Dear Ones,
Hope you wake with with a fresh start to your day. What seems to help you when you have a dry times?
Devotions from Judy’s heart
Are there times we feel parched and dry and long for our thirst to be quenched? Maybe you are like me when you wake in the night feeling very thirsty and quickly reach for a glass of water. Ahh! Just what we need! But all of us can get spiritually dry as well; we feel distant from the Lord and long to draw close again. I think King David felt like that when he prayed in Psalm 63:1 (God’s Word), “O God, you are my God. At dawn I search for you. My soul thirsts for you. My body longs for you in a dry, parched land where there is no water.” Mark Roberts from Fuller Seminary writes about spiritual thirst that can sometimes be a by-product of overwork and stress. In the midst of our busy lives, we cry out to the Lord, and know how much we need Him to quench the thirst of our souls. Roberts prays a prayer for such times and I am including it today as I imagine all of us have those times in our lives.
“Gracious God, I feel so dry these days. My soul is parched. I have so much to do that I find it hard to make time for you. I know I need you, but my dryness numbs me to that need.
So I let the words of the Psalm express the deeper longings of my heart.
“O God, you are my God.” Yes, you are King of kings and Lord of lords. But you are also my God, my Strength, my Savior, my Friend.
‘I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you’ Sometimes I’m so dried out that I can’t even feel my thirst. Yet I know it’s there. And, every now then, by your grace, I can feel it again. I know how much I need you. You are the deepest desire of my heart.
“As in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” There isn’t much living water in the places where I work. There’s no obvious “spiritual water cooler.” What I must do each day is more draining than filling. But I know you are there, Lord. You are with me each moment throughout the day. You are there to sustain me, to nourish me, to encourage me.
O Lord, help me to lie down in your green pastures. Lead me beside your still waters. Restore my soul! Amen.”
Challenge for today: When you feel dry and thirsting go quickly to Him who offers living water and drink deeply.
Blessings on your day and prayers and love, Judy
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