Devotions from Judy’s heart
Things change and we change. Lately when I get up in the morning to fix breakfast, I no longer have to deal with our wood stove. Just a short time ago when I awakened, I cleared out the ashes and started a fire in the stove before calling Al for breakfast. But with this nice weather, I no longer have to do that. A nice change! Change is happening all the time and all around us. We have to be flexible and flow with the changes. Some things we wish would stay the same and never change, but we are not in control. Other times we wish change would come rapidly but circumstances remain the same. The important thing is to live from our Center, Christ in us, and not from the periphery.
We can trust Him and let Him be central in our lives, even when we can not make sense of what is going on. Sometimes we may brace ourselves thinking the worse may happen. But why not live in openness and trust, surrendering ourselves into His care, even when change comes? It is the most secure place to be. Like the song goes, “I trust in you, O Lord. I say you are my God. My times are in your hands, my times are in your hands.”
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