Dear Ones,
Hope you are enjoying a grace-filled day! Al had the Men’s Soul group this morning and I studied, did food prep and went to my exercise class. This afternoon it is Craft class and then tonight is Bible Study at church…A good day!
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Let us all eat well and take in healthy nutrients each day that we may become strong and vibrant and have a good immune system. Eating nutritious food is important and I like to heap up my grocery cart with lots of nutritious veggies and fruit and meat. Al says he can tell when I am getting ready to go to grocery shopping as I am all eager to go and happy to come home with good things to eat.
I love to cook for Al as he will try whatever I make and is full of grateful compliments. Even before he tastes the food, he notices the variety of color on his plate as I might do a medley of veggies, lots of different fruits etc. He always seems eager to come to the table and we share together as we eat. It is fun to cook for him!
One day I felt the Lord impressing on me that He also loves when we are eager to take in spiritual food (His Word) each day, just like our physical food. Rather than thinking of eating as something we have to do, we regard it with anticipation to satisfy our spiritual hunger. The Lord knows exactly what we need for the day and feeds us just the right things. Our part is to receive what He gives us, digest it and let it become part of us. Rather than turning up our nose when He gives us something new to try, we can ponder it and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning to us. Can’t you just picture the Lord watching us as we eat and delighting that we are taking in what He gives us. But it must also be disappointing when we refuse what He is giving us and grab something sweet and more to our own liking. But then in the middle of the day, we will likely find ourselves hungry and wishing we had taken something substantial that He tried to feed us earlier.
We can’t live on yesterday’s manna but we need His fresh Word each day that will fuel us. Jesus told the crowd in John 6:35 (ESV), “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” Only the Lord can satisfy our deepest spiritual hunger and let us receive what He gives us each day; and like Al, may we respond in thankfulness for whatever is on His menu for us.
Challenge for today: Feed on the Word and carry what the Lord gives into your day.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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