Devotions from Judy’s heart
Devotions from Judy’s heart
More thoughts from Conversation Magazine…If we were asked about a time we felt close to God, for most of us it would be a time of pain or difficulty. Pain contains within it many spiritual invitations. The choice is ours if we want to seek God in our pain or if we try to exert more control and avoid intimacy with God. I think pain makes us become more aware: aware of our attachments and ways in which we cling to things that are not of God: aware of where we may be stuck or closed to His presence.
Letting go may be painful in itself, but we can sense it is right and good and will bring freedom. Actually there is more pain as we try to hang on or grab onto something else. “True letting go requires us to face into the emptiness for a time, rather than give into the temptation to try to fill the emptiness with something new.” But as we quiet ourselves and stop struggling against the pain, we will find God holding us in our pain until your brokenness is healed by His love. God is bigger than us and with us and in us, even in our pain!
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