Devotions from Gary Moon’s book, Apprenticeship with Jesus
Today our author talks about being well balanced in our approach to spiritual formation and uses 6 different groups. If we zero in on only one we end up having a “spiritual eating disorder”, so we need to partake of each of them.
- Contemplative: Spending time with God in prayer and meditation each day. Tell Him of your love for Him and take time to listen to Him
- Holiness: Having pure thoughts, words, and actions, and overcoming temptation. Col. 3:1-17 is a beautiful listing of rules for holy living.
- Charismatic: Welcoming the Holy Spirit while nurturing and exercising our spiritual gifts.
- Social justice: Helping others less fortunate than ourselves.
- Evangelical: Sharing the gospel of Jesus and reading the scriptures.
- Incarnational: Unifying the sacred and secular areas of our lives while showing forth God’s presence.
Today may we offer everything we do as an act of love to Him and work With Him and For Him.
Jesus is the source of each of these traditions of spirituality and let us be healthy and be nourished by each one of these expressions.
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