Devotions from Judy’s heart

While Kurt and his buddies were up here we had a mishap on the night of the feast they prepared. There was a hot bubbling carrot soufflé that was being carried to the table along with the Beef Wellington etc. All of a sudden I heard a big splat and the soufflé was upside down on the floor, still bubbling.  We were able to salvage the part not touching the floor and Kurt helped me clean up the rest of it. Now the one who dropped it didn’t even say how it happened and that it wasn’t his fault or rationalize it away. But the handle on the dish carrier broke and it would have happened to whoever carried it to the table. In the routine of our daily lives we all have mishaps. Some are messier than others but it just happens. Why are we surprised when it happens to us or others around us? Why do we spend so much time defending or rationalizing?  Let us instead ask God to help us see even the good He can work out of it. In this instance I was filled with gratitude as I was aware that the hot soufflé could have spilled on Gary who was sitting only inches away and he would have been severely burned.  You are probably  familiar with the verse from Rom 8:28 that says, ”for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Let us accept those things that happen in our lives and not be hard on ourselves. The enemy wants to send us into a tail spin and get down on ourselves, but God wants to weave it all together and bring good out of even our mishaps!