Dear Ones,
Hope you are having a good day and keeping warm. This morning I went to Aldi’s to stock up on food and then downstairs for donuts and coffee. Soon we will be having our weekly Bible Study and then I am getting my hair cut so will miss my walk today.
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Today we see so much confusion, oppression, and uncertainty in our world. We must be careful that discouragement doesn’t seep into our hearts, but that we stand our ground and are strong in the Lord. I read what Ralph Martin had to say to students of Hillsdale College on how to live in these challenging times but maybe we all need to hear it. He suggests that we join the resistance and help each other to resist. We can begin doing that by giving ourselves more completely to God and let Him fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit. We need that today if we are going to stand our ground against the enemy’s tactics. We can resist by putting ourselves under God’s authority and this includes our mind, will and emotions. We cannot go in our own power.
Pete Burak also shared we need to pray for a New Pentecost and that means new vision, boldness, conviction and power. We need new vision to see how God is at work and how we are to cooperate with what He is already doing. We also need boldness and I love the example that Pete gave. He recalled when he at a boy’s camp during high school, there was a 9th grade boy who was rough and did not want to be there. Pete felt God say, “Tell Mike how much I love him.” He did some fast praying and asked for the Holy Spirit’s help and suddenly he felt like fire and energy being poured into him. So, he walked over and said, “Mike, I don’t know what’s going on in your life, or where you’re at right now, but I need you to know Jesus loves you. The Holy spirit told me to tell you that no matter what you’ve done, He loves you, He sees you, and He knows you.” Mike began weeping and counselors came over and prayed with him. Later he gave his testimony before the whole camp of how he repented and wanted to live for the Lord. All because Pete was bold and spoke what God said.
Besides vision and boldness, we also need conviction because we believe that we have life only in His Son; if we do not believe in Him we will not have life. That message needs to be shared with others so they will come to know Him.
All of us need power to proclaim Jesus and that power comes to us through the Holy Spirit. It is often accompanied by gifts of the Spirt and signs and wonders. Sometimes we may see people healed or a person coming into the kingdom after a life far away from God.
May we all share the Lord with others through new vision, boldness, strong conviction and walking in the power of the Spirit!
Challenge for today: Resist the enemy and share the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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