Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend! Happy Hunting for you hunters out there, especially our son-in-law and grandson!
I am busy cleaning the apartment and doing food prep.Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Are we desperate for God? Do we call out to Him first when something bad happens or do we try to fix it first and when we have exhausted all attempts, then cry out to Him? Maybe we forget how much He loves us and is waiting for us to come to Him and ask for His help. Even Jesus disciples got stressed and afraid and Jesus told them, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in me.” (John 14:1)

  Recently I got an e-mail from Cup of Cold Water Ministries, which we are familiar with as one of our elders in a previous church went out under them as a missionary to Bolivia. This e-mail was from David Hiller, who had also been a missionary in Caranavi, Bolivia, for over 30 years. He writes the struggle they have been going through as it is a time of drought and they have had a lack of adequate water. At most they had access to water for 2 hours a day but some days none. They were getting desperate, and this is what he writes:

  “This morning, we have great news from Caranavi! “Yesterday the mayor summoned the Caranavi area Pastors to his office to ask what could be done spiritually to alleviate the dire situation of drought and uncontrolled forest fires in Caranavi. We read from II Chron. 7:13-14 what God told Solomon when God ‘closes the sky and it doesn’t rain.’ We said to the mayor, ‘We need to humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways. We should hold nightly meetings of prayer and public crying out to God, and end a day of prayer and fasting.’

  Yesterday morning, the mayor emitted a decree, canceling in-person classes and all outdoor activity, due to heavy smoke in the air. The only public activity allowed was the public outcry to God in the main square. Last night was the first night of public prayer and crying out to God in the public square.” 

  Then there were pictures of a couple pastors on their knees praying and the mayor and 2 city councilmen standing behind them, as well as, pictures of a great number of people praying in the plaza etc.

  And then comes the good news. At 5 a.m.the very next morning, the rains came, just as they had prayed. There was no rain in the forecast, but God answered their prayers, and you can imagine the celebrating. What a faith builder and we can ask ourselves how desperate we are when situations arise, to call off all other activities and simply pray and seek the Lord.

  Challenge for today: When faced with something difficult, ask the Lord to help you seek Him first!
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy