Devotions from Gary Moon’s book, Apprenticeship With Jesus for 11-2
Hurry is an expression of anxiety and the sign of a deeper problem.
Dallas Willard said, “One of the greatest enemies to service to Jesus is service to Jesus. If you are not experiencing your yoke as easy and your burden as light, then you are bearing some other burden, but not the burden of Christ-it is a problem with your heart.”
The author recognized his problem as not feeling confident of his worth to God and others…that he was truly loved by God. Projects gave him a sense of accomplishment and the busier he got it only perpetuated the circle of anxiety and hurry.
Jesus was never in a hurry and he knew who He was .
We all need to be reminded to slow down and be fully available to the present moment.
It helps if we recall our truest being as His child and mediate on the power and presence of God.
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