Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: July 2023 (Page 2 of 4)

July 21, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying this weekend. I just made 2 zucchini cakes and Al’s favorite cookies and the apartment is full of aroma. Kurt and Brenda are on their way to the cabin with friends from back in KS. I cleaned the apartment and this afternoon I am getting my hair cut and going to the Dollar Store. 
 Devotions from Judy’s heart
    A friend said to Al and me that he was excited that his next poem was going to be on patience. I told him be careful what you pray for, as you will be tested on circumstances in your life that develop more patience! It is a beautiful fruit of the Spirit and Paul speaks of Love, Joy, Peace first before Patience in the list of fruit recorded in I Cor. 13. I can see why! The next day our friend said that he was “impatient with trying to write about patience” and seeking to get it together! We all need patience and another word for it is long suffering or to endure. An author, Ajith Fernando, wrote about patience in dealing with the weaknesses of others and also in dealing with sins of others.  I liked what he had to say.                                  We all have weaknesses but as it says in I Thes. 5:14 that we are to ”admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.” Some weaknesses are part of our personality make up and other weaknesses may result from wounds that we experienced and left us shaped in a negative way. But whatever our weaknesses, Fernando is careful to remind us that the Holy Spirit will come alongside us and help us bear whatever burden we carry and struggles we have, for He understands our weaknesses. Some of us are scatterbrained, some perfectionists, others may be impulsive or slow etc., all of which can lead to sin if not disciplined. But we are to learn to get along, and be patient with others, even if they irritate us. We can’t just cancel them out, for I often wonder what behavior I have that irritates others also. Perhaps we married someone that is opposite of us, it will take extra patience and understanding. Instead of trying to change them, we choose to show patience and love, and remember the good in them outweighs their weaknesses. We may even be asked to help them overcome and improve in weak areas. Some need inner healing from hurtful experiences they have endured. It may take time and prayer and listening and patience while they get healed. Never let us forget that we are to help the weak and one day we will give account if we lived a life of love and patiently endured.
Challenge for today: The next time someone’s quirks irritate you, ask God to show you how to see the good things about them and be patient.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

July 20,2023

Dear Ones,
  Hope your day is full of sunshine and grace! Al is off to men’s group and later today we will have Bible study here. I plan to bake and get to the Dollar store and enjoy Donut Day! 
The question for today: Do you find that there are times that you get distracted and slip into routine mode, missing some of the new things the Lord has for you? I know I have to guard against that. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  There is one relationship that is more important than any other and when that is first in our lives, everything else falls into place. That of course, is our relationship with the Lord. But when we put ourselves first or anyone else in His place, our life will be out of kilter.                                                             
 I was reading what Mark Robert’s had to say recently about keeping our hearts close to God. He quoted from Isaiah 29:13 and it struck me because I need to check my own heart to see how often it is true of me. “The Lord says, ’These people worship me with their mouths and honor me with their lips. But their hearts are far from me, and their worship of me is based on rules made by humans.”   
Perhaps we all need to guard our hearts from slipping into a routine mode, with minds wandering, and not truly present to the Lord. We can go through the motions, even at church in worship, and yet our hearts can be far away, thinking of other things and not focused on Him. Sometimes it happens gradually, even though we may be busy attending Bible Study, teaching, and serving; then all of a sudden, we wake up and realize we have strayed away, and our lukewarm hearts need to turn back to Him. It may happen often in the workplace when we are distracted and have deadlines and accountable to others. We also have to guard against living in the past but actively seek the Lord now and look forward to what He has for us in the future.    
 Thankfully the Lord is always pursuing us and when the Holy Spirit nudges us, we need to respond. We confess that we have wandered off, pursued our own interests, and taken our eyes off of Him, and sincerely ask for forgiveness. Then our hearts can actively seek Him in faith and change to grow and be stretched and become more like Him. Let us not be complacent and go through the motions without our heart being engaged, but rather come close to Him.
Challenge for today: Check your heart and if you are wandering off, repent and draw close to Him.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy                                                                      

July 19, 2023

Dear Ones,                                                                                                                                                   
 Hope you have a wonderful day! The apartment is full of aroma as I just finished making more cookies on a stick and egg dishes. Soon I am going to Aldi’s and my exercise class. Then tonight is Bible study at church.                                                                                                                                           
   Devotions from Judy’s heart                                                                                                                       
  As followers of Jesus, the telltale sign we belong to Him is to live a life of love. Our greatest joy is found in knowing God loves us and it should be evidenced in the lives we live.  We can do all sorts of sacrificial things for the Lord, but as it says in I Cor. 13, that if we don’t do it out of love, it is useless and accounts for nothing, nada!  Like Paul says in verse 3 that if we give away everything we have, but don’t have love, we gain nothing! But if we do it with love our actions will cause others to be blessed and bring glory to the Lord. So let us pay careful attention to our attitude in giving.     
  I was reading in the book, “Reclaiming Love”, and Ajith Fernando writes of ways we often give even sacrificially but yet without love. Perhaps we will see ourself in what he has to say. We might be like the one who gives for merit and to earn favor, with the expectation to prosper and reap more in return. That is not love! Or maybe we give out of a sense of duty and obligation, that is not love. We do the right thing in helping others but with a judgmental spirit towards them. We can’t call that love. Or maybe we give without identifying with the very ones we serve, making the other feeling inferior by our attitude. Not love either!  Or are we giving at times to avoid getting involved? It seems easier to give our finances than to actually spend time helping someone learn how to budget and live within their means etc. Fernando also says we shouldn’t give for recognition from others, like having our name on a pew or a plaque on a building. Or giving with a competitive spirit to outgive someone else. Is that love?  There are also times, we are not to give even though asked. Just as a child demanding something and getting his way if he cries loud enough, there are times it is more loving to withhold for their own good. That is love.                                               
  We must remember that all that we have is from the Lord and it belongs to Him and we should willingly give to others as He directs us. We can never ever repay the debt of love we owe the Lord for He gave everything for us.                                                                                                                                     Challenge for today: Ask the Lord how and when you should give and let it be motivated by His love.                                                                                                                                      
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


July 18, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a joy filled day! I just finished scrubbing and making cherry cheesecake pie and we are having friends over this afternoon. It looks to be a beautiful sunny day and we love our walks on the trail. Emoji
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  When I was growing up, my mom had the whole family memorize scripture as we sat around the table to eat and have family devotions. One scripture that I remember well was from Isaiah 55:11, “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it will accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” I can’t say we all knew the depth of the meaning of each verse we learned, but it was getting into the soil of our hearts and hopefully taking root. Just this last weekend we also had a friend come for retreat and he knows hundreds and hundreds of Bible verses and even in his 60’s continues to memorize scriptures.                                  
  I have known it is important to be in the Word but recently I listened to Bishop Robert Barron who preached on how God Speaks and Are You Listening. When God speaks to us through His word, the question is are we receiving it. He shared how God’s word is creative and affects and changes things, and we can’t read it without being changed. That thought really struck me, as I don’t always go away excited about some nugget I just read; but His Word is like a seed that will bear fruit in us as we water and cultivate it and let it grow in us. Of course, we need to come with an open heart and not be like seed that fell on hard ground and is snatched away by the enemy, or the one on rocky soil that falls away when persecution comes, or the one that is choked out by distractions of the world.         
  Even when we not consciously aware, His Word is growing in us in ways we may not always see.  His Word is so powerful and creative, and brings change in us. As the seed grows, we become more loving, more generous, more alive etc. In the Message translation verse 11 says, “So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I gave them.”                                                                                   May we listen as He speaks and cultivate the seed He plants in us.
Challenge for today: Read the Word today with open ears and heart and be ready for change!  
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy                                 

July 17, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a great weekend and a peace filled day today! I just finished making 2 double batches of Chocolate chip cookies on a stick to serve at church and a dessert for company tomorrow. Soon I am off to Exercise class!  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Are we in the place God has for us today, or have we gone our own way, missing the place where He would have us right now? Much depends on how we see ourselves and whether it is how God sees us?                                                                                                                       
  Today I was reading from II Samuel 9 where King David asks if there is any one to whom he can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake. Jonathan was his best friend and killed in battle, along with his father King Saul. Ziba, a servant of King Saul told David that Jonathan’s crippled son, Mephibosheth was alive and living in Lo-debar. It was a lowly poor town and its name meant “Pasture-less”. The town was likened to how Mephibosheth felt about himself for he called himself a dead dog and was afraid and fell on his face before King David.                                   
But the story has a beautiful ending for David treats him as a King’s son and has him eat always at his table and gave him land and servants to till the land for him. (II Samuel 9:8) What a change for a man who felt worthless and poor and all of a sudden, he is rich and valued because he is the king’s son.                                                                                                                                           
   We might ask ourselves how we would we describe who we are?  Would it be much like Mephibosheth, feeling poorly about ourselves and trying to hide our imperfections? Would we try to overcome our failures and inferior feelings by trying hard to measure up, which only causes us to wilt under pressure? Either way we are missing out on the joy and freedom that the Lord has for us. Just like King David offered Jonathan’s son a place at his table, God offers to take us where we are at with all our sin and to grant us forgiveness, taking us to a new place of fellowship at His table. We only need to ask for forgiveness and receive all that the Lord is offering us, not based on our goodness, but on His righteousness.
Let us not refuse the invitation to come to the Lord, receive forgiveness and sit daily at His table.
Challenge for today: Don’t rush through your day without sitting first at the King’s table.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

Masculinity’s Pitfalls & Power

In 2021, the Institute for Family Studies conducted a survey to explore the supposed masculinity problem in our day.  It is very encouraging and uplifting in light of the mantra associated with “toxic masculinity.”   This survey gives me more incentive to call forth the true masculine within the soul of each man.  The survey’s report concludes by observing, “It’s a good thing so many men are comfortable and happy with being very masculine.  As a society, we would be wise to accept the positive power of masculinity and continue to channel its energy into productive outcomes.”

In the survey, 753 men were asked if they considered themselves very masculine on a 5-point scale.  “Fully 41% of men agree that they are very masculine… and another 30% consider themselves masculine… And when asked if they are happy with how masculine they are, 80% of men further reported being happy.”  The article asks, “If masculinity is a problem, then it would seem we are in big trouble given how many men gladly consider themselves masculine.” The survey went on to analyze three groups of men – very masculine, masculine, and all others.

Higher masculinity is associated with men being more aggressive, loving a good fight, and even taking advantage of others as well as taking charge.  The survey cautions against “following the lead of mainstream media and many large advertisers in shaming the masculinity out of manhood.”  “It’s clear that instead of shaming masculinity out of modern manhood, it might be better to support and strongly encourage men’s daily experiences of their masculinity – both feeling masculine and being happy about it – because masculinity lies at the heart of productive, contributive manhood.”  

What about healthy, nurturing relationships and masculine men?  The survey found that very masculine men are likely to marry and to report feeling loved in their marriages.  Unlike the image in our culture, “these very masculine men are more likely to see emotional closeness and friendship with their ideal partners.” The very masculine men make sacrifices for loved ones that bring joy and “agree that love is worth working hard to find, and to believe that others see them as giving, sharing, loving, and affectionate.” High masculine men are willing to take risks and exercise self-control, which translates into lower propensity for depression. 

The survey gives this summary: “The truth about masculinity is inescapable, according to these survey results. Far from being a problem, it brings with it exactly what individuals, couples, families and communities seek, perhaps especially in challenging times. As we’ve seen here, an internal sense of masculinity corresponds with men’s ability to be functional, stable, contributing members of their communities.”

What can we glean from this survey?   First, be committed to affirming the masculine soul of men.  Celebrate the positive energy that can be channeled for the good of others.   Second, by all means don’t shame men, but rather focus on the God-given motives in real masculine men.  Third, realize that intimate and caring relationships need to be nurtured.  Fourth, help men to explore their masculine soul, allowing them to make positive contributions in their relationships.  

Most of all, create an environment where men can share the story of their soul. God made men for a unique purpose and calling.  We live under layers of expectations, memories and images that are not healthy.  Help other men to share their story – the good, the bad and the ugly, in order to discover their true masculine soul.  

Romans 12:9-10 encourages us:  “Don’t just pretend to love others.  Really love them.  Hate what is wrong.  Hold rightly to what is good.  Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”


July 15, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good weekend! Yesterday we enjoyed time out for lunch with two couples whose love for the Lord shines so brightly. Prayers appreciated for our friend here, for the remainder of his retreat before going back home. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   Jesus last command to His followers was to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. (Matt. 28:19) He was leaving to go to His Father, and the work of sharing the gospel was left for them to spread the word. It’s amazing what they accomplished in their lifetime through the power of the Holy Spirit, and God used even persecution to spread the good news far and wide. But Jesus’ mandate is also for us to be His witnesses wherever we are placed.                            
  Have we considered our sphere of influence? Who has God put before us in our lives to share Him with?  Recently we had our last video from the series, Now We Live, and we discussed how each of us can engage our neighbors, our community, our coworkers for Him. We are not put on earth just to enjoy all the comforts of life but we have a bigger calling, an eternal purpose. The Lord wants us to go into the world and be His witnesses.
  We are not to live compartmentalized lives by expressing our spirituality on Sunday, but then forgetting about the Lord when we go to work. No all aspects of our lives should be an opportunity to share Him with others. At Bible study we discussed at each table the areas we could influence others for the Lord, by our actions and also by our words. Not that we force our views on others but that we look for opportunities to be a witness whether verbally or by our attitudes and actions.                                                                                                                                                                          For Al and I, since we live in an apartment complex, there are opportunities each day as we are surrounded by residents. Al leads a Bible study here, but there are so many other ways to share His love like bringing meals to those who are sick, or taking them to an appointment, or just listening to their stories or concerns. Many of us are probably in special interest groups like book clubs, working for Faith in Action, Teen Challenge, exercise classes, choir, etc. and we need to be alert for openings to share the Lord. Like Jesus said in Matt. 5:16 (God’s Word), “In the same way let you light shine in front of people. Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven.”
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord for new ways to share Him and express His love to others around you.                                                                                                                                 Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

July 14, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! Our friend who is on retreat came yesterday and it was wonderful to catch up. This morning we are going to work together on Al’s book, and then Al and I are going out for lunch with former board members and their pastor and wife.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I love to observe tough men that also display tenderness. We have only to see a big muscular football player melt when holding his new baby son or tears as he thanks his mom for working two jobs to put him through school. Our own son, Kurt, works out every day and it shows with his muscular build, but he is also very tender, and there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his family. He is one that is tough, but he is tender! For all of us there needs to be the toughness of the masculine balanced with a complimentary tender feminine.                                                                         
 Today I was reading in my devotional time about Nabal (I Sam. 25) and he was one tough rich man with thousands of sheep and goats. But he was rough and proud, and his name meant folly, for he was foolish and insensitive. When David asked for food for his army after watching to see that Nabal’s men and flocks were safe, Nabal refused and was coarse and insulting. It was fortunate his beautiful wife, Abigail, intervened and met David’s army that was bent on destroying Nabal and his men, and brought food for the army. Her words turned David from killing them and God brought His judgment to Nabal, first as he became paralyzed and then dying 10 days later.  In my own estimation, David was a tough warrior but he also had a tender heart. He ended up marrying Abigail, who never let Nabal’s disposition, change her from a woman of grace. 
  I am reminded of what Kenneth of Luck of Every Man Ministries said, “Male strength is a great thing for our culture when compassion and character are guided by it for the sake of others.” The Lord will give both men and women the proper balance between toughness of the masculine and tenderness of the feminine for he is the One who created us. Although women tend to be more sensitive and nurturing and men more “tough” and competitive, we can balance one another in a healthy way. As a wife, I am blessed that my husband will stand up and protect me and takes initiative. I, on the other hand, want to be the counterpart that is sensitive and nurturing. We both want most of all, to respond to God’s voice and let Him shape us as He wills.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you be sensitive and caring but also tough when needed.  
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy


July 13, 2023

Dear Ones,

Hope your day is filled with blessings. This morning I will be doing food prep and cleaning the apartment as we have a friend coming for retreat this afternoon for 3 days. Al is off to church already and later will lead Bible study here. Of course, we won’t miss Donut Day either! 

 Devotions from Judy’s heart
  God has a plan for each of our lives and He knew us before we were born for He formed us in our mother’s womb. His plan is the best and will bring us joy and peace as we follow it rather than our own crooked path that leads to dead ends and detours and misses the beautiful things He has for us. Why do we at times think we know better than Him? Big mistake!
  It makes me think of the old road that went from Hackensack to our cabin on Man lake. My parents went on that road before they were even married and at that time it was only a path 2 wheels wide with lots of turns and bumps. It wound around big boulders and went up high hills and they always hoped they wouldn’t meet a car from the other direction. It took so long to get to their destination, and one could probably walk as fast as it took for the car to get there. When we were young it was then a gravel road with 2 lanes and fewer curves, but we could still see the old winding path that use to be the only way to get there. Now today, why would we want to take the inferior rocky winding way when we can go on the better road that gets us to where we want to go without the bumps and sharp turns?  It makes me think of the scripture I read today from the Amplified version of the familiar Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s (own) handiwork (His workmanship), created in Christ Jesus, (born anew) that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time), that we should walk in them (living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live).”
  We need to ask ourselves often if we are going to go God’s way that He has planned even before we were born or are we going to go our own way? Jesus came to give us a full abundant life and has the best plan for us. That of course, does not mean we won’t go through hard times in our lives, for we have an enemy that wants to destroy what God has purposed for us and we also mess up. But He can still work things out and weave them together for good in our lives if we are willing to put our lives in His hands and go His way.  Let us choose the best way!
Challenge for today: Pray each day to go God’s way and not go off on side trails of our own choosing.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

July 12, 2033

Dear Ones,
Hope you will have a peace filled day. Our apartment is full of aroma as I just took cookies out of the oven. Soon I am off to Aldi’s and then to exercise class. Al will be going to Assisted Living to give a communion service and then leading Bible Study here this afternoon. We have Bible Study tonight at church so is a day full of blessings. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Who knows best? Do we think we know better what is best for our lives, even better than God knows? We may quickly deny that is our thinking but in practice maybe we trust our own mind above His wisdom. David said in Psalm 139 that the Lord knows Him better than any other, when he sits down or gets up, as well as even His thoughts. He realizes, as he says in verse 17, that God is thinking of him all the time and is very aware of him. David said, “How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast are the number of them.” He goes on to ask the Lord to examine him and know his mind and test his thoughts.                                                                        
Our friend David who we walk the trail with, sent a poem to us titled, Give God a Piece of Our Mind, which in reality is really giving all of our mind. He admits that he has been trying to deal with his own mindful understanding, the challenging circumstances of his wife’s Alzheimer’s which only leads to hopelessness and anxiety. When we do this the winds of fear move in and it is like being out of the eye of the storm and battling the wind on our own. Life gets heavy and peace alludes. David describes it like a bird trying to get out of captivity, or a like a flower that dies in the snow. Life is dark with worry and fears overtake us.                                                                                          
 But if, on the other hand, we choose to surrender our minds to the Lord and our way of thinking, He will create in us His peace and a deep trust. Jesus says He knows what we need even before we ask. (Matt. 6:8) What a difference it makes when He is in control, rather than ourselves.                                                                                                                                        
 The choice is ours, as we were given a free will. Will we hold onto the controls of how we think our life should go, or will we surrender and trust Him with everything. Our friend David realized he needed to change directions and now appreciates the peace that is his in the midst of the storm. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit as we live in His loving embrace, trusting God knows best.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you trust Him in deeper ways, especially in those things your mind can’t wrap around.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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