Devotions based on David Benner’s book, Soulful Spirituality
As we journey to become fully alive, it is a journey to become all that we can be. As we consent to the Spirit and are attentive to our own personal journey of becoming, we will find ourselves being transformed. This journey moves us from isolation to a deeper communion and union, from fragmentation to integration, from alienation to alignment, from part to whole. We journey toward being at one within our selves and at one with all that is. This happens only after we have raised the flag of surrender and stop demanding that life come to us on our terms. Becoming one within ourselves requires our attention and our participation. It needs our consent and involves the letting go of everything that keeps us apart from love. It is our relationship with Him that allows us to be fully alive in the present, and fully present to our selves and to others. Peace within our selves is a precondition to peace with others and with life. Let us open the gifts and invitations of life that call us to our true self, our self-in-God!
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