Dear Ones,
Happy weekend to you! It is a rainy cool day and I don’t envy the deer hunters sitting out there tomorrow waiting! I got out the rest of our winter clothes this morning and also shovels, boots etc. I made a chicken dish and Oh Henry bars so the house is full of yummy aroma. This afternoon Al and I are going shopping.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
How many of us have anxiety over the future? We don’t know what is going to happen next, and watching the news seems only to increase our fears can suck the joy right out of us. But as Christians we must remember who we belong to and what our eternal destiny is, for this life on earth is not all there is. When we know the Lord, we also know that all will end well, even though we may have to experience difficult things on earth.
Every day we have a choice of how we will view things, whether it is a negative outlook or if we will see things from a positive perspective. Early in the morning when I write, I look out on our courtyard and see 7 beautiful pine trees and over a dozen other trees, plus hanging pots with colored leaves etc. My neighbor and I were remarking how we think we have the best view in our apartment complex as we don’t have to face the traffic on the road but have a view of nature from second floor. As I look out on the trees and the trail, I marvel at the majesty of God. He created all of this and He is worthy of our trust and praise.
When we focus on our Heavenly Father, our problems seem less in comparison for we know that our life here is only temporary. Like Phil. 3:20 (The Message) says, “But there’s far more to life for us. We’re citizens of high heaven! We’re waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ, who will transform our earthly bodies into glorious bodies like his own.” No matter what we face in this life, whether it be loneliness, pain and suffering, the Lord will lead us through to the other side where there is no sorrow or suffering but an eternity with Him.
Let us focus not so much on our present problems but view our life through the window of His love. Then we will have peace in the midst of all we go through, for we know what is coming one day.
Challenge for today: Spend some time pondering what heaven will be like and thank the Lord for what He is preparing for you.
Blessings on your weekend and prayers and love, Judy
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