Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: July 2023 (Page 3 of 4)

July 11, 2023

Dear Ones,
It looks to be a beautiful sunny day again and the birds are tweeting in the tree outside my window. I have a new Mexican dish made and Ann may stop in later today. We enjoyed time yesterday with friends we have known from long ago and fun to catch up. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I wonder how many of our prayers are telling God what we think He should do, maybe even what we feel we are entitled for him to do, rather than trusting Him for His perfect will. It is fine to ask God for things as He tells us: “Ask and it shall be given you.” or “You have not because you ask not.” But the bottom line really is, what is His will! We can pray and ask God what our heart desires, but then leave it up to Him, even when He doesn’t answer the way we would like. Most likely if we could write our own life story, it would not contain hard experiences or suffering and pain. But it is not up to us to write the script but only to cooperate and live out His script for our lives.
   I so strongly desire that a friend of ours will recover from her illness and we pray much for her. God has used her in so many ways to help others, pray for them, and lead them into the kingdom, but I don’t know His will…I simply pray and trust her into God’s hands. More than anything I would love to see her totally healed but I hold her up before the Lord and ask for His will and then trust. One thing we know is that God is faithful, and we wait to see His will carried out.
   Our thoughts don’t always line up with God’s thoughts, because we would probably opt for the easy way, not the way of the cross. God’s story is bigger and draws us closer to Him. Sometimes we won’t see the good that God is doing in us until heaven. Maybe we all have to admit that our desire for our life to be comfortable and go well is often greater than our longing to know God intimately. But the Lord wants us to join our heart to Him in trust, and may we respond to the invitation given in Song of Solomon 2:13, “Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me.”
Challenge for today: Choose the Lord and go His way, no matter what!
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy

A New Middle Age?

Justin Lee, Associate Editor at First Things, got my attention with an article entitled, “Rewilding American Christianity.”  He references Umberto Eco, who maintains we are living in a New Middle Age.  Back in 1983, Eco saw the Pax Americana collapsing: “First of all, a great peace that is breaking down, a great international power that has unified the world in language, customs, ideologies, religions, art, and technology, and then at a certain point, thanks to its own ungovernable complexity, collapses.”  With the collapse of the great Pax, “crisis and insecurity ensue, different civilizations clash, and slowly the image of a new man is outlined.”  Can you visualize a new “Middle Age” on the horizon?  What is the new man like?

While Eco has a pessimist view of the New Middle Age, Eugene Vodolazkin believes we are entering “a period of deepening, integration, and refinement analogous to that which followed the collapse of the Roman Empire.”  He quotes Nikolai Berdyaev who divides epochs into days and nights.  “Days include antiquity and the modern age.”  These are moments of explosive display.  The Middle Ages “are outwardly muted but profounder than those of the day.  It is during the sleep of night that what has been perceived during the day can be assimilated.  A night epoch allows for insight into the essence of things and for concentrating strength.”  Are we to “slow down” so we can make spiritual sense of our day?  For example, do we discern the presence of evil in the events of our day?

Vodolazkin sees the image of a new man being shaped by the collapse: “Our dispersed and untrained souls need to be shaped and formed, attaining focus or concentration… Personal concentration works against the dispersing influences that might otherwise gain control of our souls.”  This concentration is not possible without a rediscovery of religious truth.  Is a new man being shaped by the events of our day?

Paul Kingsnorth points out the need for inner transformation.  “In a time when the temptation is always toward culture war rather than inner war,” the battle that is uninformed by inner transformation will soon eat itself, and those around it.” Kingsnorth encourages us to follow the example of the “wild saints,”  who sought unity with God, being made holy so that we can return to the world ready for battle.”  Do we pay attention to inner transformation first?

But there is no Theosis [participation in the life of God] without suffering.  Lee asks the question, “Are we in the West, so long accustomed to comfort and convenience, prepared to suffer?” Lee concludes with this comment regarding the saints of old. “They created markers of memory for future generations of believers.   America’s Christians are blessed with the opportunity for building their own markers.  I pray the Lord makes us equal to the task.”  Are we prepared for the coming days?  

As you can tell, I am intrigued by a New Middle Age.  Men, we need to be prepared for radical change in our nation.  The forces of darkness are descending upon us, causing anxiety, fear and uncertainty.  What will tomorrow bring?  Does the image  of a New Middle Age give us some direction?  I think so.   

Here are four points to consider:  1) First, God is calling men to step back and work on their inner life. 2)  Men are meeting for support and encouragement. 3) These small groups are serious about their calling to follow Jesus.  It is not a burden to endure, but a joy to know that we can make a difference in today’s world. 4) Encourage transformation in each other, using the Scriptures as your guide (II Tim. 3:16-17).   

July 10, 2023

Dear Ones,
A new week beginning and hope you had a restful weekend. This morning I will doing food prep and going to my exercise class and then we have company coming. It is the Best Man from our wedding long ago and his wife and it is always a fun time full of laughter! 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  I’m sure we have all had those times when we have experienced conflict with fellow believers and experienced hurt and disappointment. Sometimes it is those people closest in our lives and it can cause much pain. The scripture is full of examples of those who did not get along with each other and since we are all imperfect, that is a real possibility until we reach heaven. We are given scriptures to help us and stories of people who worked things out to help us.
  Pastor Mark Roberts from Fuller Seminary writes about how this happens in church leadership also and we have many examples in today’s world. Some years ago, Al and I saw how the Pastor and assistant of a large church didn’t see eye -to-eye on some things and the assistant went across town and started a new church, taking many members with him.  Some years later they reconciled but our responses can affect a whole congregation.
   Roberts shared what Apostle Paul had to say in Col. 3:12-13, “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” Paul must have known that scabbles would arise and patience would be needed with lots of humility and compassion. The people in the church back then had some of the same scabbles and challenges that we have today We all have to put up with each other’s idiosyncrasies and they have to put up with ours. Forgiveness is key for it doesn’t matter who is the most at fault for we only have to deal with our own failings.
  We shouldn’t be surprised when conflicts arise, but we should be quick to offer forgiveness and accept responsibility for our part. Even if the other person never apologizes, we can be set free when we deal with our own wrong attitudes, words, and actions and receive His grace and forgiveness.
Challenge for today: The next time a conflict arises take a moment to examine your own attitude and respond in kindness, and meekness.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy

July 8, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a great weekend and time to get refreshed.  I just finished doing food prep and cleaning the apartment. It is a beautiful sunny day and perfect for a walk on the trail. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  Lately I have been proofreading the book that a good friend is putting together of Al’s weekly blogs for men ( I find myself saying “Amen” to what Al has written about Maleness, Toxic Masculinity, Fatherhood, Manhood, Marriage etc.
  I am glad that someone is calling attention to what is happening in our culture to manhood as many males are prolonging their adolescence and failing to launch and grow up. They don’t want to accept responsibility and frown at working hard or many hours and seem not to have purpose or know what it is to be a man. Many are made to feel like they are the problem, especially if they are white males and beaten by the message of “toxic masculinity.” The virtues of courage, truth, assertiveness, independence, responsibility, direction etc. are downplayed and more feminine qualities being emphasized.
  I am married to a man, who is not feminized, and has taken his God given role as my protector, provider, leader, and spiritual shepherd. I want him to flourish as a man, and not be just like me. The enemy has broken down the family, and created a negative image of manhood that is toxic and anti-male. An article in World magazine was entitled “The War on Men” and the common consensus was that masculinity “is harmful both to those who express it and those affected by it.” We can see how the male role has been devalued and discouraged and is detrimental for living life as God ordained. Of course, we are all sinful, and don’t live out life perfectly but we when we know the Lord, He takes away our sin and failures and clothes us in righteousness.
  God wants to raise up godly masculine men as well as godly feminine women. As it says in Genesis 2:27 (God’s Word), “So God created humans in His image. In the image of God He created them. He created them male and female.” Let us encourage one another to fill the role God has placed on us and not fall prey to our culture that leads us away from God’s best plan.   
  Challenge for today: Encourage men you know to step into their God given masculine role.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy

July 7, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Weekend to you! Yesterday afternoon Al and I went to see Sound of Freedom and it is worth seeing. I kept reminding myself during the movie that this actually happened, and a man sacrificed so much to rescue a young girl and many others. Today I am going to do some baking for upcoming company and serving.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
   What is most important in our lives? Is it to accumulate wealth and fame or is it to live for His glory? Jesus was very clear when he spoke to the crowd, and in Mark 8:35-36 (God’s Word), He said, “Those who want to save their lives will lose them. But those who lose their lives for me and for the Good News will save them. What good does it do for people to win the whole world yet lose their lives?” Jesus is asking us to look at the long-term consequences of our lives and how we live them.
   Life is short and we only do it once so we must let it count. When we live for the Lord, and not ourselves, we gain everything plus a future in glory. I was reading today from Psalm 73:24 and it speaks of what happens at the end of our lives. The choir director, Asaph, wrote this Psalm for the choir to sing in the temple and it reminds us of what is really important. “You guide me with your counsel and afterwards you will take me into glory.” Jesus is our guide until the very end of our lives, when we breathe our last breath. How we live our lives today make all the difference if we will experience an eternity in glory. We need to make our days count and live in the hope of an eternity with the Lord. When we refuse to acknowledge Him as Lord of our lives and go the way of the world, we will lose out, lose everything.
   It is important to live life for Him now as we don’t know how many days we have left. Each day on the news we hear of people very young dying and they were probably expecting a long life ahead of them. But though we may have a short life or live long, living life with the Lord is the very best. Every day is new, and we have no idea what blessings He will pour out on us. We live freely for our past is forgiven and we have joy in the present, even when our circumstances are not ideal, for He goes with us through all that we encounter.
  Let us live this day as if it were our last one on earth and keep heaven in view as we anticipate eternity in glory with the Lord.
 Challenge for today: Ask yourself what am I going to do today that counts for eternity?
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


July 6, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a sunny day! Our house is filled with aroma as a pot of stew is simmering.
Al is back from Men’s group and this afternoon we have Bible Study here. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  While coming back from our walk on the Paul Bunyan trail yesterday, we noticed our elderly neighbor from next door pulling up part of her garden. I have written of her before as she has amazed us with her persistence when she tilled the soil and planted flowers that are in the middle of a service road adjacent to our courtyard. When we moved here that space was full of weeds and occasionally wacked when the lawn crew mowed the yard. But a couple from our apartment complex and one from the adjacent complex started planting flowers and changing the terrain to look beautiful rather than an eyesore. There were 2 plots left for quite some time until this neighbor next door from Assisted Living chose to make a difference. She is so persevering and went out each morning to till the soil and later to plant.  On occasion, Al has had to rescue her when she was not able to get up from her sitting position but that does not detour her. Her work has paid off as there are beautiful flowers of all colors blooming and transforming the roadway.
  But sadly, yesterday she was tearing up part of the garden and we wondered why. All along we have been trying to guess what some tall green plants were going to produce, and kept waiting for cucumbers, or zucchini or anything. But we just found out it is called Velvetleaf and is a noxious an invasive species that is very hard to get rid of; it only grows in a few states, Minnesota being one of them. What a bummer! It is important to remove it or it will take over, and for farmers it can cause millions of dollars in damage. But this morning as I look out our window, I see she has already cut down all the weeds and disposed of them. She must have been out there until dark!
  I was reminded of my own life and how there are times I am not sure if something is good or if it is something I need to cut out of my life. Things that compete with the Lord may be subtle at first but before long our spiritual life can be taken over by weeds of evil. We must be always alert, and watchful to not let that happen. What better herbicide than the Word, that will help us quickly get rid of anything the enemy is using to invade our souls. Let us be alert and quick to be done with all that diminishes our life in the Lord.

Challenge for today: Ask the Lord to make you alert to weeds in your spiritual garden and root them out quickly.   

Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy                                                                 

July 5, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating yesterday and maybe capped it off with Fireworks too. The house is full of aroma as I just baked choc chip cookies on a stick and sampled one of them. Soon I am going to my exercise class and errands and later walk on the trail.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
  We have just celebrated Independence Day and many of us have sung our national anthem and said the pledge of allegiance as we honor our country as one nation under God. But it is sad that many Americans no longer believe in our country’s godly beginnings. They choose to believe that America was not established for religious freedom, and challenge that Christianity had anything to do with establishing our country.
  Lynette Kittle writes about how in England in 1606 the Pilgrims sought to worship Jesus in the purity of the gospel. They fled to Holland and 3 years later got permission to take the Mayflower to the New world so they could worship Jesus in peace. She said because America’s foundation was laid in Biblical truth by the Pilgrims, our Founding Fathers based our Declaration of Independence on godly principles. These truths gave us the right to worship God freely and now it seems in our day that they are for grabs and many of our freedoms are now being denied.
  I pray each day for our country to come back to God and to be humble and seek the Lord. Kittle wrote a prayer that may be saying what is also on your heart, as it is on mine.
  “Dear Father, we come now to humble ourselves before You, asking you to move upon our nation and lead Americans to hold fast to our godly heritage, a legacy of religious freedom to openly worship and serve You in our land. As II Chron. 7:14 assures us, ’If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.’ Forgive us, Father, for the ways our nation has drifted and turned away from You. Remind Americans how Christians were led by You to sail and settle this land for Your glory. Restore America’s godly foundation and heritage. Let our leaders return to Your Word and Truth in writing laws, handing down judicial decisions and ruling over the people. Help Americans to understand that true freedom is a gift from you. Like John 8:36 assures us, ‘So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’ Let our nation look to You as our hope and Salvation, and put all our trust in You.’ In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
  Challenge for today: Spend some time praying for America and for the Lord to have mercy on us.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


July 4, 2023

Dear Ones,
Happy Fourth of July! May freedom reign in our hearts for when we know the Lord, we can walk each day in grace because we are pardoned and set free. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart 
Are we living our life with purpose and passion for God or are we living our life for ourselves and our own comfort and pleasure? If it is for God, each day will be exciting and meaningful but if it is for ourselves, we will soon get aimless and bored.
  Those who know the Lord and live for Him experience great joy as life has eternal purpose and meaning. One morning as I was reading from scripture, from and from a devotional book, they all spoke of a life of grace and how it can transform our lives. But of course, we have to receive grace, for it is a gift and we know that we didn’t earn it, or it wouldn’t be a gift.
   I love the word grace and I love singing about grace for deep down I know how imperfect I am and how needy I am for His grace. Like the song goes, “Grace, Grace, God’s grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within; Grace, grace, God’s grace that is greater than all our sin.” Our own efforts are fruitless for we can’t earn forgiveness, but it is only by grace through faith. The apostle Paul was very learned and steeped in the scriptures and the law, but he said in II Tim. 1:9, “He saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began.” When we receive this gift of grace, the power of the Holy Spirit is given us to change and to do the works that He has purposed for us all along. His plan for our life is exciting and like no other but we must choose if we will live for Him and accept His free gift to us.
  We see people around us striving so hard to live a good life, to earn the respect of others, but none of us can measure up and we are in need His grace. We were meant to live for the Lord, to love Him and to enjoy Him and bring glory to Him. Yes, we fail every day and that is why we need grace.
   Let us live for the Lord and do the works that He has planned for us each day. And for those times we fail, let us receive His grace and forgiveness and ask Him to transform our lives that we might live passionately for Him.
  Challenge for today: When you sense you are striving, thank the Lord for His grace and live in new freedom.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy


A Call to Persevere

I lead a Bible study in our apartment building.  We all have gray hair.  I encourage us to visualize the effects of our prayers for our loved ones as we experience “the rising up of the gray hairs.”  We read in Ps. 20:7-8, “Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God.  Those nations will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm.”  Instead of lamenting about the state of the world, we will boast in the Lord.  We choose to see ourselves rising up and standing on solid ground.

We realize the culture is embracing a post-Christian narrative, putting the Good News in a negative light. As seniors, we grew up in a fairly positive environment. We know the difference.  Our prayer concerns can be expressed well in the words of the Psalmist in 71:17-18: “O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood, and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do.  Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God.  Let me proclaim your power to this new generation, your mighty miracles to all who come after me.”

Recently I was sharing our Bible study’s corporate concern for our children and grandchildren with my son Kurt.  Seeing him as a good father, I asked what Judy and I as parents imparted to him that would encourage a group of gray hairs concerned for their families.  I have summarized what I gleaned from Kurt’s reflection in three principles noted below.  

Sowing the word of God as a seed that will grow and have its effect is a helpful image.  In Mark 4:26-27, Jesus tells us, “This is what the kingdom of God is like.  A man scatters seed on the ground.  Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.”  Our task is to sow the “living and enduring word of God” (I Peter 1:23).  Remember it is more than a memory.  It is living and enduring.

Instill – As believing grandparents, we cling to the Word of God that was sown in the lives of our loved ones. Isaiah 55:11 is a wonderful promise for parents and grandparents who have done this: “It is the same with my word.  I send it out, and it always produces fruit.  It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.”  Our confidence is in Jesus, the light of the world, who is the Word incarnate (John 1:14). John assures us, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). 

Enhance – This implies daily prayer and remembrance of our loved ones.  Pray believing the seeds that were sown will bear fruit through the life of Jesus, as His Spirit bears witness to the heart and mind of a loved one.  Don’t give up: carry your loved ones in your heart. “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7 NLT).  

Trust – Believe in God’s sovereignty, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God: “Indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:39).   God can at any time intervene with his presence in the life of a loved one through an event, a person, a still, small voice, etc.   

July 2, 2023

Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday time and keeping cool. Al and I went to the lake yesterday afternoon and joined over 2 dozen of the relatives for a picnic, swim, games etc. Loved seeing everyone and was a fun time. I just finished making Al’s cookies and soon going to Aldi’s and my exercise class. 
Devotions from Judy’s heart 
  Sometimes people seem like angels in disguise. They are right there when we need them and make a difference in the outcome. God often uses others to meet a particular need we may have, and in our eyes, they seem to shine forth like angels. Such was the case for me recently. I was having a problem on my new computer, and it seemed like it should be so simple to solve and I tried but wasn’t able to do so. We called in for tech support and we got first tech who couldn’t solve it and then he gave our case to another tech who was more advanced, and he couldn’t solve the problem either. We were told to call Yahoo as it must be a result from their upgrade. So, we prayed, and Al felt like we should just go over to Best Buy and see if the Geek on hand for the weekend could solve it. We told him the same thing we told the other two techs, but he said, “I think I can solve it!” That was music to our ears, and he didn’t work long at all and he had my computer running the way it should. He also added some other things on my computer that will make life easier for me. We thanked him profusely and told him he was an angel. Al said a prayer of blessing for him, and it may be that it was the first time such a response was given the geek by a customer. I went home smiling and happy and thankful, and the Geek must have felt good that he brought so much happiness!

  There are times we have no idea what some action we may do for someone else may just be an answer to their prayers. God wants our ear tuned to hear Him so if he gives us a directive, we obey and do it in His timing. Paul said in Eph. 2:10(God’s Word), “God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that He has prepared for us to do.” When we know the Lord, He gives us joy in doing good works that will bless others. We have received so much from Him, and it is natural that we want to reach out and touch others with His love and deeds of kindness. The Lord prepares us to do whatever it is that He has planned, and let us respond!

Challenge for today: When feeling prompted by the Holy Spirit, follow His leading in obedience.
Blessings on your week and prayers and love, Judy
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