Devotions from Judy’s heart
While we were on our way home Friday, we stopped at a Culvers for lunch. A family came in with 4 adorable little children ( probably around 2, 4, 6 years old and a baby) and we never heard one word from their booth. The parents were deaf and the children were using sign language. They were so well behaved and their actions spoke louder than any words. The love between them all was so evident. Al gave them the high sign when we left to show them how impressed we were with their family. What about us? What kind of a witness would we have if we couldn’t speak?James 1:19 says we should be quick to hear but slow to speak! Would our actions be enough to cause others to see Christ? Do we live what we speak? Mother Teresa said that we should witness to others but use words only when necessary. A prayer from my morning devotions yesterday says it well. “Let my gratitude be shown in gentleness and loving kindness to others. May they see in my actions the love and compassion of Jesus. I regret that I have not always reflected this love. Make me your loving witness to those I met today. Amen.”
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