Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend and that those of you who are hunters got your deer. Today I am going to Aldi’s and my exercise class and have Mexican pies made. Would appreciate prayers for Al tomorrow as he goes in for cataract surgery. We have been busy putting drops in his eyes this past week and pray that all goes well.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
 We all need to give care for our soul, and we must guard against becoming so busy that we neglect that most important part of our lives. Caregivers are often so busy helping others that they neglect themselves and both can go downhill. We are reminded when we board a plane and are told that if there is a loss of cabin pressure the oxygen mask will descend and to put that on first, before doing it for someone else. There is a reason for that. We can’t help others when we become depleted. Care of our soul involves taking time to read and meditate on the Word, to pray, to worship and praise the Lord and to listen to Him. Some people put that into their daily planner and are not available to others or checking their phones and computer until that is done. What a wonderful way to start the day and get our focus on the Lord.                                                                        
  In my readings lately a pastor wrote how He speaks to the Lord out loud in his prayers and it keeps His mind from wandering. He lives by the church so goes to the sanctuary and prays aloud there; staff are instructed to wait before starting activities around the sanctuary until prayer time is over. Jesus prayed to His Father aloud in the garden on the night that He was betrayed.  Some people write prayers to the Lord and helps them see what is in their hearts and if they are moving forward or slipping behind.  
  Each of us must do what works for us to set up a time to let our soul be nourished. It may change in different stages of our lives like young mothers with children needing attention first thing in the day. She may have to postpone her time with the Lord until naptime. Since we are all created differently, we don’t need to copy someone else, but to find what is most meaningful for us. You may want to read aloud, confess your sins to another Christian who will pronounce absolution, walk in nature as you converse with the Lord, illustrate with art what God is telling you etc. The important thing is to focus our attention on the Lord and listen to Him speak and tend our souls. Just as the deer pant for the water brook, may our soul long for the Lord. (Psalm 42:1-2)
Challenge for today: Take time today to let your soul be nourished and try a new way of relating to the Lord.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy