Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! Our friend who is on retreat came yesterday and it was wonderful to catch up. This morning we are going to work together on Al’s book, and then Al and I are going out for lunch with former board members and their pastor and wife.  
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I love to observe tough men that also display tenderness. We have only to see a big muscular football player melt when holding his new baby son or tears as he thanks his mom for working two jobs to put him through school. Our own son, Kurt, works out every day and it shows with his muscular build, but he is also very tender, and there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his family. He is one that is tough, but he is tender! For all of us there needs to be the toughness of the masculine balanced with a complimentary tender feminine.                                                                         
 Today I was reading in my devotional time about Nabal (I Sam. 25) and he was one tough rich man with thousands of sheep and goats. But he was rough and proud, and his name meant folly, for he was foolish and insensitive. When David asked for food for his army after watching to see that Nabal’s men and flocks were safe, Nabal refused and was coarse and insulting. It was fortunate his beautiful wife, Abigail, intervened and met David’s army that was bent on destroying Nabal and his men, and brought food for the army. Her words turned David from killing them and God brought His judgment to Nabal, first as he became paralyzed and then dying 10 days later.  In my own estimation, David was a tough warrior but he also had a tender heart. He ended up marrying Abigail, who never let Nabal’s disposition, change her from a woman of grace. 
  I am reminded of what Kenneth of Luck of Every Man Ministries said, “Male strength is a great thing for our culture when compassion and character are guided by it for the sake of others.” The Lord will give both men and women the proper balance between toughness of the masculine and tenderness of the feminine for he is the One who created us. Although women tend to be more sensitive and nurturing and men more “tough” and competitive, we can balance one another in a healthy way. As a wife, I am blessed that my husband will stand up and protect me and takes initiative. I, on the other hand, want to be the counterpart that is sensitive and nurturing. We both want most of all, to respond to God’s voice and let Him shape us as He wills.
Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to help you be sensitive and caring but also tough when needed.  
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy