Devotions from Judy’s heart

On our trip to Kansas today, I slept some of the way and also read, so I missed seeing many things along the way. But when I drove I was very engaged and was aware of the signs, the scenery, and even the clouds It made me think of our spiritual journeys and how we are often spectators along the sidelines and not really attentive. We miss so much! But when we enter in with our whole being, life is rich and we find Him in all of life’s happenings. King Solomon addressed the people with a loud voice and told them to fully commit their hearts to the Lord.( I Kings 8:61 ) Moses also told the people: “But if you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Deut 4:29) Let us not just be passive spectators on our spiritual journeys but let us be fully engaged and take in all that the Lord has for us.