking, what is going to happen in the future? Suffering is a reality, and we see on the news, especially in the terrible plight of Israel, what already many are going through. I turned to read from Psalm 130 today and the Psalmist says what many of the people must feel. “Help, God—the bottom has fallen out of my life! Master, hear my cry for help! Listen hard! Open your ears! Listen to my cries for mercy.” He is desperate for help and pleads for God’s mercy and that He would hear him. But after expressing his dilemma, he goes on to pray and to wait for what God will say and to do.

  Isn’t that what we should do to handle all of our fears and anxieties? We don’t need to hesitate to tell God exactly what concerns us…how we see the situation without denying our feelings but rather asking Him to listen and to help. As we wait and listen and hope in Him, we can watch for what He will do instead of trying to figure it all out; The Psalmist says we are to be like watchmen that wait for the morning. Those on the wall just waited and watched and knew that morning would come eventually but at times must have seemed like a long wait. Our grandson works security at the Viking Practice Facility and has to be alert to what is going on around him during his shift. I’m sure at times the hours seem long but he has to be alert and watchful.

  As we put our trust in Him, we can go about our day with confidence that God has got this! He is not indifferent, He cares, and is present with us in our situations. When we know we are not alone, we can go through whatever is before us with the expectation that God will do what He has promised as we wait just like the watchman for the morning. As it says in Is. 26:3, “Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you.”
  Challenge for today: Take Isaiah 26:3 with you today and live in His peace.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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