Devotions based on David Benner’s book, Opening to God
Haven’t we all longed for a relationship with God that would be a part of our experience throughout the day regardless of what we are doing? Regardless of whether or not we happened to be thinking of Him praying,or doing something else. Jesus calls us friends ( John 15:15) and He wants us to live in communion with Him throughout the day. Prayer expresses our relationship with Him and is a deep knowing of being in that relationship. God is present in all of life, even in the darkness. Etty Hillesum found God in the midst of the horrors of the Nazi roundup of Jews. When we are in hard circumstances we can ask Him, “Where are you now in my experience? Unwelcome circumstances of suffering such as heart attacks, are not gifts. But they may contain a gift, and the core of that gift is God’s presence. As we live in openness to God it transforms our lives. Let us be intentional about bringing more of ourselves into the circle of His love that is prayer and communion with Him. As we do this more of His love can flow through us to others as well.
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