Devotions from Judy’s heart
“In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.” Gen. 15:13 The Lord has promised to lead and guide us and our part is to follow. I have been reading about the children of Israel lately and how frustrating it must have been for Moses as they so often didn’t follow the instructions given. Plus he had to put up with all their grumbling too!!
We have done a lot of traveling these past 2 weeks and there were times when we were headed in the wrong direction and had to turn around and go back where we got off. Sometimes we weren’t paying enough attention and other times the road wasn’t clearly marked. Spiritually, we have been given the Bible as our road map and when we aren’t in the Word we sometimes have to go back to the place we got off and begin again. We loved going on back roads less traveled on our trip and often that meant steep upgrades and hairpin turns. As I looked over the side, it was often straight down with no shoulder space. Sometimes it seems like we are living on the edge and we have to hang on tightly. Then when the Lord brings us out into a spacious place again, it is appreciated even more. But the journey is exciting if we let the Lord lead us. “You have made known to me the path of life. You will flood me with joy in your presence. Ps. 16:18 There are so many promises and instructions for our life if we will follow
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