Devotions based on David Benner’s book, Opening to God
As we open our hearts to God more and more we need to meet God on His terms not ours. He arranges the encounters! Sometimes God seems hidden or silent, and we feel like we are in a desert and very dry. This is not the result of sin but part of His plan. It is in such times of spiritual dryness that we learn there is nothing we can do to control God or produce His blessings. What ever blessings we do receive is gift of His grace to us. As we wait in the dry places in simple faith, God increases our spiritual hunger and enlarges our soul to receive His love. Then we can see Him not just as a container of our projections and disordered desires but as God. We discover that faith is no longer dependent on our senses and we learn to trust His love in deeper ways. Let us allow God to lead us by desire and work within us His grace.
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