Devotions from Judy’s heart

We are with our grandkids these days and always a time to learn through them. We were met with lots of hugs and kisses and made so welcome. Grant ( who is 4 ½ years old) loves to tease grandpa and grandpa likes to tease him. So when Grant wants to get even with grandpa, he asks me to spank grandpa and even brings me a big wooden spoon. It is all in jest but sometimes does our heart rejoice when we see others get what they “deserve” when they have done something hurtful?…hummmmm!  And do we hope that we don’t get what we “deserve”?   Sometimes, instead of spanking grandpa I go over and give him a huge long kiss and Grant just giggles and thinks it is so funny! I am so glad that God doesn’t give us what we deserve or He would have His spanking stick out all the time. When we are dealing with others too, there are some times it is better to give the kiss ( loving acts) that can turn them around, when a “spanking” wouldn’t work!  We need wisdom to know when to do that. God may let us suffer the consequences of our hurtful actions, but there are also times He just covers us over with His merciful love and gives us what we totally don’t deserve.  As it says in Ps. 25 “ Remember , O Lord, your great mercy and love…. According to your love remember me, for you are good, O Lord.”