Devotions from Judy’s heart 10-15
Last night I ate an enormous piece of choc birthday cake with 4 different kinds of choc filling. It was simply scrumptious and I am still feeling full today! I can’t imagine eating something that rich and sweet all the time and yet that is often what we want the Lord to feed us. We may say feed us sweet things and nothing difficult that would require any sacrifice on our part. We love when He gives us promises to feed us the finest of wheat, to prosper us and make us rich. But what about the meat of doing His will? To obey Him when it demands sacrifice on our part? We would rather hear all Grace and not think about disciplines or consequences of our decisions. We may also want more than we can really eat. Last night most of us could not eat a huge piece of cake because it was so rich, and like a giant piece of fudge. We also, must eat the portions the Lord gives to us as we can only handle so much at a time. May we receive whatever the Lord gives us for each day, with the knowledge that He knows what is best for us and how much to give us. Sometimes He may surprise us with a rich dessert that is awesome, but we also need meat etc for our spiritual growth.
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