Devotions based on David Benner’s book, Opening to God
We probably have all struggled like the author who read the Scriptures but felt like they were not speaking to where he was at or giving him life. But he discovered an ancient way, Lectio Divina, which was a gift from God to him. It means divine reading or spiritual reading and is an approach to scripture for the purpose of finding a personal message from God. . IT is not that we seek Information or motivation but communion with God. It is more than truths or information. It is a way of opening ourselves to God and to listening to His living word to us. Reading scriptures this way is reading with the heart and spirit open. We read slowly and reverentially, savoring what we hear and listening for His voice to our hearts. Our preparation is to be still and silent and to offer a prayer for the Spirit to help us receive the word. It is exciting to wake up each day and find a personal word from God for us.
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