Dear Ones,
Hope your day is full of joy! Thank you for prayers as Al is doing well and we are going to his post op appointment at 8:15. His sight gets a little blurry after one particular drop but otherwise doing fine. I hope to get to my exercise class and craft class and later Bible Study. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
God hears all our prayers and even the sighs of our hearts. He is listening and open to even our cries. David says in Psalm 34:15, “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears attentive to their cry.”                                              
  I was reading today about Hannah who was childless and desperate to have a child. She was so distraught when she went to the temple and was praying, that the priest thought she was drunk. But she was pouring out her soul to the Lord and the priest told her that she could go in peace as the Lord would grant her petition. Samuel was born in answer to her prayers, and she gave him back to the Lord. The Lord heard!

  We don’t always know when or how the Lord will answer our prayers, but we do know that He hears, and we can tell Him all that is on our hearts. Then we wait for His answer as He sees the end from the beginning and knows what is best. There are times we may feel he is deaf as the enemy tells us He must not have heard, but that is not so.  We have so many scriptures that prove otherwise. John says in John 5:14, “And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness which we have in Him: (we are sure) that if we ask anything (make any request), according to His will (in agreement with His own plan), He listens to us and hears us.”  Some things we know are His will as they are backed up by scripture but often when we pray, we are not sure…so we pray “Thy will be done!” There are also times when our faith may wane, and it is helpful to pray with others as the power seems to be multiplied. I am sometimes surprised at the answers as they aren’t necessarily anything like I had imagined in my mind or even how I specifically asked. But there is freedom in praying and leaving it with the Lord for however He sees and answers according to His perfect will.  

  Challenge for today: Tell the Lord what weighs on your heart today and thank Him even now for how He will answer your prayer.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy