Devotions based on Albert Haase’s book, This Sacred Moment

The spiritual practice of ongoing discernment is often intuitive and we may ask ourselves what would Jesus do and how would He do it? We are told to be awake, be watchful and the author names 3 practices that help us to be alert.

1. Prayer. Daily consistent prayer is so important and helps us be aware of the closeness and call of God in our everyday ordinary lives.  We need to be attentive not just when God may speak in our prayer time but also afterwards…our daily devotional time should drain into our daily activity!  2. Spiritual direction. It is helpful to meet with a spiritual director to share how we are seeing God and hearing His voice in the midst of our joys and struggles, what we are hearing and learning in our prayer times, clarification when needed etc. Each of us has a unique path to holiness and sometimes we need help to hear and respond to God’s voice. 3. Trustful surrender. This is more difficult as we accept and trustfully surrender to whatever happens at each moment. Our ego will protest as it wants to control and manipulate the present moment into a circumstance more agreeable and less stressful. But as we trustfully respond to our present situation rooted in the belief that “all things work together for good for those who love God, (Rom. 8:28) we experience His grace and grow in holiness.