Canaan’s Rest represents a quiet place “set apart” for the purpose of hearing God's voice, growing in intimacy with the Lord, and being renewed in soul and spirit.

Month: December 2011 (Page 3 of 4)

Dec. 14th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Do we live on the surface or do we experience abundant life that Jesus promised us in John 10:10?  We have a choice to live superficially or live deeply and abundantly. When we had the farewell coffee time for our interim pastor, our council president knitted him a beautiful prayer shawl. At first glance you may think it was just an ordinary prayer shawl but a closer look gave special significance.  Marlys had done it in several patterns of 3 stitches signifying the Trinity. It was bordered by 6 stitches called a seed stitch, which was significant of all the seeds pastor had sown in our midst. She also used a diamond pattern that reminds us that in God’s eyes we are His most valuable creation, a jewel.  The center and the largest panel was a cross which reminds us of what God has done for us through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Sometimes used is a cable pattern that looks like 2 vines twisted together. This can remind us that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. I put the prayer shawl on Pastor’s shoulders as Marlys read about the patterns in it. But we all took a closer look after these things were pointed out. Do we take time to look deeper into what is happening around us, to see what God is up to, to listen more intently to a friend’s story, to live below the surface?  Let us not be surface dwellers but ones that dwell deeply into Him!

Dec. 13th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Do you know we are still eating some left-overs from when Kurt and his friends were here?  The food they cooked was fantastic and we are still enjoying and savoring the results.  When they left the cabin, they left behind some wonderful gourmet dishes and made me think of what we leave behind. Do we exude the fragrance of Christ or are others relieved when we depart?  In II Cor. 2:14 it says we are the aroma of Christ and “through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” Is it possible that others drawn to Him because of the fragrance we leave behind?  The guys left behind an aroma that has blessed us and not just their food!  I usually put water (with a fragrant oil) in a tea kettle on top of our wood stove and as it heats up the aroma fills the house.  May it be our prayer that others catch the sweet aroma of Christ by what we leave behind also.

Dec. 12th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Surprise!! How many times have we been surprised by a party, maybe someone’s kindness to us, a gift etc?   It may be a simple kindness like my neighbor who picks me up for Line Dancing and has my passenger seat all heated up by the time she arrives at our house. Or when we went to El Tequila’s to talk over if we should buy a new SUV, the boss surprised us with paying for our dinner. Then he surprised us again by giving us a gift certificate for several more lunches there. A wonderful surprise! I think the Lord loves to give us surprises but the sad thing is we often miss thanking Him or recognizing they come from him. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”(James 1:17)  When we surprise others, we are being used by Him to share His love. Or when others surprise us we can give thanks to Him for He prompted them to give. Let us remember where every good gift comes from!

Dec. 10th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

 Today a very old familiar song came to mind. “This is my Father’s world and to my listening ears, all nature sings and around me rings the music of the spheres.”  There are so many songs and scriptures about nature and it does seem to sing. Just this past week, Al was walking near the channel and could hear the ice “singing”. He told me to walk that way and listen as well. It is hard to describe but it did sound like singing. As ice was forming and coming together, it made a loud noise and was awesome to hear. As it says in Ps. 98, all nature is invited to make a joyful noise to the lord and break into song…the sea, the rivers, the hills etc.  He wants to draw us nearer and can use even the singing ice to help us see His awesomeness. Let us not miss what nature wants to teach us before our eyes.

My Psalm for today ( read them methodically) is: Ps. 29:3-4, “The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord, over many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful: the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.”

Dec. 9th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

This morning I woke up with the moon streaming in our window and shedding its light. When I went outside the heavens were just filled with stars and glory. ( This was at 5:30 am).  Just think, “He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” (Ps. 47:4). If He knows each star by name, certainly He knows each of us in a most personal way. If we are paying attention we will notice that, “The earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. (Hab. 2:14)  Nature can speak to us if we are listening and it can cause us to see the Lord. It can speak of His love in new ways that we don’t want to miss. “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love towards those who fear Him. “Ps. 103:11.  May we draw closer to Him as we see His beautiful creation and know that we have a Father who delights in displaying His love to us in a myriad of ways.

Celebrate Season’s cravings

The title of my blog this week comes from the slogan on a McDonld’s McCafe coffee cup.  On the back of the cup are these words, “My moment to unwind.  It’s time to indulge myself.”  I like coffee.  When Judy and I travel we always stop in Mcdonald’s for coffee.  I also like to stop at Carbou for coffee.  I like Caribou’s coffee.  On their coffee cup it says “make it merry.”  Now I ask you men, what does “Celebrate Season’s craving” or “Make it Merry” have to do with the meaning of Christmas.  I realize the church has almost lost the cultural war of trying to bring back “Christmas.”   But I have to say, these two slogans show how far we have strayed.  We are now trying to invent ways of making the season meaningful.  

As believers we know that “Jesus is the reason for the season.”  However, these two titles tell me something about the culture. Remember big money is spent coming up with these slogans.  Adversting firms spend lot of money to hire pyschologists, so that McDonld’s and Caribou can get you to buy their coffee instead of driving up to Starbuck’s or another coffee place.  So what is going on with these slogans.  The first thing the strikes me is the fact that we have to create a desire and meaning for the season.  One asks you to indulge your craving.  This is the season to do it.  The other outright asks you to find a reason to be merry.  Men, the season has come to be whatever you want it to be.  If you can’t find a way to make it merry, at least use the season to indulge yourself.

So I have two “take-aways” from these slogans.  The first deals with our cravings.  There is something about the holiday season that stirs up positive sentiment  like no other time of the year.  But could it be that there is less sentiment being experienced since Christmas has lost its meaning.  The old sentiment made one feel good about life, by being in a giving, joyful mood.  At least that is the way it used to be.  But today we are not sure about those sentiments we hear in the Christmas carols. They seem almost out of place.   So with the old sentiments sponged out of the way, we have to create new sentiments.  McDonald’s says we ought to celebrate the season’s cravings.  I just ask –  what are the cravings?  How do we celebrate them? The coffee cup puts the responsibility upon me to find a way indulge.   Men, you want to get stirred and all energized.  Just take a few minutes and ponder the magnitude of what God did when He became one of us.  John tells us, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.  We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son.”  (John 1:14 – The Message).   God came to live in your neighborhood and he came to stay.  Wow!  That should get you “juiced.”

The second “take-away” has to do with the idea that we are to create the sentiment of being “merry.”  That show how far we have gotten away from the celebration of God becoming flesh.  For me the implication of the caribou slogan is that we still should be merry.  We are not sure why we are still supposed to be merry.  But this used to be the season for being merry.  So make it merry.  But I ask –  How do you make it merry?  We aren’t told what it is.  Why should we be merry?  The biggest question is for me is, “Why are we being asked to be merry during Nov – Dec.  Something got lost.  Maybe we are being asked to find it again.  Where are people looking?

With that in mind, let me quote from I John 1:1-4 about finding it. “From the very first day, we were there, taking it all in – we heard it with our own ears, saw it with our own eyes, verified it with our own hands.  The Word of Life appeared right before our eyes; we saw it happen!  And now we’re telling you in most sober prose that what we witnessed was, incredibly this: the infinite Life of God himself took shape before us.  We saw it, we heard it, andnow we’re telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.  Our motive for writing is simply this: We want yoiu to enjoy this, too.  Your joy will double our joy!  (The Message).   So there you have it.  The reason to truly be merry.

Dec. 8th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

Today as I went to clean the glass door of our wood stove, all the soot and grime came off without much effort at all. Other days, I can’t get more than a little tiny clear window as the black soot is stuck on. When the temperature of the stove is just right, it is easy but when it is not, it is almost impossible. As I looked into the clear glass, I thought of how wonderful it is when our hearts are open to God and to others. Others can see us as we really are and we can see outward and upward with clarity. It made me think of how we need to respond to the Spirit as He moves upon us, and not just when we decide the time is right. Our times are in His hands!  Let us not dismiss the move of God upon us but be quick to respond. Let Him clean the window of our souls that we can be transparent and reflect His glory.

Dec. 7th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

We are still eating left-overs from the gourmet dishes of this past week. We were so impressed with Bo’s recipes that are simply “to die for” !!  When Kurt and his friends use to come to the cabin they fished constantly and would come back to the cabin and throw a pizza in the oven.  Now instead they just spent almost  4 days hanging out and making unbelievable gourmet dishes, 3 times a day. I wonder if we aren’t often settling for simple pizzas when we might be feasting at the Lord’s table. He desires to feed us with the finest of wheat. He loves when we “hang out” with Him and spend lots of time together. He gives us a taste for flavorful things that may be new to us but are rich and satisfying. We can anticipate each meal for He prepares endless feasts for us. Why do we settle for so little when He has so much for us?  As it says in Song of Solomon 2:4, He invites us to His banqueting house, and His banner over us is love. Let us accept His invitation for the rich things that await us from the One who loves us most.

Dec. 6th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

While Kurt and his buddies were up here we had a mishap on the night of the feast they prepared. There was a hot bubbling carrot soufflé that was being carried to the table along with the Beef Wellington etc. All of a sudden I heard a big splat and the soufflé was upside down on the floor, still bubbling.  We were able to salvage the part not touching the floor and Kurt helped me clean up the rest of it. Now the one who dropped it didn’t even say how it happened and that it wasn’t his fault or rationalize it away. But the handle on the dish carrier broke and it would have happened to whoever carried it to the table. In the routine of our daily lives we all have mishaps. Some are messier than others but it just happens. Why are we surprised when it happens to us or others around us? Why do we spend so much time defending or rationalizing?  Let us instead ask God to help us see even the good He can work out of it. In this instance I was filled with gratitude as I was aware that the hot soufflé could have spilled on Gary who was sitting only inches away and he would have been severely burned.  You are probably  familiar with the verse from Rom 8:28 that says, ”for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Let us accept those things that happen in our lives and not be hard on ourselves. The enemy wants to send us into a tail spin and get down on ourselves, but God wants to weave it all together and bring good out of even our mishaps!

Dec. 5th

Devotions from Judy’s heart

When I went for a prayer walk the other day and saw many deer tracks in the snow, it made me aware that there is a lot of activity going on that is often unseen by our eyes. When I walked a little farther, 3 deer ran across the road right in front of me.  Often in our spiritual lives we know the Lord is in something but is rather hidden. We see His print, like the deer tracks, but it is not obvious and we must trust our discernment. But when the deer showed up and pranced across the road in front of me, it was like Yes! I saw clearly what I only had a hunch of before.  Of course, I would rather see the actual deer than just prints in the snow. I can identify with the disciples (as I read in John 21 today) when Jesus revealed himself to them on the shore after catching 153 fish. John said, “It is the Lord!”, and there was no doubt. But may we also rejoice when we see signs of Him and know He is there, even when it isn’t so obvious.

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